happy mew year
There is some very complex cat politics going on.
Cat Chess
"This needs, as the playing area, something the size of a small village. Up a dozen cats can take part. Each cat selects a vantage point - a roof, the coal house wall, a strategic corner or in quiet villages, the middle of the road - and sits there. You think it's just found a nice spot to sun itself until you realise that each cat can see the other cats. Moves are made in a sort of high-speed slink with the belly almost touching the ground. The actual rules are a little unclear to humans, but it would seem that the object of the game is to see every other cat while remaining unseen yourself. This is just speculation, however, and it may well be that the real game is going on at some mystically higher level unobtained by normal human minds, as in cricket."
The unadulterated cat, a campaign for real cats, Terry Pratchett, 1999
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