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🤥 Why are all religions based on deceit ?


(👁️Д👁️)•*´¨`*•.¸¸. ...
Why are all religions based on deceit ?

Because it divides the mind, body & soul ❤️
Koknbul I am not shy in starting new threads, but I learnt not to have more than one or two going at any point in time,.

You have started some interesting topics, but people aren't going to engage because all they can see is a slew of threads by you implying that you don't really care about any of them.
Sorry, no disrespect, I'm new here, just starting to get to know my way around 😅
Sorry, no disrespect, I'm new here, just starting to get to know my way around 😅

Firstly this particular iteration of you has been around since mid April so you aren’t ‘new’

Secondly, no one believes you aren’t a sad returner. So you deffo aren’t new.

Thirdly, My religion isn’t founded on deceit, send £500 and I’ll indict you as a first level acolyte.
Firstly this particular iteration of you has been around since mid April so you aren’t ‘new’

Secondly, no one believes you aren’t a sad returner. So you deffo aren’t new.

Thirdly, My religion isn’t founded on deceit, send £500 and I’ll indict you as a first level acolyte.
Something quite special about opening a philosophical thread and closing it by answering within one 15 word post. 😂
In all seriousness, to benefit from Buddhism (if you wanted to) it isn't really necessary to believe anything you can't practically demonstrate. I guess if you get really esoteric it is (and anything 'afterlife' related is dubious at best) but the Noble Truths, the Eightfold Path, focusing on compassion, harmony and mindfulness? There's not really any faith involved, no ideology to follow, you just .. pay attention to what's going on in your head, and bear others in mind as you speak and act.

I suppose the toxic side is the possibility of victim-blaming, and abnegation of the individual on principle, which can be easily exploited by unscrupulous people (this is arguably the more 'religious', cultish aspect around gurus etc). And of course the most explicitly Buddhist societies aren't in any particular way the happiest, most equal, or healthiest so there's clearly more to human happiness than the rightness of any guiding philosophy.
Firstly this particular iteration of you has been around since mid April so you aren’t ‘new’

Secondly, no one believes you aren’t a sad returner. So you deffo aren’t new.

Thirdly, My religion isn’t founded on deceit, send £500 and I’ll indict you as a first level acolyte.
Fairly sure someone claimed this was butchersapron recently 🤔
Most religions have a supreme being to worship 🐮
Sacred texts for instruction (written by humans of course) 🤫
And some sort of life after the life you left behind 😕

I told a white lie one too many times & one day it became true & I was a believer !

I read the beginning of the Gospel of John & I had a vision of John the Baptist enforcing the word of god on to faith seekers

From what I have learned to be baptised in olden days you had to have been at least 8 years old & the traditional way was a controlled drowning technique, nowadays we call it waterboarding, but in the old christen doctrine it gave you a chance to be born again, and it left a memory engrained on ones mind ! this enforced the belief on young minds that after centuries christens began to christen their children as soon as they were born.

Alleluia 🙌
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