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So, what could a post-USA North America look like?

Factory workers, miners, and loggers; service-industry workers,
teachers, students, and the unemployed, take back what belongs to
you, your jobs, your determination, and your liberty.
And you, workers at General Electric, you make your factories run;
only you are capable of production; without you General Electric is
Workers of Quebec, take back today what is yours; take back what
belongs to you. Only you know your factories, your machines, your
hotels, your universities, your unions. Don't wait for some miracle
Make your own revolution in your neighborhoods, in your places of
work. If you don't do it yourselves, other technocratic usurpers and so
on will replace the handful of cigar smokers we now know, and
everything will have to be done over again. Only you are able to
build a free society.

FLQ - 1970

They no longer exist
FLQ - 1970

They no longer exist
Yeah, bunch of lightweights.

But they knew how to write a cracking manifesto, you have to give them that much.

"We are Quebec workers and we are prepared to go all the way. With the help of the entire population, we want to replace this society of slaves by a free society, operating by itself and for itself, a society open on the world. Our struggle can only be victorious. A people that has awakened cannot long be kept in misery and contempt.

Long live Free Quebec!

Long live our comrades the political prisoners!

Long live the Quebec Revolution!

Long live the Front de Libération du Québec!"
The maps of the new book banning states will definitely be based on this, when it comes to depicting what’s next door…

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