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“Egg in milk” drink?


Is this a thing, a drink called egg in milk, consisting of a raw egg stirred into warm milk?

My parents used to give it to me when I was a toddler, until on one occasion it made me violently sick and they stopped.

I’m wondering if it was a traditional drink for children or whether they just made it up?
sounds disgusting!!!
But then, I hate milk and raw eggs are disgusting.

In the America's, we have a drink called Egg Nog (cream, sugar, eggs, and spices) and it is very popular around Christmas.
It is a posset, which I've made from time to time for myself and for my kids following the instructions the police inspector gives to Kay Harker in The Box of Delights. It's nice. Custardy.
But you young folks in this generation, you don't know what a posset is. Well a posset," said the Inspector, "is a jorum of hot milk; and in that hot milk, Master Kay, you put a hegg, and you put a spoonful of treacle, and you put a grating of nutmeg, and you stir 'em well up, and you get into bed and then you take 'em down hot. And a posset like that, taken overnight will make a new man of you!
But you young folks in this generation, you don't know what a posset is. Well a posset," said the Inspector, "is a jorum of hot milk; and in that hot milk, Master Kay, you put a hegg, and you put a spoonful of treacle, and you put a grating of nutmeg, and you stir 'em well up, and you get into bed and then you take 'em down hot. And a posset like that, taken overnight will make a new man of you!
I want one 😊
Is this a thing, a drink called egg in milk, consisting of a raw egg stirred into warm milk?

My parents used to give it to me when I was a toddler, until on one occasion it made me violently sick and they stopped.

I’m wondering if it was a traditional drink for children or whether they just made it up?
apparently my parents gave me this when I was an infant (12 or 18 months old) in early 1960s. I was ill and it supposed to be good for invalids, it must have been common enough thing at the time. But it made me go blue and have a seizure.

It was assumed I was allergic to raw egg white - I still don't know. Put me off eggs for years.
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Glad I wasn't alone in being given lukewarm milk with raw egg. Kinda jealous of people who had versions featuring sugar and spices or who didn't get sick as a consequence.
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Thinking about it, when I was young, on the very rare occasions that I was ill my parents either got the fucking doctor or gave me medicine. None of this wood folk fairy magic
Not even a bit of honey and lemon for a sore throat? Trying to get some nutrition down a kid's neck when they're sick is hardly snake oil.
Raw eggs in milk has always been a popular breakfast staple for bodybuilders

DaddyBadgers once put me in a steaming hot bath 😲 and told me to gulp down a 1/4 pint of brandy mixed with hot milk, raw egg and sugar.

It did not go well
I just asked him and he thinks I was 6yo at the time :D apparently I was very red faced.

He was/is a bit mental with illness and injury. One of the classics...

I had glandular fever at 14 yo while my mum was away visiting her sister. He decided that I could sweat it out and he took me for a 6 mile cross country jog 🙄 when my mum got back two days later she made him take me straight to A&E. I was too week to walk from the car so he carried me in. Clearly remember him telling the doctor/nurse how embarrassing it was and that my mum was a drama queen 🙄 they replied 'Why on earth did you not call an ambulance???' I spent ten days in isolation delirium :D
My mother used to give this to my little brother when he was a toddler because he refused to eat eggs. She called it “frothy milk” so he wouldn’t know it had eggs in it. I think it might have had sugar in it as well, but my memory is a bit vague because this was 60 years ago.

(She also gave him “sugar bread” which was eggy bread (bread dipped in egg and then fried) with sugar on it)
One thing they swear by here is stewed pear water for coughs, also your actual stewed pears. I make it for the kids, doesn't do any harm at least. Pear drops presumably same principle.
Nope, I've heard of raw egg in hot milk, but never had it.

Our family remedy was either Chicken Soup or Beef Tea [stock].
I was given both of these, I think alternating with similar light meals, when I was in the early stages of recovery from a bout of pneumonia & bronchitis which was serious enough that it had had me in hospital for some time.
Ours was - and is - two eggs, pint of cold blue milk, pinch of sugar, pinch of salt: stir till fully mixed, and get it down your throat.

It's for when you're on the bones of your arse.
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