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Adopted world's most frightened cat

Get the cat to shit and piss outside, like they're supposed to.

Even the most fastidious housekeeper with an in-house cat khazi has a stinky house!

Many don't realise because they get used to it, but most non-cat people can tell straight away. It doesn't always smell of cat crap, often it just smells cat-like!

Well, he can go outside during the daytime when he wants. So maybe he will get in the habit of toileting outside....
Seems like you can't really win if you're a cat owner. Either you have a smelly house, or your cats go and shit in the neighbour's garden. Whichever it is, you get criticised for it.

It's great living in back to back houses with high walls though as you've no idea whose garden your cat pees in and they've no idea who the cat belongs to :D
Well yes, I thought you meant put the litter outside which seems pointless.

Maybe imnotsofast isn't doing that yet as the cat needs settling in before being able to go out and disappear and put him in a panic ;)

Actually he's great at coming back when we goes outside. The longest he'll be off for is an hour or two.

Apart from that time at the start of the thread when he went missing for two weeks, but that was before he knew he lived here...
Actually he's great at coming back when we goes outside. The longest he'll be off for is an hour or two.

Apart from that time at the start of the thread when he went missing for two weeks, but that was before he knew he lived here...

He may go missing in the summer when he falls asleep in the heat sunbathing ;)
Well, he can go outside during the daytime when he wants. So maybe he will get in the habit of toileting outside....

But if you get him into the habit of dumping in the house won't he think that's normal and keep doing it?

Why would he go out in the cold or rain when he has a nice comfy indoor crapper that you keep cleaning for him???

We had cats when I was a kid. They got put out in the evening and let in when they miowed a bit later. What is it with all these pampered pussies?
But if you get him into the habit of dumping in the house won't he think that's normal and keep doing it?

Why would he go out in the cold or rain when he has a nice comfy indoor crapper that you keep cleaning for him???

We had cats when I was a kid. They got put out in the evening and let in when they miowed a bit later. What is it with all these pampered pussies?

Lots of people keep their cats in the house for 12 weeks until they've had all their jabs. Just because this cat's older, doesn't mean it won't eventually discover the delights of crapping over someone's newly flowered garden
But if you get him into the habit of dumping in the house won't he think that's normal and keep doing it?

Why would he go out in the cold or rain when he has a nice comfy indoor crapper that you keep cleaning for him???

We had cats when I was a kid. They got put out in the evening and let in when they miowed a bit later. What is it with all these pampered pussies?

We had to keep our cat in for months last year for various reasons. Now she's back to being allowed outside she always prefers to go to outside. She hates going in her litter tray and only goes if she has to.

It's got nothing to do with being pampered, sometimes cats need to be kept in for a while for their safety and health. :rolleyes:
Jimmy would rather go outside in the rain that use the litter tray. Spook was the same, she went outside until the day she died.

Geri is an old lady now (15 this year) so I think she deserves to be pampered.
But if you get him into the habit of dumping in the house won't he think that's normal and keep doing it?

Why would he go out in the cold or rain when he has a nice comfy indoor crapper that you keep cleaning for him???

We had cats when I was a kid. They got put out in the evening and let in when they miowed a bit later. What is it with all these pampered pussies?

Well, he's already once taken a dump on the conservatory floor. I worry he would do it a lot more if we took away his litter tray!
Ours prefer pooing in the neighbours garden than the tray. We still have it, but it's only been used once recently, when they got freaked out one morning when there was a strange cat in the garden and one had a 'panic poo'. But at least it wasn't on the floor.
Ours prefer pooing in the neighbours garden than the tray. We still have it, but it's only been used once recently, when they got freaked out one morning when there was a strange cat in the garden and one had a 'panic poo'. But at least it wasn't on the floor.

Taking "not shitting on your own doorstep" a bit far then eh? What's wrong with your garden? :D
We had wondered where they were depositing their crap. Mr shakes spotted stinky doing a big steamy dump next door from the bathroom window last week.

But some other cat got revenge by burying a huge crap in our garden which I discovered while gardening, as I squelched it up in my hand. Puke
We had wondered where they were depositing their crap. Mr shakes spotted stinky doing a big steamy dump next door from the bathroom window last week.

But some other cat got revenge by burying a huge crap in our garden which I discovered while gardening, as I squelched it up in my hand. Puke

Next door neighbour cats obviously also know the rule about not shitting on their own doorstep :D

Glad I only have a container garden
When I moved the litter tray, as part of the process of persuading them to shit outside, she just shat where it had been!

That is EXACTLY what one of ours would do! I know that without even trying to move the litter tray.
To train ours we put soil in the litter tray instead of cat litter. Then they come to see gardens as one big litter tray.
To train ours we put soil in the litter tray instead of cat litter. Then they come to see gardens as one big litter tray.
I would normally do it the other way round and put the litter on the garden, so that outside smells right for them to shit there.
Why don't cats just realise it's better to shit outdoors than in their houses?

Dogs get this. So do most cats that I'm aware of. You lot seem to have retarded pets.
I would normally do it the other way round and put the litter on the garden, so that outside smells right for them to shit there.

well I (or rather my family) have only had two cats, and they were very quickly trained to go outdoors by putting soil in the tray rather than cat litter, and there were no problems after they were trained. I'm sure that different cats need different approaches though!
I did three bad things. In order of seriousness, with the least serious first:

1. I changed the cat's name. He is now called Vincent. This name means more to me, as it reminds me of the person who inspired me to get a cat. His previous name, Haruki, was picked by my housemate and meant nothing to me. And I take more care of the cat than he does.

Vincent doesn't know he's now called Vincent, just as he didn't know when he was called Haruki. He's had several owners and I don't think responds to any name. I'll try to teach him his now, if it's possible with a cat aged one year or older.
I did three bad things. In order of seriousness, with the least serious first:

1. I changed the cat's name. He is now called Vincent. This name means more to me, as it reminds me of the person who inspired me to get a cat. His previous name, Haruki, was picked by my housemate and meant nothing to me. And I take more care of the cat than he does.

Vincent doesn't know he's now called Vincent, just as he didn't know when he was called Haruki. He's had several owners and I don't think responds to any name. I'll try to teach him his now, if it's possible with a cat aged one year or older.

Yeah? What's number two and three?
2. I've twice let my friend bring round her kitten, Kevin, despite knowing it's bad to let another cat into your cat's home.

Vincent is very curious about this small fluffy interloper and takes the occasional swipe, while Kevin is mostly submissive, rolling on his belly or hiding. But sometimes when Vincent is not looking he will get in a little swipe of his own.

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