I've got a pair of samba's like those.
Love the fact there's still a label on 1 pair.Bored the other day, so had a trainer photo-shoot. Mrs.Griff's Hamburgs are at the back.
Always had this too, but I started buying 9.5 instead of 9 and have not had the issue since.Anyone solved the issue of Adidas that rub and cause blisters? Model is Spezial.
Two pairs!Love the fact there's still a label on 1 pair.
I have some in boxes I've never even taken out.
Two pairs!Love the fact there's still a label on 1 pair.
I have some in boxes I've never even taken out.
Just realised these are sold as cycling shoes and is 2 bolt cleat compatible. Nice... gonna look cool as fuck on my bikeThese popped up in my inbox this morning, never seen them before but quite like them.
View attachment 318453
Yeah, I did the colourway myself...which they don't do any more since people were making relatively ordinary trainers look like rare ones, so I read (maybe on this thread!)I like those custom gazelles!
Pharrell trainersView attachment 318463
I aquired these a couple of years ago in a house clearance. They're currently in storage in NZ and I'm in Stoke. I don't know a huge amount about them but they're apparently quite rare. Size 9's, no use to me. I'd like to part with them in the future....
Mine are so comfortable. Prone to bobbling a bit at the front it seems, however
Do they come with sunglasses?View attachment 320209
These Athens are due out at some point through the size? shop. Don't know when but they get a big like from me!