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Actor Charlie Sheen questions official story of 9/11

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I wonder if Jazzz would start a thread if, say, the bloke who plays Harold Bishop in Neighbours had said that he thought that terrorists were responsible for 9/11?


No? Why not?

Or is it because Jazzz, in his never ending, desperate quest to find a conspiracy theory, is now reduced to posting up the thoughts of irrelevant, overpaid movie stars in the absence of any proper evidence from suitably qualified experts who actually have a fucking clue what it is they're talking about?

What next? Alan Titchmarsh says, "the Moon Landings were a hoax?"
And, more importantly, what would Charles Hawtrey have said about 9/11?


After all, he was more famous in the UK than Charlie Sheen so his uninformed opinion must surely be more important here, eh Jazzz?
Ninjaboy said:
whatever harold says about 911, i bet his cheeks wobbled a lot when he said it :cool:
But what does that mean? Does it represent the explosives going off in the twin towers?

As Jazz has highlighted, we must know what celebrities think about 9/11 because they must surely be the key to the truth.

Maybe they should commission a 9/11 Big Brother series where the celebrity with the best conspiracy theory wins?
strummerville said:
Yes but more and more people are actually questioning the discrepencies in the evidence. The more you look at it the more it doesn't add up. And that doesn't mean you buy into the whole conspiracy theory shite either. But surely it's worthy of some sort of sensible debate? WT7 collapse is completely bizzarre and the theories trotted out by the US Administration dont stand up to proper scrutinity.
Yes strummerville, and Sheen phrases it very well when he says 'if there's a problem with WTC7 there's a problem with the whole thing'.

For those who are suggesting that high profile entertainment figures are of no significance in political issues... well get your head out of your arses and remember the role of Woodstock in the Vietnam war, or Bob Marley, or John Lennon... but of course Bob Geldof is fine eh.

Sheen's enlisting of the 9/11 sceptic ranks is massive and could well represent the 'tipping point'. The CNN show is being hailed as the first fair airing of the 9/11 issue. I know this is probably going to be hard to take for some who have been demanding 'if it's true why haven't the media being doing it' for years while it's been patiently pointed out that the internet is way ahead, but the question is, are we going to wake up now and accept the issue here, or are we going to have to be dragged kicking and screaming?

CNN has a poll going on whether people agree with the statement "Do you agree with Charlie Sheen that the U.S. government covered up the real events of the 9/11 attacks?" - at present yes is winning 72%-28%. :)
Jazzz said:
For those who are suggesting that high profile entertainment figures are of no significance in political issues... well get your head out of your arses and remember the role of Woodstock in the Vietnam war, or Bob Marley, or John Lennon... but of course Bob Geldof is fine eh.
Remind me again what Charlie Sheen has actually achieved thus far in the world of politics?

What issues has he stood up for?
What causes has he fought for?

You see, outside of his acting, I only know of Sheen through his drinking, his cocaine habit and his involvement with prostitutes.

Seeing as you're putting him on a par with Geldof, Marley and Lennon, perhaps you might highlight his great campaign work thus far?
Jazzz said:
Yes strummerville, and Sheen phrases it very well when he says 'if there's a problem with WTC7 there's a problem with the whole thing'.

For those who are suggesting that high profile entertainment figures are of no significance in political issues... well get your head out of your arses and remember the role of Woodstock in the Vietnam war, or Bob Marley, or John Lennon... but of course Bob Geldof is fine eh.

Sheen's enlisting of the 9/11 sceptic ranks is massive and could well represent the 'tipping point'. The CNN show is being hailed as the first fair airing of the 9/11 issue. I know this is probably going to be hard to take for some who have been demanding 'if it's true why haven't the media being doing it' for years while it's been patiently pointed out that the internet is way ahead, but the question is, are we going to wake up now and accept the issue here, or are we going to have to be dragged kicking and screaming?

CNN has a poll going on whether people agree with the statement "Do you agree with Charlie Sheen that the U.S. government covered up the real events of the 9/11 attacks?" - at present yes is winning 72%-28%. :)

Good post mate, very relevant observations by yourself.
editor said:
I wonder if Jazzz would start a thread if, say, the bloke who plays Harold Bishop in Neighbours had said that he thought that terrorists were responsible for 9/11?

I should imagine approximately zero americans know of this man you talk of.

Like i mentioned to you earlier mate, we live in an era of celebrity obsession, worship, wonderment, call it what you will.

Sheen spoke, cnn reported, jazzz informs us of the poll of americans thoughts on the events. Americans love their movie stars, and will listen to what they say much more than a gore vidal or a noam chomsky.

Celebrities get listened to precisely coz they are celebrities. That's the significance of jazzz's thread, and thus far you've not grasped this.
editor said:
Remind me again what Charlie Sheen has actually achieved thus far in the world of politics?

What issues has he stood up for?
What causes has he fought for?

You see, outside of his acting, I only know of Sheen through his drinking, his cocaine habit and his involvement with prostitutes.

Totally irrelevant to what sheen is saying. You're character assassinating rather than listening to the message. Classic debate-spoiling.

And in any case, if thus far he's not stood up for anything, perhaps he's recently decided to start. Everyone has to begin somewhere.

