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Garlic learned how to get my attention in order that I let him out the window.


He sits on the bedroom window and hides behind the curtains, then pops his heads out, shoves it between the upright timbers on the bed's headboard, then stretches his paw through and digs his claws into my head and pulls!
What's worse is that Bob has observed Garlic doing this and is now emulating him! :mad:
Garlic learned how to get my attention in order that I let him out the window.


He sits on the bedroom window and hides behind the curtains, then pops his heads out, shoves it between the upright timbers on the bed's headboard, then stretches his paw through and digs his claws into my head and pulls!
What's worse is that Bob has observed Garlic doing this and is now emulating him! :mad:

Radar does this grabbing thing when he wants something - he will either grab my head or poke me in the face when I am asleep - the trick is that I need to keep his claws trimmed so that when he does it he is pretty much just stroking me with a sweet little definitely-un-spikey paw :D
Radar does this grabbing thing when he wants something - he will either grab my head or poke me in the face when I am asleep - the trick is that I need to keep his claws trimmed so that when he does it he is pretty much just stroking me with a sweet little definitely-un-spikey paw :D
Bob is now a bigger problem than Garlic. He wakes me up in the mornings by (cutely) reaching out and touching my face, then curling his claws and digging them into my face. I regularly look like a spotty teenager, I have that many red spots on my face.
Bob is now a bigger problem than Garlic. He wakes me up in the mornings by (cutely) reaching out and touching my face, then curling his claws and digging them into my face. I regularly look like a spotty teenager, I have that many red spots on my face.

It actually served as a good reminder for me to trim Radar's front claws before bedtime, all done, he fussed a bit but he's pretty easy to handle, it was just vocal fussing, he's a good boy. He makes a little screechy "eek" type noise because he doesn't like it, but he stays calm and lets me do his claws in one go. Whilst making little screechy "eek" noises.

I place him to my left with my left arm holding him still and my left hand holding up a front paw, and the clippers in my right hand (I use small animal safety claw clippers, no sharp points just in case!) takes less than 2 minutes to do all 10 front claws including thumb/dew claws. For slightly more difficult to handle cats, kneeling with the cat between your thighs can work well, that stops them from moving backwards. Or swoop in and do a claw or two while they are napping (this seems mean but it's not an every day thing, just once in a while). Or you can go to a groomer or book a vet nurse appointment - my vet surgery does a cat mani/pedi for £6 - I use that service for Sonic because he is very strong and very wriggly :D and his claws get thick due to arthritis, they don't get worn much so is more difficult to trim at home
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It actually served as a good reminder for me to trim Radar's front claws before bedtime, all done, he fussed a bit but he's pretty easy to handle, it was just vocal fussing, he's a good boy. He makes a little screechy "eek" type noise because he doesn't like it, but he stays calm and lets me do his claws in one go. Whilst making little screechy "eek" noises.

I place him to my left with my left arm holding him still and my left hand holding up a front paw, and the clippers in my right hand (I use small animal safety claw clippers, no sharp points just in case!) takes less than 2 minutes to do all 10 front claws including thumb/dew claws. For slightly more difficult to handle cats, kneeling with the cat between your thighs can work well, that stops them from moving backwards. Or swoop in and do a claw or two while they are napping (this seems mean but it's not an every day thing, just once in a while). Or you can go to a groomer or book a vet nurse appointment - my vet surgery does a cat mani/pedi for £6 - I use that service for Sonic because he is very strong and very wriggly :D and his claws get thick due to arthritis, they don't get worn much so is more difficult to trim at home
I have 10 cats, and I don't think any of them would enjoy this experience. The house would look like a scene from Scarface :D
I have 10 cats, and I don't think any of them would enjoy this experience. The house would look like a scene from Scarface :D

I know I am very lucky with my cats, they are all really quite sweet natured and easy to handle, even the (relatively) difficult one is easier than 95% of cats. Whenever any of them have to have treatment for anything the vet always remarks on how sweet they are. They don't bite or scratch, well except for Radar when he is playing some sort of game, he has nipped me (not broken skin though) but only when hyper-excited in the course of play, not at other times.
I know I am very lucky with my cats, they are all really quite sweet natured and easy to handle, even the (relatively) difficult one is easier than 95% of cats. Whenever any of them have to have treatment for anything the vet always remarks on how sweet they are. They don't bite or scratch, well except for Radar when he is playing some sort of game, he has nipped me (not broken skin though) but only when hyper-excited in the course of play, not at other times.
None of mine bite or scratch (apart from the clawing thing) but I'm sure that would change if I tried to file their nails :D
None of mine bite or scratch (apart from the clawing thing) but I'm sure that would change if I tried to file their nails :D

LOL not file their nails, I use a safety claw clipper with a rounded tip, like scissors with no sharp tip and an indentation in the blades that you put around the claw. It's basic care if you have indoor cats, I've been doing this every 6 weeks or so since my lot were all little (they are 12-13 now). I've resorted to seeing the vet nurse with Sonic as his claws get very thick because of his arthritis so it takes longer and he's more wriggly - and I can't always do the trim on a thick claw because of my own arthritis in my hands.
I love my Sonic so much - I first met him when he was 6 weeks old and I visited him to see if I wanted to pick a kitten from the litter - he marched up to me, climbed into my arms and went to sleep laying along my arm and I sort of tearfully said "I want this one" - he chose me though. (He was too young to leave his mum then, I got to take him home when he was 13 weeks old as per GCCF regulations).

