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4th July Outdoor Party Unsound Reunion and Tendril's Birthday

What a fantastic time.

Many thanks to all the organisers, DJs etc who made it happen. Thanks also to Iemanja for rescuing my bag.

Saw some interesting sights: a one-legged man riding a bike, a girl who looked just like Sarah Palin taking drugs, and a man in British Rail overalls playing a flute.

Waving at the people on trains :cool:.

Having a choice of sound systems :cool: :cool:

I didn't go either as the person I was going to go with wimped out and I didn't really want to go on my own :rolleyes:

I think I should probably avoid this thread from now on as I'm betting it was amazing!
That's a shame, I was hoping to meet you.
That was truly amazing.

In the end 4 crews came together to make the Marshes come alive for a very special night. Massive thanks to TooUP, Abacus and Unsound, I feel privileged to have been involved.

Tendril had a great Birthday...

Big shout to all those that came and made that a truly unique event. Also big shout to OCB who put on an excellent party close by....

Completely spent, shattered and mangled from mosquitoes and brambles but really happy it went off in such style...

Cheers All!

(We'd love it if you could send us some pictures for the Housebreakin' gallery - pm me please)
give me a couple of hours to get some photos up, you have absolutely no idea what unbelievable awesomeness occured. :eek:

...and :( for poots and pal not making it. seriously, party of the year for me. :cool:

i am, however, completely and utterly bollocksed right now- hipipol, did we meet?

I'd love a cd copy of yer pics....

it were awesome....

...i thought I met hipipol too
a couple of pics taken on my phone...


Fucks sake! That's my mate James in the 2nd picture - the ginge in the white shirt. I did have a missed call from him last night at about 9pm but he could have left me a VM or text to say he was going, especially as I probably told him about the party in the first place :rolleyes:

Sigh :( Man! I suck

*backs the fuck up out of the thread*
Just woke up again

My fucking legs are an agony of Mossie bites and bramble scratches - teach me not to wear shorts eh?:D:D
Boysey, we could easily have met, the information may gradually creep of my memory given time
Dj TAB - I think we did during ye pack up phase

Quick mention to the Lark that was singing overhead from about 10 onwards - haven't heard one for years.....

Ace night, ace night:D:cool:



i had such a good time in spite of total exhaustion. was fucking great seeing so many friendly faces, old and new, absolutely having it in a field. makes me feel that all is right right in the world if you know what i mean? :):cool:
looks like a top party. shame we couldn't be there, but there will be others :cool:
there will be others won't there? :eek:
there will be more...in due time I'm sure :)

Absolutely fantastic party, the mosquitoes loved every one of us...!
brilliant party :D :D

I'm looking forward to sitting in a meeting this morning with my scratched up legs on show :cool:

I took more photos on saturday night than I did at glastonbury :D

pootle all I can say to you is... :(
well we found it at last after getting spectacularly lost in North London....thanks to Louise+1 for guiding us in. :) x

had a mashy fun time, despite being incapable of speech after a few hours :oops: (think i overdid the wotsits tbh) but it was great to see people again :cool: including Iemanja and Mation who i only bumped into right at the end. :confused:

Hipipol, hope your poor legs have recovered the mozzy invasion! x
I think taking a piriton max strength before going out was a really good idea, normally I'm a mozzies favourite dish and I didn't seem to be bothered by them at all.
oh and a cheery shout out to dwen and fannypad - i hadn't seen either of them for years so it was a lovely surprise.

dwen - i fell in love with your doggie. :)

edit: good thinking Tanky, i hadn't prepared but only have one bite thankfully.
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