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Zizek: seems like a nob

i dunno, i'm just grasping at straws and for some reason i connect the two in my addled brain.
ok, now tell me about Lacanianism. we never covered him in my polytechnic philosophy degree either. he's got a lot to do with Hegel doesn't he?

Just watch the Pervert's guide. And then watch the films he's talking about. Even if Lacanianism is all bollocks, Zizek will still convince you for a moment or two.
You poor, benighted Black Country wazzock. All that soot has affected your mental development. :( A "nob" is someone the self-esteem-challenged person tips his hat to. A knob is someone who personifies a knob, a cock-tip, a bellend.
who calls posh people nobs? cap doffing cockernees like you.
posh people are toffs, unless you are a nobend.

it's a name i've heard brought up a fair few times on urban but i know almost nothing about him or his work. this article made me think he was an idiot, but it doesn't really touch on his actual, you know, philosophy.

is there anything to it that i should be reading in order to have a greater understanding of the world around me?

He seems to me a bit like a nob too. I've wondered if some people among the 'intelligentsia' are impressed by his accent.
:rolleyes: It sticks out, therefore it's a knob.
I would think that most people call the forum 'nobbing and sobbing', not 'knobbing and sobbing'. But opinion appears to be divided, which means that both are acceptable. To my eyes, however, 'knob' looks wrong.
He does actually (have quite a bit to do with Hegel, via Kojeve) do a bit more background research next time, eh?
Are you hunting me? I love hegel scholars who says via kojeve. It means that they've read an intro to hegel's western european influence not hegel himself. Schoolboy error.
Well, first of all I'd start by questioning whether a non-mediated reading is possible. It would mean not having read Marx for a start!
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