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Wycliffe Jean for President of Haiti...

I hope that every time President Wycleft starts to give a speech Lauryn Hill interrupts it with chants of 'one time, one time'.....
Or turns up 3 hours late and then spends 90 minutes reciting her poetry to a bemused and ultimately angry audience.
Can't vouch for the veracity of this piece, (http://sfbayview.com/2010/wyclef-jean-for-president-of-haiti-look-beyond-the-hype/), although Raymond Joseph is certainly the Haitian ambassador to the US:

"To cut to the chase, no election in Haiti, and no candidate in those elections, will be considered legitimate by the majority of Haiti’s population, unless it includes the full and fair participation of the Fanmi Lavalas Party of President Jean-Bertrand Aristide. Fanmi Lavalas is unquestionably the most popular party in the country, yet the “international community,” led by the United States, France and Canada, has done everything possible to undermine Aristide and Lavalas, overthrowing him twice by military coups in 1991 and 2004 and banishing Aristide, who now lives in South Africa with his family, from the Americas.

"Fanmi Lavalas has already been banned from the next round of elections, so enter Wyclef Jean. Jean comes from a prominent Haitian family that has virulently opposed Lavalas since the 1990 elections. His uncle is Raymond Joseph – also a rumored presidential candidate – who became Haitian ambassador to the United States under the coup government and remains so today.

"Wyclef Jean supported the 2004 coup. When gun-running former army and death squad members trained by the CIA were overrunning Haiti’s north on Feb. 25, 2004, MTV’s Gideon Yago wrote, “Wyclef Jean voiced his support for Haitian rebels on Wednesday, calling on embattled Haitian President Jean-Bertrand Aristide to step down and telling his fans in Haiti to ‘keep their head up’ as the country braces itself for possible civil war.”

"Jean also produced the movie, “The Ghosts of Cite Soleil,” an anti-Aristide and Lavalas hit piece, which tells us that President Aristide left voluntarily, without mention of his kidnapping by the U.S. military, and presents the main coup leaders in a favorable light. It features interviews with sweatshop owners Andy Apaid and Charles Henry Baker without telling us they hate Aristide because he raised the minimum wage and sought to give all Haitians a seat at the table by democratizing Haiti’s economy, a program opposed by the rich in Haiti. It uncritically interviews coup leader Louis Jodel Chamblain, without telling us he worked with the Duvalier dictatorship’s brutal militia, the Tonton Macoutes, in the 1980s; that following the coup against Aristide in 1991, he was the “operations guy” for the FRAPH paramilitary death squad, accused of murdering uncounted numbers of Aristide supporters and introducing gang rape into Haiti as a military weapon. It uncritically interviews coup leader Guy Phillipe, without telling us he’s a former Haitian police chief who was trained by U.S. Special Forces in Ecuador in the early 1990s or that the U.S. embassy admitted that Phillipe was involved in the transhipment of narcotics, one of the key sources of funds for paramilitary attacks on the poor in Haiti.

"Let us be clear. Jean and his uncle, the Haitian ambassador to the U.S., are both cozy with the self-appointed czar of Haiti, Bill Clinton, whose plans for the Caribbean nation are to make it a neo-colony for a reconstructed tourist industry and a pool of cheap labor for U.S. factories. Wyclef Jean is the perfect front man. The Haitian elite and its U.S./U.N. sponsors are counting on his appeal to the youth to derail the people’s movement for democracy and their call for the return of President Aristide. Most Haitians will not be hoodwinked by the likes of Wyclef Jean."
Thread here btw over Wyclef specifically - there seemed to be some controversy over the charity he was involved in?

Re. your question above - I can't see that they can be any worse than the careerist political class we've already got!
Is he eating fried mud patties for breakfast and living in abject poverty so as to get a feel for the problems faced by his potential voters. lol.
Thread here btw over Wyclef specifically - there seemed to be some controversy over the charity he was involved in?

Re. your question above - I can't see that they can be any worse than the careerist political class we've already got!

I wasn't asking about him, I was asking about other pop stars/countries.

Myself - Ice Cube for prez of the US, cause he'd probably do a better job than who they've got now.
I will not be voting for him.

Wycliffe was hoping for your vote :(

I wasn't asking about him, I was asking about other pop stars/countries.

Myself - Ice Cube for prez of the US, cause he'd probably do a better job than who they've got now.

Yeah, well that's what I said really... I can't think that some of them could be much worse than the representatives we have now.

How about KRS-1?

Not sure about Flavour Flav - still, you'd always know what tiiiimme it is?!
The Wu Tang would be responsible for bringing da ruckus. And Busta Rhymes on the fundraising trail, exorting people to "Gimme some more".
Sean Penn had a few words to say about WJ turning up in Port-au-Prince in a motorcade wearing tons of jewellery and his mysterious 'not being there' for 6 months. Couched with a 'I haven't seen him but...'caveat, to make the obvious anger of Penn's comments a little easier to swallow?

Mr Penn has been helping out at a tent camp for 50,000 people for the last 6 months apparently...
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