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Adopted world's most frightened cat

We shampooed the cat last night!

I know it's not a particularly necessary thing to do, but he did smell a bit. And, okay, we thought it would be funny.

We were going to do it in the kitchen sink, but it would be too easy for him to escape so we put him in the bath instead.

This is what we used: http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B003BOHP6E/ref=oh_o01_s00_i00_details

We put a towel down in the bath so he wouldn't slip around too much. We had the water in a bowl so we knew the temperature was okay. The first splash of water was the one he hated the most. He tried to jump out of the bath, clinging helplessly to my arm and shoulder. But he didn't actually scratch me, and he was good about letting us rub in the shampoo.

After rinsing him we picked him up in a towel and dried him. He hid behind the armchair when he was back in the lounge, something he hadn't done in weeks.

But by the end of the evening he was back to his usual social self, only fluffier and more fragrant.


In 30 years of looking after cats, including one who is still alive after 17 of those years, I have never, ever bathed one!

In 30 years of looking after cats, including one who is still alive after 17 of those years, I have never, ever bathed one!

Same as, although I did give my incontinent cat's bottom regular wipes, but certainly never chucked water over them. They're perfectly capable of cleaning themselves

In 30 years of looking after cats, including one who is still alive after 17 of those years, I have never, ever bathed one!

He did smell a bit, probably because we didn't change the cat litter enough.

I would like to take this opportunity to publicly apologize to the cat.
I've made him a new sleeping spot. When we left the empty top drawer of the desk open, he climbed in. So now I've lined it with a small blanket and sprinkled it with catnip, and he seems quite happy curled up there. I know cats like confined spaces...
Why don't people change their cat litter ? :mad:

I clean my cat's litter box once a day, if not then he gets cranky and nobody wants a cranky cat. Get the more pricey, clumping stuff. It lasts for a couple of months and never smells. I get the Best Cat biodegredable stuff, it's excellent, but you have to buy it at a pet store or over the Internet.

I've never had a smelly cat, they are self cleaning, it's in their nature. I only once needed to wash a cat and that was because he got trapped in somebodies cellar and when found was covered in soot.
He did smell a bit, probably because we didn't change the cat litter enough.

I would like to take this opportunity to publicly apologize to the cat.
Give him a chance to clean himself before bathing him, surely?

Not sure cats can read - you should find a better way of apologising to him!
Same as, although I did give my incontinent cat's bottom regular wipes, but certainly never chucked water over them. They're perfectly capable of cleaning themselves
My daughter has to clean the bottom of the 17 year old cat sometimes, for reasons which I don't think need airing on here! :eek: :)
Why don't people change their cat litter ? :mad:

I clean my cat's litter box once a day, if not then he gets cranky and nobody wants a cranky cat. Get the more pricey, clumping stuff. It lasts for a couple of months and never smells. I get the Best Cat biodegredable stuff, it's excellent, but you have to buy it at a pet store or over the Internet.

I've never had a smelly cat, they are self cleaning, it's in their nature. I only once needed to wash a cat and that was because he got trapped in somebodies cellar and when found was covered in soot.
I don't get on with the clumping stuff, despite trying it several times! I find it smells disgusting. One time, I spent a fortune on expensive, deodorised clumping stuff, but it was foul, so I gave it away to a, very grateful, friend.

I keep reverting to the wood chip stuff, which is fine.

I do empty the litter tray at least once a day, but I also have three cats, so that's not surprising. My cats don't seem very good at burying it, either, which doesn't help!

A friend whose cat I fed recently only empties it once every three days, but she seems to be much better at burying shit than my trio.
Well there's no point having them outside the house :hmm:

Get the cat to shit and piss outside, like they're supposed to.

Even the most fastidious housekeeper with an in-house cat khazi has a stinky house!

Many don't realise because they get used to it, but most non-cat people can tell straight away. It doesn't always smell of cat crap, often it just smells cat-like!
Get the cat to shit and piss outside, like they're supposed to.

Even the most fastidious housekeeper with an in-house cat khazi has a stinky house!

Many don't realise because they get used to it, but most non-cat people can tell straight away. It doesn't always smell of cat crap, often it just smells cat-like!

Well yes, I thought you meant put the litter outside which seems pointless.

Maybe imnotsofast isn't doing that yet as the cat needs settling in before being able to go out and disappear and put him in a panic ;)
Get the cat to shit and piss outside, like they're supposed to.

Even the most fastidious housekeeper with an in-house cat khazi has a stinky house!

Many don't realise because they get used to it, but most non-cat people can tell straight away. It doesn't always smell of cat crap, often it just smells cat-like!

and I bet it's never occurred to you that cats could be discussing your smell eh? :p
Seems like you can't really win if you're a cat owner. Either you have a smelly house, or your cats go and shit in the neighbour's garden. Whichever it is, you get criticised for it.
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