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Actor Charlie Sheen questions official story of 9/11

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the truth don't care
Yahoo! video

"It is up to us to reveal the truth. It is up to us because we owe it to the families, we owe it to the victims. We owe it to everybody's life who was drastically altered, horrifically that day and forever. We owe it to them to uncover what happened." Charlie Sheen

Well said!

edited to add: here is a link to the full CNN piece
Oh well, if Charlie Sheen says something, the world should listen.

What a news event! Well worthy of a thread of its own!

Hold the front page - an actor's got an opinion!

Does he believe any of your pod-tastic, invisible missile, invisible explosives, FBI Mike Yarwood yarns, by the way?
Jazzz said:
Why don't you watch the video before demanding answers off me editor?
Because I don't give a flying fuck what Charlie Sheens has to say about anything (unless he's in a film.)

Unless he's got some special scientific qualifications that allow him to offer a meaningful insight, his words means as much to me as Hilda Ogden.


You started a thread about it, so have the courtesy to explain the importance of it please.
It's not just Charlie Sheen. It's Webster Tarpley, too. And he's written a book about it. A gap in the market, obviously. :eek:
Editor please dont jump down my throat but why are you SO opposed to people questioning the events of 9/11?? I think this thread is relevant not least because it was on CNN, so a massive number of people have heard what Mr Sheen had to say (as opposed to most loony conspiracies) there have been far less significant news stories posted here that didnt require a justification for being posted in the first place
Jazzz said:
Yahoo! video

"It is up to us to reveal the truth. It is up to us because we owe it to the families, we owe it to the victims. We owe it to everybody's life who was drastically altered, horrifically that day and forever. We owe it to them to uncover what happened." Charlie Sheen

Well said!

Well, he is Martin Sheen's son.
Johnny Canuck2 said:
Well, he is Martin Sheen's son.
And he was very good in Spin City.

He played the youthful deputy mayor of New York City in that, which is quite a qualification for theorising about the events of the eleventh of September, 2001.

That was when a group of Islamist terrorists destroyed the World Trade Centre in New York City, and committed other terrorist outrages, which led to the violent deaths of thousands of working people of many nations.
editor said:
Oh well, if Charlie Sheen says something, the world should listen.

What a news event! Well worthy of a thread of its own!

Hold the front page - an actor's got an opinion!

Does he believe any of your pod-tastic, invisible missile, invisible explosives, FBI Mike Yarwood yarns, by the way?

:D :D :D spot on
max_freakout said:
Editor please dont jump down my throat but why are you SO opposed to people questioning the events of 9/11?? I think this thread is relevant not least because it was on CNN, so a massive number of people have heard what Mr Sheen had to say (as opposed to most loony conspiracies) there have been far less significant news stories posted here that didnt require a justification for being posted in the first place
Because it's all been said before. The 9/11 conspiracy theories have been rehashed again and again, there's nothing more to discuss, what's the point?
Yes but more and more people are actually questioning the discrepencies in the evidence. The more you look at it the more it doesn't add up. And that doesn't mean you buy into the whole conspiracy theory shite either. But surely it's worthy of some sort of sensible debate? WT7 collapse is completely bizzarre and the theories trotted out by the US Administration dont stand up to proper scrutinity.
In Bloom said:
Because it's all been said before. The 9/11 conspiracy theories have been rehashed again and again, there's nothing more to discuss, what's the point?

No. In this day and age great importance is attached to becoming famous, being famous, chasing fame, and if you can't get fame then following the lives of famouse people avidly. That is the modern day.

So the point to this thread is that here is a famous person saying that the events of 911 sound dodgy to him. People will listen to him coz he's famous. They won't listen to you or me coz we're not famous.

And we know how much politicians covet big names in showbiz and sport. They reckon they can garner good votes from such associations.

The sad fact these days is that who speaks is usually more important than what is being spoken. Hence the interest that this actor is speaking.

And hey mate, if there's nothing more to discuss, get off the discussion.
strummerville said:
Yes but more and more people are actually questioning the discrepencies in the evidence. The more you look at it the more it doesn't add up. And that doesn't mean you buy into the whole conspiracy theory shite either.

More and more are indeed doing that strummerville. And not least coz we're now getting some comfortable distance in terms of time from the events of that day. The discussion climate is changing, especially and obviously in america, and therefore in britain.

Other parts of the world have questioned the huge amount of coincidences in the officially stated version of events and in what happened for years now. At last folk in the anglo-speaking western countries are waking up!

As for the 'conspiracy theory' of 911, well that's a red herring mate. Questioning the events as we're told about them by the USG is simply asking lots of questions. It's not even about any fucking theory at all! Asking why so much intelligence was ignored is not a theory, it's a question! Have a look at my FBI thread in htis forum for more dodginess that many people are asking questions about.

