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A question to remainers

Bahnhof Strasse

Met up with Hannah Courtoy a week next Tuesday
What do you hope to achieve by posting empty shelves, sad touring musicians or whatnot? You are presumably grownups who understand that the UK has left the EU, so please explain what you think will happen as a result of you doing this.

I don't think the issues faced by - for example - sad touring musicians are an inevitable consequence of brexit: there were (and presumably still are) arrangements that could be made to make UK bands touring the EU easier. I think the pressure the UK music industry is trying to put on the government by highlighting the predicament of touring musicians is to make these arrangements, not to rejoin the trading bloc. That said, I'd imagine lots of remainers do hope that their arguments now will eventually be part of a political movement that sweeps the country to demand we rejoin. It might be fruitless, but then so is the vast majority of political activity.
For the record, again, I was never remain. i actually abstained in the referendum having been initially persuaded by arguments made on this board that there were good left-wing reasons to leave the EU. I abstained because I could see that the whole enterprise had been hijacked by people with very dodgy agendas and was thus being enacted for all the wrong reasons. I posted a link to an article about empty shelves on the other thread not because i was hoping for some kind of about-turn or epiphany but rather to highlight this despicable government's use of disinformation (it's Covid not Brexit) to cover up it's huge errors of judgement. Something much much better could have been negotiated but no it was all about warped racist ideology and disaster capitalism making a killing.
For feck's sake, it done now. Take a cue from Macca and Stevie, yeah? Let the UK and the EU live together in perfect harmony.............

It was 5 years ago. That isn't just happened.

Come on now, the vote was five years ago but the Brexit process is still happening.

It’d be better discussion if brexiteers didn’t try to deny or dismiss any/all negative impacts. As an ex remainer I’d like to think I’m open to seeing some improvements.
Come on now, the vote was five years ago but the Brexit process is still happening.

It’d be better discussion if brexiteers didn’t try to deny or dismiss any/all negative impacts. As an ex remainer I’d like to think I’m open to seeing some improvements.
oh noes it's still happening :eek:

and you'll be moaning about it when it's still happening in another five years time
Come on now, the vote was five years ago but the Brexit process is still happening.

It’d be better discussion if brexiteers didn’t try to deny or dismiss any/all negative impacts. As an ex remainer I’d like to think I’m open to seeing some improvements.

If as you say it is still happening at what point will it end?
Fucking hell, that's your response? :D

Standard Urban, troll starts a troll thread, gets pulled up on it, literally has nothing to say. Good work

The thread title is what do you hope you achieve with this crying bollocks, shit or get off the pot.
well no. But it's a sign that the end point you're keen to reach hasn't been reached yet.

No, but the end of the UK being in the EU has been, irreversibly. So, as per the OP, what the fuck do all these dickheads think they are achieving banging on endlessly about issues? Sensible people have spent the past five years making sure their own positions are protected, that's kind of how life works.
What do you hope to achieve by posting empty shelves, sad touring musicians or whatnot? You are presumably grownups who understand that the UK has left the EU, so please explain what you think will happen as a result of you doing this.

I haven't posted any such pictures, but I'm prepared to have a stab at it.

If these empty shelves are as a result of Brexit, and someone had voted remain because they were aware, shall we say, of the likely impact on labour as a result of Brexit - not an unlikely conclusion, if only because of the preponderance of Eastern European names around the road transport industry - then would they not be quite justified in pointing this out as a predictable consequence?

Just because a majority prevailed, and we ended up doing what has now transpired, does that mean that the debate should somehow be closed?
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