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A song of ice and fire (AKA the spoiler thread)

well if they are honour then what is daenerys.

plus so far i feel that for the starks it's a story of change. jon is now a black brother arya is now becoming a faceless stansa is now littlefingers pawn and bran is off to become the winged wolf. even the mum is now zombie bitch from hell.

the same in a way goes for the lannisters they were powerful but internal conflict has torn them apart.
'There must always be Stark in Winterfell' 'The lone wolf dies while the pack survives' little gems like this make me think the Straks are there to the end.

As for Jon, Cersei has sent 100 men to the wall to take Jon out. Despite Jon protesting and writing that the watch has nothing to do with the wars of the realm, the realm see's him giving aid to Stannis. Cersei has effectively decleared War on the Black Watch. The Watch for it's survival will have no other option but to foght. And will become a rallying point for the remaining Starks. Ayra, because she hid Needle, cannot quite let go of her Stark heritage. All imho.
This thread is a bad idea - my books only arrived today and I have no willpower so if I click on this thread and spoil anything I'll be most put out and heads may well roll

bastards :mad:
well they have left the possibility open with the fact that robb named jon as his successor

and i think the freys might be for the chop they have fucked off everyone
it does look like it's coming to the point where everyone is after peace. cersei and tywin look to be out of the picture jamie is getting some humility and nobility. on the stark side only jon really remains and his priority is to support the realm. the only big problem now is stannis.
Not only Stannis but the Brynden Tully escaped Riverrun, a more capable and rousing man than Edmure and sworn to the Starks.
stansa is now littlefingers pawn

Don't count her out. A much maligned character, but she's being inducted into Littlefinger's world of power games and plots, and I think when she figures out he was the one who properly shafted her dad, she'll turn her new skills against him. I think letting himself get close to Sansa (because she reminds him of her mum), is going to prove to be his one fatal misjudgement.
Oh i'm not counting her out perhaps pawn isn't the best term. Hers is also a story of change. She has moved from being an unwitting pawn in the game of thrones to being an informed accomplice and she may well start taking on the role of a player.
Thought Tyrion got a bit short-changed (ho ho) in episode nine - in the book he armours up and gets stuck in to the battle, in the ep he's knocked over and trampled into unconsciousness! Because he fought in the battle, it then made sense that his dad would ask him to go and rule at King's Landing. The series has been superb apart from the odd slip though.
Finished Game of Thrones last night so starting A Clash of Kings today. Waterstones have the books on a '3 for 2' offer at the moment if, like me, coming to these new. :)
Sorry for all of those on this thread who have not read the whole series (so far) but what do the rest of you make of the religious aspect of the books? With the Seven gaining an army, R'holler and the Red Priest/ess, The weirwood and the Many Faced God. Is there gonna to be a clash of 'fundamentalisms'? Off this topic in AFfC I found the Dornish chapters a drag except for the last one so what is Doran Martell up to?
i found the dornish and the iron born chapters a bit boring. the iron born one was particularly a bit jarring because it suddenly went all viking on us. i guess it's just showing another aspect of life in the kingdoms but i just kinda lost interest after a bit

i guess it show both how much and how little the war did. it nearly destroyed the riverlands and has had implications on the idea of single kingship but it has barley touched dorn or the iron islands

what i want to know is what about the rest of the north what happened up there? or is it just so sparsely populated no one gives a damn?
and although i think the religious stuff might be interesting especially the power the sept may now have over the throne i'm not sure how much some of the other religions come into the story. the old gods might be worshipped but they don't seem to be active and the fire god guy seems not to have that many followers in the kingdoms yet. plus the drowned god seems to be a minority god
i found the dornish and the iron born chapters a bit boring. the iron born one was particularly a bit jarring because it suddenly went all viking on us. i guess it's just showing another aspect of life in the kingdoms but i just kinda lost interest after a bit

Jaime was then star of the last book IMO. Loved the bit where he knocked down the guy who was badmouthing Brienne. Also the scenes where he confides in the tongueless knight.
he is evolving as a character. the loss of the hand could be his making.

the adventures of Brienne and Podric weren't too bad either although that was an evil cliffhanger to end on. leaving just enough room to leave a get out clause.

actually i think martin does this with a lot of his charactors just incase he want to do something with them.

the waterdancer guy has a get out clause. the hound too technically could be alive although it looks quite unlikely now although that monk could be hiding something. the rock climber guy is still missing too.

it might just be the nature of POV writing but it could be he is saving them up.
came to a good bit in the third one today and thought of a song to the tune of copacupana

He fucked his sister, his hand cut cut off
in realm far way jaime's had a shitty day
There's boobage and swords and dothraki hordes
on westros, continent westros

this is as far as I've got
his name was jamie, he was a kingsguard
with golden curly hair he's half of an incestuous pair.
he won tourneies and built up his pride
so when the tables turned he tried out regicide

dropping like flies!


does joggreys richly deserved death strengthen stannis' claim to the iron throne? or has Cersie got another spawn she claims as being from roberts loins?

and the starks have the shittiest luck in the world. They've been getting mugged off more or less constantly for the whole of books 1-3
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