Over 12 years later and he still likes to go to sleep laying along my arm. He means the absolute world to me. He is quite heavy though.
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Honestly though, I think we all like to imagine that our cats have attained some sort of hyper-intelligence, but then they do stuff that makes you realise they are really incredibly stupid and my 3 combined probably have about the same level of reasoning as a fucking cuckoo clock - I saw one of mine today get his head stuck through the handle of a plastic bag and run around in terror - it's not really the behaviour one expects from a feline overlord...
Honestly though, I think we all like to imagine that our cats have attained some sort of hyper-intelligence, but then they do stuff that makes you realise they are really incredibly stupid and my 3 combined probably have about the same level of reasoning as a fucking cuckoo clock - I saw one of mine today get his head stuck through the handle of a plastic bag and run around in terror - it's not really the behaviour one expects from a feline overlord...

"It's a cape mummy....a superhero cape :cool:....see me fly....:D "
How old is your daughter? It's going to hurt no matter her age, especially if the cat gave some form of emotional support during a hard time - I'm going to assume since the cat is 14 and you got her when your daughter was at school that your daughter is probably grown up - in which case just be honest with her as soon as you possibly can, she'll be more hurt if you try to protect her by not telling her. I know it's not easy but sometimes bad news needs to be said, I am sure she will want to know.

(Also I hope this doesn't sound terrible but if it comes to it and it is possible, and again assuming she is an adult, give her the option of being there at the end if she wants to, and support one another through that - it's natural to want to shield your child from hurt, but hurt can also come from not saying goodbye properly).
She's 27, and just coming off anti depressants which she's been on for years and is having bad anxiety attacks, so it's not a great time, but we're meeting up mid-Feb so I'm gonna tell her then, face to face. Yep she's gonna be really upset, but I know I have to tell her. I will also ask her about the long sleep too.
Any news on Rogue donkyboy?

just came back from the vet. she has a high temperature and the vet felt around her tummy which made rogue uncomfortable. she suggested a trip to the hospital for x-ray as rogue may have something stuck in her tummy? We are looking at around £600 for this and up to 1000k if surgery required. But I don't know, I should have insisted on anti-biaotics for the high temp and see what happens. Not sure anything is stuck in her tummy. I will give it a few more days and then just take her to wimbledon for x-ray if she does not improve. She has done a poo for a few days, as far as I can see.
just came back from the vet. she has a high temperature and the vet felt around her tummy which made rogue uncomfortable. she suggested a trip to the hospital for x-ray as rogue may have something stuck in her tummy? We are looking at around £600 for this and up to 1000k if surgery required. But I don't know, I should have insisted on anti-biaotics for the high temp and see what happens. Not sure anything is stuck in her tummy. I will give it a few more days and then just take her to wimbledon for x-ray if she does not improve. She has done a poo for a few days, as far as I can see.
Oh poor Rogue. Fingers crossed it doesn't come to surgery. It might be worth ringing the vets and asking for something to bring her temperature down.
Oh poor Rogue. Fingers crossed it doesn't come to surgery. It might be worth ringing the vets and asking for something to bring her temperature down.

I'll see how she is tomorrow. If there is no improvement, I will uber it to the hospital Wednesday morning and just pay the cost. I think I should have got pet insurance. I'm looking it up now.
I'll see how she is tomorrow. If there is no improvement, I will uber it to the hospital Wednesday morning and just pay the cost. I think I should have got pet insurance. I'm looking it up now.

I hope Rogue will be ok and that it turns out to be not so serious/expensive.

Pet insurance is expensive but brilliant - like any type of insurance it's a gamble, you could pay in for years and never have to use it, or it could be a lifesaver (I mean that quite literally). When Radar needed surgery early last year and ended up with complications that meant he was in and out of hospital for a couple of months, his final vet bill was around £6.5k - petplan paid for £5.5k of that. And the vet dealt directly with them, all I needed to do was sign the forms that they printed out, I didn't have to put in a claim myself.
Tiger has had a fabulous morning - she brought in a field mouse , and played with it for hours. (without harming it) , tiny little thing - mouse went behind bin ,then up behind the radiator , finally under the cooker.

We cleared out under the cooker with a long plastic ruler with a cloth attached. Mouse bravely did a break for freedom into a basket , from which I released it to the garden.

However , her day is made - we got out a load of her "toys" - screwed up paper , Xmas tree baubles , but best of all a toy mouse. She is in 7th Heaven. Hyper even. Simple joys.
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