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Unfortunately, the fox I have been feeding has developed a limp. Does anyone know the name of thing people use to catch animals? that pole with loop at the top. I might try catch it and call a rescue centre

Happy to report since this as posted in 25 July, my little fox friend has improved. Dont know if it was time or me giving him injury pills or both, but improvement can be seen. Not completely in the clear, but defo improvement.

Tonight's "pose" :D for a good five minutes
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Ahhh! Very sweet.

Lilith came pounding up the stairs tonight all freaked out because it had started raining and got her wet. But she always goes back out again, comes in still wet and glares at me as if to say "Mum, why didn't you stop me?" Like, girl, as if I can stop you doing what you want...
Poor Odin has hurt his leg. Or so I thought. I thought I'd give it a few days as he didn't seem that bothered by me touching it and when Katniss did similar they just gave her painkillers whilst it got better. We had some left, so I gave him some and he was getting better. It was a week ago and it was almost gone until last night when it got really bad again. Assumed he'd jumped of something and hurt it again.

Got him to the vet today and it's actually a bite on other side in "arm pit" which got infected. Feel rather bad now. He's antibiotics and more pain releif so hopefully it will heal fast now. Except we're going away for a week and the in laws are looking after them. And he's not allowed out. As it's a fair drive for them since we moved and we have two cats, we say once a day is fine, but I've had to ask them to make the trek over twice a day now. And Odin is looking seriously pissed off that his cat flap doesn't open and he hates using the litter tray. :(

Picture of him looking a bit miserable when I got in last night, but before I saw him limping.

See, as a noob to kitten-friendship I didn’t realise it was especially long. Just an equal part of his majesty and magnificence as his white socks and spotty velvet tummy. But tank girl - of urban old school game immediately made the same observation on fb.

Apparently his ginger dad isn’t a big cat, but his (white) mama is a big, lean, elegantly muscular feline with huge golden eyes. Really beautiful. Apparently half Egyptian-some-breed-or-other - so it looks like he might have dad’s colouring and mum’s build.
I just woke his lordship from a nap to rearrange his tail for this photo (which is why he looks grumpy), so you can see it in relation to him more stretched out.

Is it still a long tail?

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Yes it is. My Radar had a really long tail in comparison to his body. He was an extremely petite little thing with long gangly legs and long tail and massive ears - a cross between his Cornish Rex mother (who also had Siamese ancestry as a permitted breed outcross) and "that hairy tom that lurks around the bushes at the end of the garden" - he was pretty unusual in terms of his proportions and his coat was all very dense undercoat, he was also completely bonkers. Unique little being, I miss him loads!

Tim's tail is of similar proportions in respect of his hind leg length to Radar's.
I don’t know how they do it, but Wendy and Mick from two doors down are going away again for the third time this year. So again I will be on a two week feeding duty for feral Harry from Tuesday.
I think it is great the Wendy and Mick take Harry under their wing as it were, but it looks like I am designated deputy.
I said to Mick yesterday ‘So I am going to be feeding your Harry again’. Mick’s immediately reply was ‘He’s not my Harry, he’s our Harry’ sweeping his arm to indicate the cluster of houses around us. I think it is true, because his neighbour Eddie, and Sybil, Sally, and Mike from our nearby houses all keep a weather eye out for feral Harry.
Sheesh, third time this year though!

At last!
We’re on to tails.
It’s not only about tummies you know🐈
I swear scrounger Bloom can independently move each segment of his tail, and do tiny twitches of the very end.
His tail is so varied in its expressions it’s symphonic.

Definitely about the tails here too! I've mentioned Radar's above, well Sonic and Jakey were/are OSH and their tails are often described as "whip-like" - long, thin, and strong. I don't think they use them the same as other cats either, they never did the typical "tail upright with end curled forward" thing when greeting me, always held out behind and curving up instead. Sonic had quite a noticeable kink in his a couple of inches down from the tip, that is also a Siam/OSH thing that has been in the breed for a long time although it's considered a fault (it's completely harmless however).
We've been to the vet three times in two weeks with poor Orson.

We are now at the stage where his fever is better and he's put on some weight but his back legs definitely have issues. Vet thinks it's pelvic or nerve and he's on two weeks of rest with some painkillers and antiinflammatories before next check up.

Litter tray and food moved into the living room with the door being shut constantly to keep him in there.

I'm worried about him getting depressed. He's not the most active cat in the world and would mostly spend the day sleeping, with indoors or outdoors, but I think the fact he's stuck on the floor (or in the scratching post box) is doing his head in. He keeps standing next to the sofa and looking up at it longingly. I'm reluctant to lift him up because of him then getting down on his own and also worried about any lifting hurting him more.

Ozzie is obviously confused by the new situation too and seems extra active and demanding of us.

We've been to the vet three times in two weeks with poor Orson.

We are now at the stage where his fever is better and he's put on some weight but his back legs definitely have issues. Vet thinks it's pelvic or nerve and he's on two weeks of rest with some painkillers and antiinflammatories before next check up.

Litter tray and food moved into the living room with the door being shut constantly to keep him in there.

I'm worried about him getting depressed. He's not the most active cat in the world and would mostly spend the day sleeping, with indoors or outdoors, but I think the fact he's stuck on the floor (or in the scratching post box) is doing his head in. He keeps standing next to the sofa and looking up at it longingly. I'm reluctant to lift him up because of him then getting down on his own and also worried about any lifting hurting him more.

Ozzie is obviously confused by the new situation too and seems extra active and demanding of us.


You can get little steps or ramps for elderly pets to get on and off the sofa, or maybe if you are a bit handy with DIY you could knock up a quick ramp for him?

Poor Orson xx
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