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Adopted world's most frightened cat

You're doing really well with the cat, and I delighted that you have become such friends!

But yes, I would chase out the other cat, because you want your cat to feel safe in your house. It's a bit different about them having to share the outside - it's important that your cat has somewhere for themselves, though.

I would get a cat flap, if I were you. That should discourage other cats.

Okay, I'll chase this other cat out if he comes in again. This other cat is enormous, honesty twice the size of ours. Our cat is about a year old so I guess not fully-grown. Or the upstairs tabby cat is just freakishly big.

When the tabby came in last night, I gave it a toy that had been in the catnip jar, and he went nuts for it, rolling on his back and pawwing at it. Our cat looked on quite unhappily.

We can't get a catflap because at the back there's a UPVC conservatory that we couldn't cut through. Maybe I will get a water pistol, to discourage other cats coming in through the window..
Okay, I'll chase this other cat out if he comes in again. This other cat is enormous, honesty twice the size of ours. Our cat is about a year old so I guess not fully-grown. Or the upstairs tabby cat is just freakishly big.

When the tabby came in last night, I gave it a toy that had been in the catnip jar, and he went nuts for it, rolling on his back and pawwing at it. Our cat looked on quite unhappily.

We can't get a catflap because at the back there's a UPVC conservatory that we couldn't cut through. Maybe I will get a water, to discourage other cats coming in through the window..
Now you've identified being fun with being in yours.
although not all cats... we have a cat flap and two cats. In our previous flat it was one of those fancy magnetic ones that's only supposed to let one's own cats in - however, we regularly had three cats and a few times I came home to find FOUR CATS in a big bundle asleep on my bed. The cat hair situation was out of control. :mad:

Very clever are cats!
Yeah, I carefully didn't say that it would definitely keep out all cats. In my old house, we often had an extra one. It can help, though, and keep out all but the most confident cats.
Yes, that wasn't smart, was it. I also tried to get it to chase the laser pointer. Ooops! I just thought two cats = twice the fun. But I did see ours didn't look too happy.
It can work if you feed the two at one time, but you really don't want to do that. I order you not to do that.

Stop doing it.

Why are you doing it?
Also, the guy in the flat upstairs has a huge tabby cat which accesses the garden through the first-floor window overlooking the conservatory. This cat has come in through our window a few times, and I don't think our cat likes it much. Should I shoo this cat away if he comes in again? They are both sharing the garden so I think they had better get used to each other, but this cat coming inside our flat is maybe a bit much from our cat's perspective.

You'll regret letting that other can come in if he starts spraying up the walls and your furniture. Not a good smell at all

He'll probably nick your cat's food as well
You'll regret letting that other can come in if he starts spraying up the walls and your furniture. Not a good smell at all

He'll probably nick your cat's food as well

Spraying = pissing, right? Isn't it only unneutered cats that do this? But I don't know whether upstair cat has or hasn't been, and I'd rather avoid it!

He hasn't been near the food-bowl since he hasn't made it out of the lounge, but I'm sure he would give it a go if we let him in again.

Okay, sounds like I have two options then: Only open the window to let the cat out, or again to let him back in.

Or get a water-pistol!
Yeah make tabby puss fuck off...... It's your cats domain and that's how it shall stay.

I've woken up before to find my cat fighting on top of me in bed with another cat that came in through the cat flap

Can u point me in the right direction of cat friendly laser pointers? I need to get my some new toys as mine ran out of the house with hers wrapped around her neck and it's disappeared...
Yeah make tabby puss fuck off...... It's your cats domain and that's how it shall stay.

I've woken up before to find my cat fighting on top of me in bed with another cat that came in through the cat flap

Can u point me in the right direction of cat friendly laser pointers? I need to get my some new toys as mine ran out of the house with hers wrapped around her neck and it's disappeared...

This is the one I got. Not sure why it is shaped like a mouse:

Spraying = pissing, right? Isn't it only unneutered cats that do this? But I don't know whether upstair cat has or hasn't been, and I'd rather avoid it!

He hasn't been near the food-bowl since he hasn't made it out of the lounge, but I'm sure he would give it a go if we let him in again.

Okay, sounds like I have two options then: Only open the window to let the cat out, or again to let him back in.

Or get a water-pistol!
Or just roar at the usurper when you find him indoors, like you're a big mofo bear or summat. Although I guess that could be difficult if your cat's also there, cos you'll scare both of them which is no good.

I used to chase other cats out of our garden by rushing outside and roaring at them. I felt a bit mean about it but it was the same principle - this side of the fence was my pusscat's territory, and seeing as she's a small cat, it was down to me to assert her rights. :D The neighbours probably thought I was a bit odd.
a few times I came home to find FOUR CATS in a big bundle asleep on my bed.


Spraying = pissing, right? Isn't it only unneutered cats that do this?

