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A song of ice and fire (AKA the spoiler thread)

I finished ADWD, well last week. I presume John hasn't actually been killed. Fucked up for sure. But he wouldn't have had him attacked at the end, just to kill him off, surely. That would be all kinds of dramatic wrongness. Anyway, he's either one of Robert's Bastards or Aries I reckon. (Although I can't remember what John looks like. Is he described particularly.)

Has Brienne killed Jamie

Reak, Reak, it rymes with eek. Are the Boltons gonna get it in the next book I wonder.

Right, starting Dances With Dragons...

That's a bit coincidental . I honestly didn't post here because you bumped it. In fact I used the search function to find the thread again. I know it's the spoiler thread but I would have left it a bit had I seen your post first. Of course, if you've read this, bit late now.
Jon is described as looking much more 'Stark' than any of Ned's legitimate children, with the exception of Arya. Sansa and the others all take after their Tully mother. The most common fan speculation is that he's the son of Lyanna Stark and Rhaegar Targaryen (making him Dany's nephew, and grandson to the mad king).
I'm gonna go back over a couple of bits. Didn't Mellicinda practically tell John who his mother was. Or someone did.

This is probably what comes of reading down the pub.
That's a bit coincidental . I honestly didn't post here because you bumped it. In fact I used the search function to find the thread again. I know it's the spoiler thread but I would have left it a bit had I seen your post first. Of course, if you've read this, bit late now.

No worries I already knew the Jon thing -can't resist a spoiler no matter how much I try :)
Bran didn't crop up much yet in A Dance with dragons, but he seems to be the most interesting character so far............

I predict (I haven't got to the end of the book yet) he will become a dragon or at least be able to control it wrag style.....

In future books at least
I gave up on A Dance With Dragons a third of the way in. It's way too baggy and far too many new characters to care about. i wanted to know what was happening with the remnants of the Stark family, not all these Dorne and Targaeren pretenders.
Got fed up of Martin's tiresome fake mediaeval language too. I only really rated three of the books, A Game Of Thrones, A Clash Of Kings and A Storm Of Swords. The latter half of A Storm Of Swords is possibly the most exciting plots I've ever read. Loads of 'What? Nooo/Yesss!' moments.
The series has jumped the shark and also my resolve has been somewhat battered after learning there a two more books in the series. Martin will probably be dead before he finishes, so it's time to cut my losses and move on to reading something else.
I gave up on A Dance With Dragons a third of the way in. It's way too baggy and far too many new characters to care about. i wanted to know what was happening with the remnants of the Stark family, not all these Dorne and Targaeren pretenders.
Got fed up of Martin's tiresome fake mediaeval language too. I only really rated three of the books, A Game Of Thrones, A Clash Of Kings and A Storm Of Swords. The latter half of A Storm Of Swords is possibly the most exciting plots I've ever read. Loads of 'What? Nooo/Yesss!' moments.
The series has jumped the shark and also my resolve has been somewhat battered after learning there a two more books in the series. Martin will probably be dead before he finishes, so it's time to cut my losses and move on to reading something else.

I would at least read all the Jon Snow chapters. Also Cersei's brief appearance is good and Ser Barristan gets a bit of page space towards the end. The epilogue has a nice twist in it.

The rest I could take or leave, but I think he's just setting the pieces up for the final act.
Oops, I just deleted it n all, but I read about what happens anyway.

Shame. The Cersei chapter in particular is well written (if a bit sadistic, but it's Cersei so that's ok). And the Wildling chief Jon negotiates with is quite entertaining, a bit of a Brian Blessed type.
I gave up on A Dance With Dragons a third of the way in. It's way too baggy and far too many new characters to care about. i wanted to know what was happening with the remnants of the Stark family, not all these Dorne and Targaeren pretenders.
Got fed up of Martin's tiresome fake mediaeval language too. I only really rated three of the books, A Game Of Thrones, A Clash Of Kings and A Storm Of Swords. The latter half of A Storm Of Swords is possibly the most exciting plots I've ever read. Loads of 'What? Nooo/Yesss!' moments.
The series has jumped the shark and also my resolve has been somewhat battered after learning there a two more books in the series. Martin will probably be dead before he finishes, so it's time to cut my losses and move on to reading something else.

No Leyalty you people... *coughs*
Wish I'd waited till he'd finished them...read them all in ten days then found I have to wait years for the next ones.
I just finished Dance with Dragons and yeah, it was pretty disappointing. The pacing was completely shot, with the first half of the book focussing on Stannis who then completely disappears for the remainder of the book. Pretending to kill off the characters is starting to wear thin too; Brienne, Arya, Asha, Tyrion and now (probably) Jon have all had chapters ending with something that should have killed them, only to be carelessly deus ex machina'd back in later on. As gutted as I was to see Robb Stark get it, I was at least thankful that he stayed dead.

Quentyn's storyline was a complete non-sequitur as far as I can see, his meagre contributions to the plot could easily have been dealt with by other characters. Victarion's story could easily have been covered in a single chapter, assuming that his part of the story isn't just going to fizzle out like Quentyn's did.

A lot of the dramatic effect of the earlier books came from events happening off-camera so to speak, like Robb's campaign against the Lannisters. With so many more point of view characters cropping up that effect has been watered down, and we now find ourselves following people we don't really know or care about, mostly as they travel laboriously from one place to another and hatch plans that never come to anything.
Quentyn's storyline was a complete non-sequitur as far as I can see

When the sun rises in the west and sets in the east, then you shall return to me, my sun and stars”

Theory is that his role could be as an omen of something, Martell's sigil being the sun.
the TV show is making me feel sorry for theon. he drew the short straw.

but haven't they changed the roles about? in the book it was bolton jr egging him on wasn't it?

kinda makes a big diffrence when you find out what they do.
Yes it was. They've started changing shedloads of things. The Xaro Xhoan Daxos in my mind was played by Richard O'Brien. :mad:
ok that kinda bugs me

i kinda feel that was important it sets up a lot of what happens with theon his downfall and his finding of some new nobility
It's getting a bit funny seeing this much of rob in the show. I guess they are going to end this season with another stark death to mirror the first season.
Ive not minded the changes to be honest, it's quite good being surprised from time to time but I would be pissed off if they fucked around with the red wedding. Unless they tried to squeeze into the end of this series but that's rushing that storyline somewhat!!
I too will be pissed off if Robb's death gets crammed into this series of GoT.

And I'm not happy about the Reed kids, two of my favourite characters from the books, not showing up at all in the TV series.

The guy who plays Xaro Xhoan Daxos is great though so I've got no problems with him.
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