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A thank you to Brexiteers.

The Guardian adds another vital theme to its middle-class narratives - pet passports, roaming charges and, for gods sake, won't someone think of the school ski trips:

Zero sympathy for posh people whose children's ski trips would be canceled because of Brexit, would be a bonus if they ended up being forced to spend their money on a getaway in Britain instead.

But as that badly written Guardian story eventually mentions, and another one linked to in the text makes clearer, the ski holidays will be proceeding, except with local staff hired as instructors etc. instead of the seasonal British workers traditionally hired, including bar staff and chalet cleaners.

So the downside, apart from the children of the elite experiencing the horror of having a non-British ski instructor, is an estimated 25,000 British seasonal workers losing their winter gigs, and the upside is ... ?
they can drive lorries and vans instead?

Or is the idea we have the wrong kinds of shortages (drivers!), and the wrong kind of unemployed (25,000 ski instructors!), and it's all the fault of bigots and racists who just want everyone to drown in the Hitler Channel.
The French call chocolate teacakes "negro heads". Which I think tells you everything you need to know about Brexit.

So did the Germans (Mohrenkopf) but they haven’t been for some time now. One Swiss company is trying to retain the name but is finding itself on the wrong side of history:

As mentioned upthread (and as is quite well known more generally) there are approximately fuckloads of vacancies these days for care and support staff. And while as a nation we choose to have our elderly and disabled family members cared for in facilities rather than in our family homes, there will remain many, many vacancies for anyone with patience and empathy who needs a job.
As mentioned upthread (and as is quite well known more generally) there are approximately fuckloads of vacancies these days for care and support staff. And while as a nation we choose to have our elders cared for in facilities rather than in our family homes, there will remain many, many vacancies for anyone with patience and empathy who needs a job.
No vacancies for investment bankers.
Zero sympathy for posh people whose children's ski trips would be canceled because of Brexit, would be a bonus if they ended up being forced to spend their money on a getaway in Britain instead.

But as that badly written Guardian story eventually mentions, and another one linked to in the text makes clearer, the ski holidays will be proceeding, except with local staff hired as instructors etc. instead of the seasonal British workers traditionally hired, including bar staff and chalet cleaners.

So the downside, apart from the children of the elite experiencing the horror of having a non-British ski instructor, is an estimated 25,000 British seasonal workers losing their winter gigs, and the upside is ... ?
Predictably the Guardian has run the same story three times over in the past three years
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