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Zizek: seems like a nob

:confused: I don't understand on what basis. Hegel isn't neo-Kantian, but is quite clearly post-Kantian (not only in chronological terms but also in terms of his argument). Hegel doesn't seek to answer Kantian problems, he demonstrates the aporetic nature of the way he frames the questions...

I would say Hegel was for the main anti-Kantian with small bits of Kant nevertheless absorbed (basically the transcendental dialectic without the transcendentalism and the "speculative" nature of the synthetic a priori without the synthetic a priori).

In terms of the philosophy of mathematics (which interests me if nobody else:p ) Hegel was plain anti-Kantian and could be seen as pre-Fregean and a fore-runner to analytic philosophy.
Post-Kant German philosophy summarised:
Schopenhauer = neo-Kantian
Fichte, Schelling = post-Kantian
Hegel = anti-Kantian
Old Hegelians = neo-Hegelian
Young Hegelians = post-Hegelian
Feuerbach = anti-Hegelian
Marx = Marx
:D I don't think Hegel was anti-Kantian, he should be in there with the post-Kantians

And where are Novalis and Schlegel?:mad:
what you seem to be saying is that whether people missed out on what was important in marx or not, they end up at the same place, your kantian epistemological. As whether they degenerate back to kant or whether they get what was most important in marx - both these things - in your words, are the same. As what you described as the most important part of marx (which those deginerates miss out on) is something that could be derived purely from kant anyway.

But thıs ıs mere degınarate speel! It doesn't bear ın relatıon to anythıng.

What you seem to be sayıng ıs that the Kantıan epıstemelogıcal bears ın relatıon to the speel that ends up back ın the same place that was most ımportant ın Marx's speel. As whether they dıgenerate back to what you saıd was the most ımportant bıt of the speel you dıdn't say whether the relatıon was born ınto any Kantıan speel or coppıng a feel lıke the fıfth wheel underneath the ıron heel of the keel's speel. Both these thıngs.
What do you mean ''ıt's ıronıc?''

Do you mean that Marx dıdn't thınk the commodıty was ''full of metaphysıcal subtletıes'' etc?

Marx goes on to list the origins of these "mystical properties".
1) Commodities are product of human labour
2) The manner in which the quantity and quality of labour go into making up the quantitative determination of value
3) The social character of labour

So yes the commodity has these metaphysical subtleties but the origin of these subtleties is mundane. Marx is showing how the commodity form is something really very peculiar and bound up with certain historical developments.
But thıs ıs mere degınarate speel! It doesn't bear ın relatıon to anythıng.

What you seem to be sayıng ıs that the Kantıan epıstemelogıcal bears ın relatıon to the speel that ends up back ın the same place that was most ımportant ın Marx's speel. As whether they dıgenerate back to what you saıd was the most ımportant bıt of the speel you dıdn't say whether the relatıon was born ınto any Kantıan speel or coppıng a feel lıke the fıfth wheel underneath the ıron heel of the keel's speel. Both these thıngs.
Spiel FFS! :facepalm:
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