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A song of ice and fire (AKA the spoiler thread)

The dwarf re-enactment of the battle of 5 kings was completely new, I wonder how they're going to deal with the 'missing' female dwarf and pig later on. I was a bit disappointed by the Jaime/Bron tutoring, was looking forward to morose Ilyn Payne doing the honours. I get the need to squeeze things together and mess up the timelines a bit, but Brienne popped up far too much in this episode (S4E2).
the guy playing Ilyn Payne had terminal cancer and is doing a final tour with his band. they posible thought this was better than recasting

It's been a while since I read them but the pig riding dwarves. That's not until A Dance With Dragons. After Tyrian has escaped to Easteros or somewhere. And ended up being captured by slavers. Where Ser Joro is captured too.

It's been a while since I read them but the pig riding dwarves. That's not until A Dance With Dragons. After Tyrian has escaped to Easteros or somewhere. And ended up being captured by slavers. Where Ser Joro is captured too.

No, he's right, it's Penny and her brother who 'joust' on a dog and a pig at Joffrey's wedding, the brother is later killed by people looking for Tyrion and randomly decapitating dwarves. Penny tries to kill Tyrion in Essos, they meet Ser Jorah and are sold into slavery later on.

It's been a while since I read them but the pig riding dwarves. That's not until A Dance With Dragons. After Tyrian has escaped to Easteros or somewhere. And ended up being captured by slavers. Where Ser Joro is captured too.

They originally appear at Joffrey's wedding. Then he sees her later whilst on the run. She obviously know who he is because she's seen him in person previously. Some of his actions are then dictated by a desire to protect one of them. That aspect is going to be lost. I guess he'll just be protecting his own neck minus the noble aspect of him looking to protect her (a weak powerless companion who constantly wants to roll over and play the part life has chosen for her upto that point of her life, with Tyrion as her fellow stooge).
Well, TV series is deviating quite drastically from the books now, and IMO really not for the better. Between the massive changes and the added gratuitous rape in the last two shows, for the first time I'm wondering if I want to keep on watching.

I was pleased that they kept Sir Pounce though :) Though think they've shot themselves in the foot with Tommen's casting though-he's easily going to come of age before he's meant to! :D
Isn't he about 8 in the books though? Given the rate if events in the book I wouldn't be surprised if he isn't meant to come of age by the end of the series. In fact if that prophecy of Cersei's is correct, he's probably going to get deaded before the end.

However, if the actors are going to age 2 years for each book and they've already picked an older actor (is he meant to be 13 in the show?) he'll be ready to rule himself at the start of A Dance with Dragons!
I'm wondering if they might drop Coldhands altogether

actually more likely he will rescue the three before jon turns up ..

i just thought the end of the tv show was him for a second.
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Btw Shippou-Sensei, I saw your post regarding book spoilers on the other thread. Tbf I don't think Olenna and Littlefinger outright admitting their part in the murder is much of a spoiler because whilst it's not explicitly stated in the books, it becomes very bloody obvious.

One of the previous annoying deviations from the books was Littlefinger's early obvious interest in Sansa's wellbeing in the TV series, just because it takes away the surprise of being rescued by him on the boat. I remember in the books that was one of my genuine "OMG, WTF?!?" moments. This all seemed a bit "meh". But maybe because I'm comparing.
It was't obvious to me at all

only read through the books once but i still had it up in the air.

intrestingly G RR M stated that he felt little finger was massivly obvious in intent in the tv series compared to the books
I was quite pleased with myself for guessing the correct murders of John Arryn fairly early on, way before it was confirmed. :cool:
intrestingly G RR M stated that he felt little finger was massivly obvious in intent in the tv series compared to the books

Because so many important things in the books are revealed inside the characters' heads so to speak, they have to flag things up a bit more obviously in the TV series sometimes.

But Martin himself does overdo certain plot points himself. The number of times he mentions Robert smashing Rhaegar Targaeryen with his warhammer at the Trident, pretty much in those exact words over and over again. Seems a bit silly when so many other key facts are mentioned once, vaguely and in passing, before suddenly becoming really important two and a half books later.
Because so many important things in the books are revealed inside the characters' heads so to speak, they have to flag things up a bit more obviously in the TV series sometimes.
Though surely that only applies to the POV characters. Littlefinger was never a POV character, in fact I think it would ruin the character to attempt it. It was a mistake to make Cersei a POV character IMO because her bitterness and vindictiveness is just way over done.
He's a new character, but he was based on Vargo Hoat I think, or at least he took the place of Vargo Hoat in the narrative for the purpose of cutting off Jaime's hand, leading the Brave Companions (Bloody Mummers).

Vargo Hoat wasn't sent north in the books though, he stayed at Harrenhal where he eventually died.
So the question is whether JonSnow kills him defending Bran in the upcoming set to at Krasters or he hangs around to stab him in the back in series 8 or whatever...
Nah, I don't think Jon Snow and Bran are going to meet at all. Coldhands to rescue Bran et al, with Jon to turn up to a blood bath/deserted keep.
He's a new character, but he was based on Vargo Hoat I think, or at least he took the place of Vargo Hoat in the narrative for the purpose of cutting off Jaime's hand, leading the Brave Companions (Bloody Mummers).

Vargo Hoat wasn't sent north in the books though, he stayed at Harrenhal where he eventually died.

Died horribly, bit by bit at the hands of Ser Gregor.
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