She was ravenous and eating like a maniac when she first turned up. Her poor little spine was like a pawned pimp chain and she was light as a wren when I lifted her up.
I fed her as often as she liked, up to ten pouches a day. I’d feed her as soon as she asked, and kept giving her more until she stopped asking, but allowing 5 or 10 minutes between each pouch. I wanted her to trust that she could have food, that it was available, and also was keen she not get into the habit of begging for and then and bolting her grub.
When the initial panic eating began to slow down I’d still feed her on request. She’d eat til she was full. Then she’d come back and ask for more even if her plate wasn’t empty. She was getting into a habit of asking, asking, asking. So I‘d show her the plate, she’d sniff it and not eat cos she was full, then keep asking. So we had about a week of me taking up the dish, and then putting it down again when she asked, over and over again. I really didn’t want to encourage fussiness! Sometimes she’d eat, sometimes she wouldn’t. Then I started offering her a hug or a cuddle every time she asked but wasn’t hungry. Attention or food? Food or attention?
She still wasn’t playing at this point. Just no playfulness at all, but she was filling out a bit. This was when I started to suspect she might be pregnant (we also had the seeking in cupboards and corners behaviour).
I really think she ran away from a neglectful home, poor thing. Hungry for food but also no playing and starved and needy of affection.
Anyway we seem to have solved a lot of the issues. She‘s playing, she’s affectionate but also telling me when she’s not interested or prefers to be left alone, and she’s not eating like a maniac any more.
I’m still feeding her generously while watching her weight. She’s still young and growing, so needs feeding at intervals. But she no longer eating as if there will never be another chance.
Whoever she ends up living with, I really didn’t want to have to warn them about barf&scarf or needy greed.
Trying to balance all this with Resident Cat’s normal and regular routine and expectations.