For starts more than half of mass shooters use assault weapons and high capacity magazines so those are two things that should be made completely illegal straight off the bat. Theres no possible justification for private ownership for either of these things.
Furthermore the idea that guns prevent violence and are a successful deterrent is widely exaggerated. Most statistics used to defend this position are criticize for many false positives (for example people who claim they "heard" an intruder and yelled that they had a gun to scare off an intruder (who may or may not have even existed) is used as an example of someone using a firearm for self defence in many pro gun studies.
if there is a handgun in your house you are more likely to be the victim of gun violence, this is a fact
Guns in the Home and Risk of a Violent Death in the Home: Findings from a National Study Furthermore owning a handgun means you are more likely to commit suicide. There were nearly 40,000 suicides in the US in 2010, and in more than half of them guns were used.
Guns & Suicide: The Hidden Toll | Magazine Features | Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health Magazine Features
Once again in Australia after the buy back there was a significant drop in the suicide rate. Not just in the suicide rate using firearms but the overall suicide rate dropped. After the Gun buy back the firearms suicide rate dropped by massive 74% and there was no increase in non firearms related suicide to correlate with that.
Australia confiscated 650,000 guns. Murders and suicides plummeted.
This comes on top of a 50% decrease in firearm homicides.
So as I said to purchase a handgun you should have to go through the same hoops as I suggested my post above. Background check. Criminal background check. Medical check. Practical and Theoretical training. And a mandatory 30 day waiting period. With weapons held in a secure location that can be inspected by police.
Can you argue against any of the above?