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55 Tufton Street (where they come up with the asset stripping of the public sphere and destruction of the NHS).


I shot a man in Reno...
I think 55 Tufton street is worth a thread on its own.

It’s where they come up with their evil. The thoughts are encouraged and incubated at this address.

This appeared in the Daily Mirror on Oct 13th:

One backbench Tory MP claimed on Thursday night: “I suspect she’ll be gone within weeks. It’s a certainty”.

The MP added: “The libertarian freakshows from Tufton street need to accept that their entryism has failed. It’s going to be nipped in the bud. From now on their pamphlets will go back to gathering dust.”

They no longer have a collection of sympathetic zealots at the head of Government but they aren't going anywhere, any more than such influence as Spiked/the ex-LM network has, was significantly diminished when Munira Mirza resigned as Boris' Head of Policy back in February.

Spiked Online responded to the Led by Donkeys 'blue plaque' stunt with an article by Joanna Williams 'author of How Woke Won'

The ‘Tufton Street nexus’ is a conspiratorial fantasy - spiked (archived)

Talk of a ‘Tufton Street nexus’ is conspiratorial nonsense.

Well that certainly clears things up. It's evidently an even bigger conspiracy than people feared.
I'm not sure which thank tanks can and do influence Sunak - but it looks like the 55 Tufton Street lot tied their flag to the good ship Truss and their influence will now be waning.
Sadly, probably not. These skeezeballs have an "in" with every politician, via the networks of privilege they're all part of. They'll have started making representations to Sunak as soon as it became clear that he was going to be the next PM.
I'm not sure which thank tanks can and do influence Sunak - but it looks like the 55 Tufton Street lot tied their flag to the good ship Truss and their influence will now be waning.
Wishful thinking I fear. See Sunak's appointments to the new cabinet.
Turns out that LGB Alliance have office space at 55 Tufton after a letter from Ofcom was leaked. They've been playing it down today as 'handy', 'flexible', 'just a few minutes walk from Parliament'.

Its not openly rentable space and everybody else at the address are of course right-wing lobby groups and think tanks - Taxpayers Alliance, Leave Means Leave, Global Warming Policy Foundation...

Also an indication of how much money is being poured into the mass-marketing of 'gender critical' ideology. Tufton street ain't cheap, and you won't even get in the door without the right connections.
Turns out that LGB Alliance have office space at 55 Tufton after a letter from Ofcom was leaked. They've been playing it down today as 'handy', 'flexible', 'just a few minutes walk from Parliament'.

Its not openly rentable space and everybody else at the address are of course right-wing lobby groups and think tanks - Taxpayers Alliance, Leave Means Leave, Global Warming Policy Foundation...


TBF that statement could have been put out by any of the organizations based at that premises - the "concern for privacy" of random and possibly imaginary vulnerable people, the digs at anyone who thinks that basing themselves inside a nest of vipers is a bad idea but most of all the bollocks about how "fantastically well served in terms of transport links" it is (by the standards of that postcode it has rubbish transport links). In fact that statement should provide all the evidence you'd ever need that Kate Barker has gone native.
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