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Your daily cat and kitten news

Just had an email from someone who had heard about Pablo dying on Saturday who said he has a litter of 8 black and white kittens that were born on Saturday and would we like one. The old hippy in me says that clearly, Pablo's soul has transferred into one of these cats so we should immediately bring the wee man home (the anarcho punk in me obviously says get a fucking grip of yerself).

Need to wait 8 weeks to get him/her but questions for the experienced cat owners: Can you realistically bring up a kitten if Mrs S works in the mornings? I'm often working from home but sods law says that the day kitten arrives I will be sent to work away for a month. Can we leave a kitten on its own for 3-4 hours a day? What other things do I need to know? Obv need to get it sterilised and vaccinated. Anything else? Pablo was a rescue so had been sorted out before we got him.
We were in a very similar position to you - Rupert was killed in a RTA back in late October - only found out because someone took him to the local vet and they phoned us - that call is so devastating so really feel for you. :(

We still have his brother (Felix), but knew we didn't want to be a one cat household; couldn't really think about it for the first few weeks but after that started looking at the local rescues. Nothing was coming up that was really suitable (most were cats that needed to solo cats) so then we started looking at kittens. I had enough time to be off work for 3 weeks over Christmas so decided that would be a good time to get them. And we decided on a pair so that if Felix was a bit snooty about it they would still have each other to play with.

So ... just before Christmas we collected Peanut and Tonks :D. They were 10 weeks old when we got them and I'm not sure I would have wanted to take them away from their mum any younger than that - would the man offering you a kit be willing to keep it until it was 10 or even 12 weeks old?

Once Christmas was over we both went back to work - so the kits get left 3 days a week for the whole day and they've been fine (but they are a pair so keep each other entertained). We have someone in the village who runs a pet service and will look in on them if we need to leave them any longer.

I can't imagine only having one kitten though - they spend most of their time chasing each other round the house and I think either of them would be a bit lost without the other. Particularly as Felix has turned out to be a complete snoot about them :rolleyes:.

So my vote - get two kittens! :cool:

Peanut and Tonks:

Clive's back all safe and sound from his 6 teeth extraction, and blood tests (whilst he was "out" they took some blood) - the only problem we now had is the vet wants to do a follow up check up this Saturday just to make sure he's on the mend and that there's no infection - this'll be interesting

At least he's eating food (wet) with his meds in no problem - the long term prognosis isn't great with blindness in one or more likely both eyes being a very distinct possibility . . . we shall see
Are you taking a photo? let me get in close...

For those that have cats that play with toys, Tiger have a three pack for £1 at the moment. I wish I had bought more than one of them.
For those that have cats that play with toys, Tiger have a three pack for £1 at the moment. I wish I had bought more than one of them.
I’ve bought my cat gazillions of cat toys but there is only one he likes to play with and he’s obsessed with it:


Alfie sits underneath the bedroom shelf where I keep it every evening around 8pm and meows. Then I have to play with him. Once he calms down a little, I sit on the sofa watching the telly and occasionally I wave it around for his amusement. Eventually he falls asleep next to it. If I leave it in the living room when I go to bed, the last thing I hear is the noise it makes as Alfie drags it across the floor back into the bedroom.
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I tried to take a selfie of myself with Sonic asleep in my arms - his favourite place to sleep :D

Discovered that holding the phone out wakes the cat.

Also do not know how to get the phone out of selfie mode. I can build a PC but struggle to take photos using a phone :facepalm:
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