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I'm realising I'm starting to crowd the threat with my project. Should I stake it to its own thread?

Err.. to stop the response flooding the thread you can like or angry this post.

Like to keep. Angry to move.

It's great and it fits fine here - when can I book you to come and make some kitchen cabinets for me? :D :p
Shippou-Sensei you know the cats aren't going to use the house, right? Should've kept the box

I do have Festool envy mind
I do realise that is a distinct possibility.

The Festool stuff is my aunt's. She also has the extractor and a sander.
They are pretty bloody nice.
In the end most of the power tools I used were hers. The off brand dremel and the bosch drill and impact driver were the only things of mine used.

My laser cutter would have done a great job on the window frame inside but I've not set it up yet.
My cat needs a collar following and operation (nothing worrying). The vet gave a gruesome plastic one. It looks so uncomfortable and it’s so hard to take off. Luckily she is subdued after the op or she’d have ripped my arm to shreds.

Do all vets use those these days? Years ago, I was given a cloth one by another vet but I must have disposed of it.
My cat needs a collar following and operation (nothing worrying). The vet gave a gruesome plastic one. It looks so uncomfortable and it’s so hard to take off. Luckily she is subdued after the op or she’d have ripped my arm to shreds.

Do all vets use those these days? Years ago, I was given a cloth one.

My Jakey was terrified of the plastic cone after he had surgery once, I got him an inflatable doughnut collar instead which was much better although a bit heavy, he needed a bit of help on and off the sofa at first.

Radar had a body suit after major surgery once but that was to cover his fentanyl patch (he was out of his tree for days bless him) rather than wound protection as his incisions were small (keyhole surgery) at the angle of his jaw.

You can also get the cloth collars you refer to, that work more like a bib, you might find them for sale as soft surgical collar I think?

Vets will provide the cheap plastic cones usually, if you want something different you have to ask for it specifically (and pay for it) or buy it separately.
I feel like I’ve paid for a gold plated collar with the cost of the operation. Providing a cheap plastic collar feels like an insult.

I’ve ordered something to replace it. Coming tomorrow.

The cloth one the other cat had was also cone shaped. I don’t remember how it was fixed on. It must have been adjustable.
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I feel like I’ve paid for a gold plated collar with the cost of the operation. Providing an cheap plastic collar feels like an insult.

I’ve ordered something to replace it. Coming tomorrow.

The cloth one the other cat had was also cone shaped. I don’t remember how it was fixed on. It must have been adjustable.

Normally those cones are plastic. Never heard of a cloth one
Normally those cones are plastic. Never heard of a cloth one

Yeah they are often better tolerated than the plastic ones. This sort of thing

Funnily enough, I've swapped Stan for a sunflower!
The cyst behind his ear has become huge, and he's scratching it till it bleeds. He's furious, of course, struggling to get his face in his food bowl, and can't go out, but it's not bothering him anywhere near as much as the plastic one does.

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I feel like I’ve paid for a gold plated collar with the cost of the operation. Providing a cheap plastic collar feels like an insult.

Tell me about it!

Taking Jakey in for a weigh and checkup on Monday morning, if he's lost more weight I can kiss goodbye to £250 for blood tests right there and then, and that's before any other tests or actual treatment.

I want him well mind you, it's just money.
Such a fucking lot of money though.

(Hope your little one recovers well and quickly).
Tell me about it!

Taking Jakey in for a weigh and checkup on Monday morning, if he's lost more weight I can kiss goodbye to £250 for blood tests right there and then, and that's before any other tests or actual treatment.

I want him well mind you, it's just money.
Such a fucking lot of money though.

(Hope your little one recovers well and quickly).
Yes, I remember my old cats having lots of expensive tests. At least one time, the tests were inconclusive and further expensive tests were required.

You just want them healthy and happy.
Funnily enough, I've swapped Stan for a sunflower!
The cyst behind his ear has become huge, and he's scratching it till it bleeds. He's furious, of course, struggling to get his face in his food bowl, and can't go out, but it's not bothering him anywhere near as much as the plastic one does.

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Hope he gets better very soon!

He does look cute though.
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