'entire' toms do it more, but neutered toms will do occasionally, especially if they are feeling insecure / in a territorial dispute.
Update, a month later: He has become an adorable lap-cat!

Seriously, who knew cats could be so nice?!!? He rubs himself against my ankles when I walk through the room, and spoons my leg when I'm laying on the sofa. And he never minds being picked up.

I obviously didn't know much about cats, because he's become so different to how he was at first. I guess what I describe at the start of this thread is a cat in shock, and he's now settled in.

I've bought a cat-friendly laser pointer, and a big tub of catnip.

We leave the window open a lot so he can come and go as he pleases. It's fun to see him climbing in the tree, walking on the roof of the conservatory, or peaking at me through a hole in the neighbour's garden fence.

One morning he brought in a toad, which was injured but still able to hop around. He was chasing after the poor thing. It was horrible! Perhaps we shouldn't leave the window open at night if we don't want him to bring us gifts?

Also, the guy in the flat upstairs has a huge tabby cat which accesses the garden through the first-floor window overlooking the conservatory. This cat has come in through our window a few times, and I don't think our cat likes it much. Should I shoo this cat away if he comes in again? They are both sharing the garden so I think they had better get used to each other, but this cat coming inside our flat is maybe a bit much from our cat's perspective.

It's best not to let them out at night, that's when they're most likely to get injured, safer to keep them in then
It's best not to let them out at night, that's when they're most likely to get injured, safer to keep them in then

Right... I thought they have more fun / get to hunt when they are out at night, though? But yes, don't really want to leave the window open at night as it makes the whole flat freezing, and we might find a dead or wounded 'present' on the floor in the morning.
Upstairs tabby has appeared a couple of times this evening at the lounge bay windowsill and put his nose up against the window. Our cat sleeping peacefully on the sofa has heard him miaowwing and leapt over onto the desk and eyeballed him through the window. Or perhaps greeted him as his buddy. I don't know, I am not so great at reading what cats are saying. But it did seem like a piss-off kind of noise from our cat. This time the window stayed closed.
Dawn and dusk is when they tend to hunt. To be honest there is not much you can do about that, it's one of the things that comes with being a cat owner.
Right... I thought they have more fun / get to hunt when they are out at night, though? But yes, don't really want to leave the window open at night as it makes the whole flat freezing, and we might find a dead or wounded 'present' on the floor in the morning.
Yup, but it's also when they're more likely to get run over or attacked by foxes so it's best to keep them in a night if you can. It's not every cat that'll let you do that mind :)
Yup, but it's also when they're more likely to get run over or attacked by foxes so it's best to keep them in a night if you can. It's not every cat that'll let you do that mind :)

The cat would have to make some effort to get near a car - well, walking through 20 gardens and climbing a wall. Still I'm sure it's possible.

I've actually seen him right next to a fox at the end of the garden, no more than a couple of feet away. They didn't seem at all bothered or interested in each other, but I'm sure it depends on the situation. Foxes are as common as cats around here.
The cat would have to make some effort to get near a car - well, walking through 20 gardens and climbing a wall. Still I'm sure it's possible.

I've actually seen him right next to a fox at the end of the garden, no more than a couple of feet away. They didn't seem at all bothered or interested in each other, but I'm sure it depends on the situation. Foxes are as common as cats around here.

I never let my cats out the front door but they used to greet me out the front on my return from work. They too would have had to walk over that many gardens and somehow get out the front. Not sure how they did it, but they did (probably going right down to end house in the road)
I've just started to let my cat out a couple of weeks ago. I live on a council estate on the second floor, but due to the unusual architecture of the building our cats can crawl all over the place from the balconies. I was hoping he'd go down to the communal park, but instead he's decided to move sideways, across all my neighbour balconies every day and night. He's chipped, he's got a tag and I've invested in a beepy, blinky pet locator device which my best mate cites as proof that I've lost my mind.
Loving the kitty elevator. :D

I live here:


No lift needed for cats to get around and not as steep a climb as editor's flat.
I never let my cats out the front door but they used to greet me out the front on my return from work. They too would have had to walk over that many gardens and somehow get out the front. Not sure how they did it, but they did (probably going right down to end house in the road)

Hah, that's funny!

I doubt our cat would know the way back here from the front. He's only been in that way once, and that was when we first got him and he was cowering in a box..
I've just started to let my cat out a couple of weeks ago. I live on a council estate on the second floor, but due to the unusual architecture of the building our cats can crawl all over the place from the balconies. I was hoping he'd go down to the communal park, but instead he's decided to move sideways, across all my neighbour balconies every day and night. He's chipped, he's got a tag and I've invested in a beepy, blinky pet locator device which my best mate cites as proof that I've lost my mind.

What, like this?

Loving the kitty elevator. :D

I live here:


No lift needed for cats to get around and not as steep a climb as editor's flat.

I know that estate. I used to buy weed off a guy who lived there when I lived in West Hampstead. He had 2 cats :D
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