Asking questions is not conspiracy theory. And it's fucking amazing that this is what popular discourse has described it as.

The dam is leaking wee droplets, not so very long now before this turns into a deluge, and thereafter the walls will be smashed down. Momemtum, that's all. And the more famous people that speak out, the more the questions will be asked by the more people. Then the fun begins!
editor said:
Oh well, if Charlie Sheen says something, the world should listen.

What a news event! Well worthy of a thread of its own!

Hold the front page - an actor's got an opinion!

Whether you like it or not editor, it's the world you live in. Your country and america are obsessed with famous people, actors at the front of this obsession. Yes, front pages are devoted to their actions and their words, so indeed, hold the front page.

If a couple dozen more actors came and said the same thing, the anglo-speaking media would suddenly put 911 back in the public discourse. And when that happens, then all those extremely dodgy coincidences would be questioned, and the relevant people would have to start providing answers.

Question for you: one coincidence is surely just that. Two, maybe no problem. But three and we must start to question if it is in fact coincidence. But if not three, then how many? How many coincidences do we need in one day or in one event before we reject them from being coincidence?
Fullyplumped said:
And he was very good in Spin City.

He played the youthful deputy mayor of New York City in that, which is quite a qualification for theorising about the events of the eleventh of September, 2001.

That was when a group of Islamist terrorists destroyed the World Trade Centre in New York City, and committed other terrorist outrages, which led to the violent deaths of thousands of working people of many nations.

He also used to serial boink Heidi Fleiss and her girls while under the influence of intoxicating substances.
In Bloom said:
Because it's all been said before. The 9/11 conspiracy theories have been rehashed again and again, there's nothing more to discuss, what's the point?

Returning to your post mate, i agree in a way. I certainly don't want to discuss conspiracy theories, never have. They're boring and too fantastical.

But what about all the coincidences? What about all the dodgy actions by so many people? What about all the questions that don't get answers?

That's a different subject matter completely. And it's rarely discussed here coz the threads get hijacked by this CT nonsense.

For instance, why did the agent who uncovered massaoui (currently on his sentencing trial for his part in the hijackings) repeatedly get knocked back by his FBI bosses in washington a month or so before the attacks? He wanted a warrant to search the man. Of course, had he been given one, there is a great chance the plot would have been foiled. Not only the FBI ignored him. So did the secret service and the FAA. Check my thread for more details.

This is not in the realm of stupid conspiracy thoery bullshit. It's legitimate questioning based on rational thinking and expectations based on logic that we use to guide and make sense of our lives.
Johnny Canuck2 said:
He also used to serial boink Heidi Fleiss and her girls while under the influence of intoxicating substances.

Hey johnny, fuck off man. A man who has sex and likes drugs cannot think about world affairs? You didn't say that i know, but it's obvious you're leading readers down that path.

And it's fucking bullshit.
In Bloom said:
Because it's all been said before. The 9/11 conspiracy theories have been rehashed again and again, there's nothing more to discuss, what's the point?

Because our leaders are still using it as the justification for their barbaric policies at home and abroad.

And it seems to me like Mr Bush mentions it every time his approval ratings are lagging, he even invoked 9/11 in his campaign for reelection, soo it is still a very important issue
fela fan said:
Hey johnny, fuck off man. A man who has sex and likes drugs cannot think about world affairs? You didn't say that i know, but it's obvious you're leading readers down that path.

And it's fucking bullshit.

No, I'm thinking, maybe he knows of which he speaks.

You know, in vino veritas and all that.
max_freakout said:
Because our leaders are still using it as the justification for their barbaric policies at home and abroad.

And it seems to me like Mr Bush mentions it every time his approval ratings are lagging, he even invoked 9/11 in his campaign for reelection, soo it is still a very important issue

But what in bloom said has to be challenged. The topic of 911 has not been done to death at all. Here on urban 'conspiracy theory' of it has happened a lot, only coz it hijacks meaningful debate.

But regarding all the logical questions that need asking, with the absence of answers, this needs to enter the mainstream media. Then we might be allowed to discuss it here on urban too without the fear of a bin at every moment.

Famous people speaking out might just be the kickstart the inert media need.

And your first paragraph mate: that of course is why 911 was so so good for bush and his cronies... obl couldn't have been nicer to bush...
Frankly, I don't really care what Charlie Sheen says about 911. It's true that a drunkard or rake can still ponder weighty matters, but Mr. Sheen's popularity as a movie star doesn't qualify him to me as someone whose opinion I should value or even take note of.
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