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Accused rapist Ched Evans to be released from prison

Unless she went into the witness box and I said 'I don't remember' to every question under cross examination it is inevitable (if the defense barrister is a sharp cookie, and I'm sure he was) she would have simply had to 'add' to her initial statement. And no matter how strong the case looks on paper, if it is to come unglued, it will almost always begin in the witness box.

Pure speculation.
Unless she went into the witness box and I said 'I don't remember' to every question under cross examination it is inevitable (if the defense barrister is a sharp cookie, and I'm sure he was) she would have simply had to 'add' to her initial statement. And no matter how strong the case looks on paper, if it is to come unglued, it will almost always begin in the witness box.

Where was her handbag during this

I'm not sure about that. This piece by Vera Baird has been linked to. Whilst she doesn't directly question the judge or court of appeal, she clearly thinks the admission of the sexual history went against the intentions of the legislation she was involved with.
We cannot allow the courts to judge rape by sexual history | Vera Baird
Sure, but plenty of other law professionals disagree with Vera Baird (who is also a women's rights activist) and as you say she stops well short of saying the decision was wrong.
Who was personally attacking Pacman? :hmm: Can these personal attacks be quoted please? I see what they posted being challenged and then someone saying that they shouldn't feel personally attacked.

Maybe Bimble is psychic? I find it very difficult writing as Im partially sighted, perspective is often skewed, my MH has deteriorated. I have a paranoid petsonality disorder, so i was actually grateful that bimble wrote what she did even though nobody really attacked me, It reminded me not to take things to heart and be overly sensative.
Maybe Bimble is psychic? I find it very difficult writing as Im partially sighted, perspective is often skewed, my MH has deteriorated. I have a paranoid petsonality disorder, so i was actually grateful that bimble wrote what she did even though nobody really attacked me, It reminded me not to take things to heart and be overly sensative.

I'm glad it helped you feel better. However, you were not being personally attacked so creating the situation in which there is a belief that you were is really manipulative and dishonest.
Men's Rights Activist. Have a google. You're being accused of it because your posts show you to be very worried that women will maliciously make false accusations against innocent men.

A worry that hasn't yet been borne out in 40+ years of research. The rate of false accusation doesn't appear to have changed with regard to any piece of legislation applied.
... Im partially sighted, perspective is often skewed, my MH has deteriorated. I have a paranoid petsonality disorder...

And you still did a better job of cobbling together a semi-coherent position than some of the contributors to this thread.;)
I'm glad it helped you feel better. However, you were not being personally attacked so creating the situation in which there is a belief that you were is really manipulative and dishonest.
If I said 'good afternoon' you'd suspect me of evil hidden intent because there's nothing particularly good about the afternoon is there look at it it's crap so what am I up to. :D
Any more of your ridiculous open letter posts protesting her innocence when anyone calls her on anything and I have promised to be just as ridiculous and threaten to duff you up.
Fuck that. I'm staying out of it between you two.

Although she did buy me a few beers last week .....
If I said 'good afternoon' you'd suspect me of evil hidden intent because there's nothing particularly good about the afternoon is there look at it it's crap so what am I up to. :D

If I said 'good afternoon' you'd suspect me of evil hidden intent because there's nothing particularly good about the afternoon is there look at it it's crap so what am I up to. :D
yeh. but by contrast if i said good afternoon, you'd know i meant 'it is a good afternoon'. because it is.
Men's Rights Activist. Have a google. You're being accused of it because your posts show you to be very worried that women will maliciously make false accusations against innocent men.

Sorry i came across that way, I dont expect there to be hoards of women making false rape accusations. I just find the decison to charge him in the first place frightening for many other sexual active teenagers out getting pissed at the weekend and engaging in sex but too drunk to give consent, how the hell are youngsters to know what too drunk to consent is?
Sorry i came across that way, I dont expect there to be hoards of women making false rape accusations. I just find the decison to charge him in the first place frightening for many other sexual active teenagers out getting pissed at the weekend and engaging in sex but too drunk to give consent, how the hell are youngsters to know what too drunk to consent is?
hordes of women. hoards are different.
I'm glad it helped you feel better. However, you were not being personally attacked so creating the situation in which there is a belief that you were is really manipulative and dishonest.

It wasnt me who complained of being attacked, it was bimble who suggested others went easy on me..not me..so pls kindly fuck off calling me manipulative and dishinest two things I am not.
It wasnt me who complained of being attacked, it was bimble who suggested others went easy on me..not me..so pls kindly fuck off calling me manipulative and dishinest two things I am not.
No it's me she's accusing of those things not you.
Rutita1 it's good to know you're always up for a reminding me what a horrible person I am but I'm not up for a fight today, sorry.
WTF I have just been accused iof creating a situation that i didnt create, being manipulative and dishonest..what is the no no no for, i cant tell somebody to fuck off who calles me manipulative and dishonest?
not judging by your recent behaviour you can't, not when you tell someone to fuck off who hasn't called you manipulative and dishonest.
Sorry i came across that way, I dont expect there to be hoards of women making false rape accusations. I just find the decison to charge him in the first place frightening for many other sexual active teenagers out getting pissed at the weekend and engaging in sex but too drunk to give consent, how the hell are youngsters to know what too drunk to consent is?
Maybe they should err on the side of caution?
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