Read this today.
The long read: In 2008, many of Barack Obama’s supporters hoped he would bring the global war on terror to a close. Instead, he expanded it – and his successors have done nothing to change course
Drone warfare was put in place by President Obama as so called legal humane warfare. He gave it the legal framework in which it works. Whether its actually legal under international law is different issue. He developed it.
The article agues their is a continuity between Obama and Trump. Both anti war candidates.
Obama from his side wanted to create a form of warfare that had more political oversight , reduced civilian deaths, reduced need for ordinary Americans to die abroad.
The problem is that its not necessarily that humane. Civilians do die. Secondly it leads to a war without end. Obama recognised it would not work to end terror threat. Article says Obama was aware of this danger.
Under Obama more military were being trained as drone operators than actual fighter pilots.
So article puts question whether Biden will end up doing the same.