Also, you're not american, sheen is, and americans are listening to him, even if you're not. What you know of him is irrelevant, coz you are irrelevant. We all are if we have no fame.
As Mr sheen as far as I am aware is not an architect,structal engineer or
Demolition expert .Just because he thinks the explanation for wtc 7 coming down is dodgy does not mean its wrong .
Sod 911 I'm interested in the expert opinion of Cleb Big Brother Chantelle about the composition of vaccines. She may not be a biochemist but I'm sure her opinion means something.
Has anyone asked Graham Norton for his opinion about the structural integrity of the WTC? And if not, why not?

After all, he's a celeb too!

Jazzz said:
CNN has a poll going on whether people agree with the statement "Do you agree with Charlie Sheen that the U.S. government covered up the real events of the 9/11 attacks?" - at present yes is winning 72%-28%. :)

the point being?
Doesn't approx the same proportion of American believe in God? (so that means God exists using your logic?)
Add other spurious polls here . . .
Jazzz said:
CNN has a poll going on whether people agree with the statement "Do you agree with Charlie Sheen that the U.S. government covered up the real events of the 9/11 attacks?" - at present yes is winning 72%-28%. :)
Yes, because online polls are the best way to get a statistically accurate picture of the general population's views and are not at all subject to being skewed by being linked to on every fruitloop site on the internet :rolleyes:
Talking of Charlies, what about Charlie Dimmock's opinion about the invisible pods firing invisible missiles into an building invisibly wired with invisible explosives?


After all, she's a qualified amenity horticulturalist as well as a celeb, so that must make her opinion on 9/11 doubly good. Or something.

Be sure to fax her immediately for her opinion, Jazzz, as it's vital to know what pop stars, movie actors and celebs are thinking about 9/11.

(Now there's an idea for a mag: "Celebrity 9/11 Heat!").
In Bloom said:
But where does Bill Bailey fit into all this?
Good point.

More importantly, what does Michael Caine think?

He's made more films than Charlie Sheen, therefore his structural analysis and insights into the demolition techniques of the WTC must be more important than Sheen's.
editor said:
Good point.

More importantly, what does Michael Caine think?

He's made more films than Charlie Sheen, therefore his structural analysis and insights into the demolition techniques of the WTC must be more important than Sheen's.

I agree there Ed. After all Caine does know about explosives as witnessed when he said 'you're only supposed to blow the bloody door off!' I think t hat he should definitely be listened to.
KeyboardJockey said:
I agree there Ed. After all Caine does know about explosives as witnessed when he said 'you're only supposed to blow the bloody door off!' I think t hat he should definitely be listened to.
Hang on. Explosives?

There can only be one expert celeb worth consulting here.

Someone get Bruce Willis on the line!

His films are stuffed full of big explosions, so he must be an absolute expert by now.
editor said:
Because I don't give a flying fuck what Charlie Sheens has to say about anything (unless he's in a film.)

Unless he's got some special scientific qualifications that allow him to offer a meaningful insight, his words means as much to me as Hilda Ogden.


You started a thread about it, so have the courtesy to explain the importance of it please.

For something of supposed little importance you seem rather ruffled.
DoUsAFavour said:
For something of supposed little importance you seem rather ruffled.
You think I'm posting up a picture of Hilda Ogden because I'm "ruffled"?!

Bwahahaha!!!! :D

I'm having a laugh mate. Laughing my head off at the sad and ridiculous lengths that conspiraloons will go to in their desperate quest to find someone - anyone - to believe their fact-free fantasies.

If Jazzz has posted up the findings of a peer reviewed academic study I'd pay attention.

But if a fucking Hollywood actor's the best he can do, you can expect more Hildas to appear because her opinion on 9/11 is every bit as valid - and as irrelevant - to the 'truth' about 9/11 as ol' Charlie boys.
Techno303 said:
Great thread!


Personally i think it's pathetic. The likes of editor are deliberately trying to ruin a thread. I'd say it's probably against the faq. But editor can do what he wants. In bloom too should be ashamed of his contributions.

Funny this, jazzz has a great point, starts a great thread, and then editor just comes along and ruins it, along with any old posters who decide to add to the total inanity editor is contributing.

Editor bangs on about how conspiracy theories will ruin his website. I'd say the ridiculous, puerile, inane bullshit as posted by him on this thread along with others who wish to play the same game will ruin his political forums.

What's left to ruin that is. They're not a fucking patch on two years ago.
editor said:
I'm having a laugh mate. Laughing my head off at the sad and ridiculous lengths that conspiraloons will go to in their desperate quest to find someone - anyone - to believe their fact-free fantasies.

What about your pathetic and sad and ridiculous attempts to derail this thread eh? Look at your ownself before deigning to judge others. Jazzz displays honesty in his postings you could only dream of.
DoUsAFavour said:
For something of supposed little importance you seem rather ruffled.

He is ruffled mate. He's banged on about the fact that the mainstream media don't talk about 911 and therefore it must be just an internet conspiracy theory. For years.

Suddenly jazzz has provided the forum the results of a poll by perhaps the most mainstream of all media in the world. He's on a losing wicket but he has no grace whatsoever to admit to it.

Furthermore, in this day and age of celebrity obsession, where anything they say is seized upon by the media, one such celebrity has spoken out.

But editor continues to do the most perfect impersonation of an ostrich imaginable.
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