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Accused rapist Ched Evans to be released from prison

WTF I have just been accused iof creating a situation that i didnt create, being manipulative and dishonest..what is the no no no for, i cant tell somebody to fuck off who calles me manipulative and dishonest?
No. You haven't.

Rutita was posting that to Bimble.

They have a strange relationship on here.
Disengenious cunts and abusive horrible bastartds that go out of their way to deliberataly upset others with serious health problems that are just as bad as the conduct of Evans and his snide behaviour on the, calulating cold and without feelings. So whoever it was who accused me of being manipulative and dishonest you fall into that category.
Disengenious cunts and abusive horrible bastartds that go out of their way to deliberataly upset others with serious health problems that are just as bad as the conduct of Evans and his snide behaviour on the, calulating cold and without feelings. So whoever it was who accused me of being manipulative and dishonest you fall into that category.

Are you reading what's being posted?
Disengenious cunts and abusive horrible bastartds that go out of their way to deliberataly upset others with serious health problems that are just as bad as the conduct of Evans and his snide behaviour on the, calulating cold and without feelings. So whoever it was who accused me of being manipulative and dishonest you fall into that category.
have you been on the booze? no one's called you manipulative or dishonest. but i'll be your huckleberry.
yeh, well granted it is rubbish compared with your ongoing vendetta against bimble. proper professional shitstirring, that is.

Sorry i read that persons post completley wrong, i see what i did.. like i said i have a paranoid personality disorder, (welcome to my world) im sorry for my above rant pls accept my appologies for calling that Ruitita 1 behavious similar to that of Evans..

No biggie. :)

You were not being personally attacked yesterday, nor have I attacked you today. Glad we are now clear.
Sorry i came across that way, I dont expect there to be hoards of women making false rape accusations. I just find the decison to charge him in the first place frightening for many other sexual active teenagers out getting pissed at the weekend and engaging in sex but too drunk to give consent, how the hell are youngsters to know what too drunk to consent is?

By following rules of thumb. I certainly knew aged 17-19 when someone was totally fucked. I was taught by my friends/peers to watch out for friends (and strangers) who were too fucked and to look after them. I suppose some of that comes from the Peace, Love, Unity, Respect vibe of raving but even at raves/nightclubs you can see sexual predators looking for women who are falling over but still able to talk/dance (in a manner of speaking anyway).

Ask yourself, if that was my friend/sister, would I feel happy leaving them to their own devices or would I think they need someone to keep an eye on them, make sure they get home safely? If the latter then they are too wasted to consent. If you're not sure, don't. The line may be blurry but it's not that difficult and it's easy to be cautious.
If someone is also wasted then they have a reasonable excuse to not be able to recognise the signs. Otherwise no excuse, only if the person happens to be able to hold things together outwardly well enough and aren't showing any of the signs we all know such as:

semi conscious / unconscious
unable to talk coherently
unable to walk (without support)
eyes pointing in different directions
walks straight off pavement into road as unable to distinguish between the two

definite no-no

then the edges of it

slurred speech
repeating conversations just had
unable to walk in a straight line
difficulty walking at all
glazed/blurry eyes
unable to maintain eye contact

then all the personal stuff that you only know when you know the person such as them getting louder/quieter or things like that.

Really it's not hard. It needs to be taught to teenagers in schools, but consent / sex education is generally pretty shit so not much hope there. Otherwise it needs to be taught by peers when teenagers start going out and via media/social media. The signs that someone is beyond being able to consent are the same as the signs someone needs to be looked after to make sure they get home safely.
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Maybe this country has a particularly bad risk / problem because drinking to the point of serious drunkenness is kind of 'normal' here, more normal than most places anyway - a good night out and getting totally wasted often confused as the same thing. I wouldn't want to hazard a guess at what % of young people who have sex having met that night are either one of them sober.
The signs that someone is beyond being able to consent are the same as the signs someone needs to be looked after to make sure they get home safely.
Totally sound that as the basic rule. Depends on being able to look at women as actual people that you care about not conquests , but that's a whole other challenge.
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