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A song of ice and fire (AKA the spoiler thread)

I seem to recall Cersei intended to send a Kettleblack brother to the wall with the intention of taking Jon out, but can't remember if it actually transpired before her fall from power.

I think it's fairly likely that Locke will either die at the keep or be an antagonist to Jon ongoing, but I also think his natural hatred of 'high borns' could eventually lead to a rehabilitation of sorts and respect for Jon when he becomes LC.

Either way I hope he sticks around, the actor and character are great.
The show is already spoilering the books.. the King of Winter being the prime example. The way O.Martell talks about Rhaegar T. being a more subtle hint that shores up the L+R=J internet speculation..
The way O.Martell talks about Rhaegar T. being a more subtle hint that shores up the L+R=J internet speculation..
I do sometimes wonder if George R. Martin originally planned that to be the outcome, but because everyone has guessed will change it to be contrary. :mad::D

Edit: although maybe because I am in agreement with said theory, I think there's a lot less subtle hints in the books.
I seem to recall Cersei intended to send a Kettleblack brother to the wall with the intention of taking Jon out, but can't remember if it actually transpired before her fall from power.

Janos Slynt also got sent there by Tyrion, but I don't think he's appeared in the TV show at all. He was one of the candidates to become the new Lord Commander. I'm thinking his role in the story will probably be played by Hoat instead.
Janos Slynt is in the TV show, he's this bloke...


He's mainly been chumming up with Ser Alliser Thorne
extra on IMDB saying he saw "former female main cast member done up as zombie" in a tent at bastardbowl, walked in with his phone and just took a picture without knowing what was going on and got paid 5k to sign an NDA (but then blabbed it on IMDB of all places?) seems like bollocks but there was also a video of what looks like SH
So things which haven't yet happened in the TV show, but might still:

* Lady Stoneheart's reintroduction
* Aegon Targaryen (or someone claiming to be him) turning up in the Eastern Kingdoms
* Victarion Greyjoy heading off to woo Daenaerys (I think)

Anyone got anything else?
So things which haven't yet happened in the TV show, but might still:

* Lady Stoneheart's reintroduction
* Aegon Targaryen (or someone claiming to be him) turning up in the Eastern Kingdoms
* Victarion Greyjoy heading off to woo Daenaerys (I think)

Anyone got anything else?
There's all the Sam at the citadel stuff that's in the books. Obz on its way.
Maester intrigue.
Minor continuity problem glitch in matrix when jh busted arya out of harrenhal he adopted the apprentice face that he used to poison pate, when. Tv decided to amalgamate jh with the kindly man he was using the jh face again, if he turns up at the citadel what face will he be using and what implications will that have?
So things which haven't yet happened in the TV show, but might still:

* Lady Stoneheart's reintroduction
* Aegon Targaryen (or someone claiming to be him) turning up in the Eastern Kingdoms
* Victarion Greyjoy heading off to woo Daenaerys (I think)

Anyone got anything else?

Too late for the latter two, they'd have mentioned Victarion if he existed in the show (like Willas and Garland Tyrell, who've also been cut to make Loras the sole heir), and Aegon just seems like a giant red herring they've discussed with George Martin and decided to leave out.
Too late for the latter two, they'd have mentioned Victarion if he existed in the show (like Willas and Garland Tyrell, who've also been cut to make Loras the sole heir), and Aegon just seems like a giant red herring they've discussed with George Martin and decided to leave out.
Euron just turned up
So things which haven't yet happened in the TV show, but might still:

* Lady Stoneheart's reintroduction
* Aegon Targaryen (or someone claiming to be him) turning up in the Eastern Kingdoms
* Victarion Greyjoy heading off to woo Daenaerys (I think)

Anyone got anything else?

In the books I think Euron sends Victarion to acquire Daenerys for him, on telly it seems like he's just gonna go do it himself.

Also that Martell lad who goes all the way to Meereen in order to die pointlessly and do nothing to advance the plot seems to have been cut out of the TV show, more's the pity.
i'm just getting to the martell voyage on my read through and oh boy its a slog,no wonder most fans hate those chapters,cant see the show bothering at all with him given how they dropped a bridge on the entire dorne storyline.

Manderlays frey pies has to make the cut,they are doing the ground work making Glover and Umber heels at the moment.
If brienne is heading south it sets up a confrontation with the false hound at saltpans with the real hound in the proximity taking the gendry role, the fight with rorge and biter would make a great choreographic scene
i'm just getting to the martell voyage on my read through and oh boy its a slog,no wonder most fans hate those chapters,cant see the show bothering at all with him given how they dropped a bridge on the entire dorne storyline.

Manderlays frey pies has to make the cut,they are doing the ground work making Glover and Umber heels at the moment.
If brienne is heading south it sets up a confrontation with the false hound at saltpans with the real hound in the proximity taking the gendry role, the fight with rorge and biter would make a great choreographic scene

On the TV show the entire Martell clan is now dead, so prince whatever his name is either never existed or has been killed.
They really botched the dorne plot Jamie and bron sneaking into the kaisers garden reminded me of Carry on spying/follow that camel.
theres still the sands ready to burst into any scene like the spanish inquisition, whose three main weapons are suprise,a complete disregard for canon,stealth and a big stabby spear...!four...! ad infinitum
theres still the sands ready to burst into any scene like the spanish inquisition, whose three main weapons are suprise,a complete disregard for canon,stealth and a big stabby spear...!four...! ad infinitum

I'd say their most dangerous weapon is badly written dialogue.
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I'm now not sure I can be bothered reading further books because it's obvious from what has been left out of the TV series what the red herring/filler plots are. As said many of them are the more dull ones anyway. Knowing the outcome will make fuck all difference to the overall story is just going to make them unbearable.

Mind you it is interesting the things that have been kept in, albeit set up differently or with other characters. I definitely clocked that Brienne and Jaime's stories were being set up to converge again. Also I wonder whether the decision to keep the stone man infection story via Jorah suggests that there's going to be some greater significance to that, other than a bit of world detail and a miserable death.
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