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Adopted world's most frightened cat

3. Meet Norah. She is staying here for the next 10 days!:

OK, that could be fairly bad. Is 'Vincent' coming in after knowing that Norah is there? And were they introduced first on several short visits? Is Norah a chaser?

Now I know some dogs are particularly oblivious to cats and very laid back, but you don't know Vincent's previous history with dogs. Has he fled to the top of a cupboard in terror or is he just avoiding the dog altogether?

I can't believe you would do something like that when you've only just got this new cat. :facepalm:

If you wanted a dog so you could introduce it to other people's animals etc why didn't you just get a dog instead? :confused:
OK, that could be fairly bad. Is 'Vincent' coming in after knowing that Norah is there? And were they introduced first on several short visits? Is Norah a chaser?

Now I know some dogs are particularly oblivious to cats and very laid back, but you don't know Vincent's previous history with dogs. Has he fled to the top of a cupboard in terror or is he just avoiding the dog altogether?

I can't believe you would do something like that when you've only just got this new cat. :facepalm:

If you wanted a dog so you could introduce it to other people's animals etc why didn't you just get a dog instead? :confused:

The cat was home when the dog arrived. At first he was fine - he didn't move from the centre of the room. But he became more scared later, and hid behind the armchair. At one point he struck the dog when it tried to join him on the sofa.

Now the cat growls and shoots evil looks at the dog, then hisses and arches his back whenever the dog goes near. Today they've been sitting in the same room, but the cat won't let the dog get near. When the dog was outside, the cat wouldn't let him come back in.

The cat is curious - I saw him crawl stealthily across the room to get close to the dog, then hiss when the dog turned innocently round.

The dog just wants to be friends. She's been around cats before. Most of the time she is very mellow, and she can happily be sitting in the same room as a cat without chasing it. Although sometimes when she is in a very excited mood, she might chase.

I was going to say the cat had not met a dog before, but I suppose he has when he's explored neighbouring gardens. And those dogs were likely more hostile than this one.

I think the flat is big enough for them to co-exist, even if that means avoiding each other. The dog will sleep in my bedroom, so the cat has his usual private sleeping space. I've put the cat's food bowl where the dog can't reach it. And the window is open so the cat can go outside in the day.

When we got this cat, we knew there was a possibility we might be asked to look after Norah again, and vowed having a cat wouldn't stop us from doing it. I'd love to have a dog, but life isn't stable enough to commit to one at the moment.

I just wish we could all get along!
I got the cat to sit next to me on the sofa,with the dog curled up on the other side.

When the dog is drowsy and mellow, the cat doesn't mind her so much. It's an excitable, barking dog that the cat really can't cope with.
I got the cat to sit next to me on the sofa,with the dog curled up on the other side.

When the dog is drowsy and mellow, the cat doesn't mind her so much. It's an excitable, barking dog that the cat really can't cope with.
I think we need another title change, the cat doesn't seem that fearful at all.
I think we need another title change, the cat doesn't seem that fearful at all.
If it's any consolation my dog has a massive freakout every time I move somewhere new - sweating, tearing up bedding, trembling, mounting stuff. He always gets over it. Probably the cat was having a cat version of a similar sort of freakout, with all the new circumstances.
Vincent is still sharing the house with Norah, a large and rather nervous English pointer.

Apart from the occasional quick flashpoint, they seem able to tolerate each other pretty well. They follow me from room to room. But if the dog goes too close to the drawer, the cat will sock him one.

Oh! Another corner of the internet where you can post pictures of cats for mutual appreciation.

This little fella was spotted in a shop window in Amsterdam. He clearly was lapping up the attention given to him by passers by - but pretending not to care.

Oh! Another corner of the internet where you can post pictures of cats for mutual appreciation.

This little fella was spotted in a shop window in Amsterdam. He clearly was lapping up the attention given to him by passers by - but pretending not to care.

Fantastic (and VERY like our Nigel!), but wrong thread. You'll be wanting the 'self-indulgent pets' thread!
Update needed :)

I'm so glad I got a cat! The dog left some time ago, and Vincent the cat is now back to his relaxed self. He gives me constant amusement and delight.

In the mornings he throws himself at my feet, brushing against my ankles and rolling over.

He follows me from room to room. I can't have a bath without him scratching at the door. So I'll jump out the bath and open the door to let him in. He's frightened of water, of course, but he'll stand up with his front legs on the top of the bath and peer at me, wondering what I'm doing.

I like how his front legs also function like arms. I like his silly little ears.

I like seeing him in the garden, jumping in the air as he tries to catch flies.

I leave my door open when I go to bed, and he often sleeps next to me. Sometimes he'll climb over me in the night and I'll almost wake up and play with him. Then I'll fall asleep again, and the next day it will seem like I dreamed it.

I took him to Celia Hammond. He was terrified to be out the house, and hid underneath the blanket in the carry-case. The lady at reception said "Oooh, I had a Vincent too". He was given worming tablets, a couple of vaccinations, and flea-repellent cream. His weight was found to be normal, and the vet said judging by his teeth he's coming up to 2 years old.

The one thing wrong with him is he has conjunctivitis or pink-eye. So for the past week I've had to grab him three times a day and put eye-drops into his eyes as he tries to struggle free.

It's quite sad but this is the closest I've come to being a parent, or ever having anybody to look after or care for.
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