Cat and I had our first serious quarrel last night.
I was planning to stay in (after a very late Friday night : bed at 6:00 am…) but was tempted forth despite intentions (Sleaze playing at Dash the Henge, a dreadful folk singer at The Old Dispensary and a swift decant to The Bear for DJs). Cat seemed to realise plans had changed and kept wandering around me in a querying manner as I was getting sorted to leave.
I agreed to give him a treat in recompense so we went to the kitchen and he struck the ritual anticipation position. I then offered him valerian root, not treats. He said Yes to the valerian root, so I poured some into a dish and he got stuck in. I then left, without giving him the treats….
Dread fail on my part….
I came home around midnight and Cat didn’t greet me. Not unusual, so I went to where he normally naps when I’m out. Before putting on the light I assumed he wasn’t there: I didn’t spy the familiar badger markings on his black face, normally visible in the gloom as he turns his face to greet me. Turned on the light and discovered that he was in fact right there, but with his back turned firmly towards me. Never done that before, or at any rate in quite such clear and pointed fashion. I went to say hello and he withdrew all permissions. Didn’t purr, didn’t reach out one arm, turned his face away and deigned my hand, shrinking away as if I was toxic. I realised he was cross with me, but didn’t know why.
In the kitchen I noticed that he’d not touched his supper, not a bite. Assumed perhaps he’d dined out with a friend (I’m pretty sure he does that sometimes…)
Did all the bedtime things and as I started to get into bed, discovered the bloody guts and bisected tail of a rodent, on my pillow where I lay my head. Never happened before: he never leaves any muck, and never ever where I sleep. As I reacted, Cat looked down his nose at me, and as I exclaimed and explained why I don’t want him to eat mice where I sleep, he just kept staring at me.
As I said “You wouldn’t want to sleep in the bloody remains of your last meal, so I don’t know why you think it’s okay for me…” I realised “….Ohhh… that’s exactly why you’ve left it here….” and he blinked slowly, and slowly turned his face away..
I realised he was saying “Humph. You lied and tricked me into not having the treat I wanted, I bring you a treat you don’t want, how about that! And nyer! I don’t need what food you give me, I can feed myself quite well enough thank you. But you are the Keeper of the Treats, and you must give me treats when I ask, or else!”
When I accepted his point and apologised for the deceit, he accepted my hand on his neck, but remained aloof.
We’ve since made it up. He’s been affectionate today, sitting near me and brushing his fur against me as he passes by.
Good grief. Those who say cats are incommunicative have never paid enough attention to cats.