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WTC attacks - the alternative thread

fela fan said:
It was why i started this thread. To put the shoe on the other foot. But it didn't fit...

And when the heat gets too much, they flee the kitchen ;) .
You're babbling like an idiot again.
DrJazzz said:
Even you, editor, will be in no doubt that there is appendage underneath the aircraft from which a missile is fired just before impact. This is visible in the other footage also.
So, the aircraft wasn't in fact the original passenger aircraft - it was a remote control plane (using technology ne'er seen before or since) loaded with a precision missile set to fire 0.33 of a second before impact with the WTC. Is that right?

So what happened to the original flight? Where did the passengers go? and exactly where did this missile laden passenger plane look-a-like come from?

And how did they fake those pesky calls?
DrJazzz said:
Planes and cars may always explode when they crash in Hollywood blockbusters, but that ain't the case in real life. The object of the whole exercise of 9-11 was to bring the towers down. To do this they had to demolish them. In order to make it look as if they came down another way you need fires. To generate them you need big Hollywood explosions, and you want that anyway as this are going to be the seminal images with which to terrorise the population of the whole western world.

Presumably impact + ruptured fuel tanks disgorging hundreds of gallons of aviation fuel had nothing to do with it....

...i mean, a missile to produce a 'Hollywood style explosion' for us credulous popcorn chewing westerners....

...really :rolleyes:
editor said:
So, the aircraft wasn't in fact the original passenger aircraft - it was a remote control plane (using technology ne'er seen before or since) loaded with a precision missile set to fire 0.33 of a second before impact with the WTC. Is that right?

So what happened to the original flight? Where did the passengers go? and exactly where did this missile laden passenger plane look-a-like come from?

And how did they fake those pesky calls?

Don't know if .33 is exactly right, but you are pretty much on the mark. The technology needed to do this has been around for donkey's years - you are the only one that still doubts that editor. The missile need not have been 'precision' I guess, but I quibble.

Your last three questions are good ones. Although there is now speculation that many of the named passengers may be fictitious. One presumes that the original flight 175 landed somewhere other than the WTC, the phoney flight 175 took off from a military airbase. It's perhaps possible that 175 never even took off - this could well be the case with flights 11 and 77.
Dr. Christmas said:
Presumably impact + ruptured fuel tanks disgorging hundreds of gallons of aviation fuel had nothing to do with it....

...i mean, a missile to produce a 'Hollywood style explosion' for us credulous popcorn chewing westerners....

...really :rolleyes:

yes, really. Have you seen the videos in slow-motion, as on the link I provided?

I can't see any missile, either in slow-mo, or the original you provided at the bottom of the last page.

Ruptured fuel tanks plus hundreds of gallons of fuel surging over hot engine parts = big bang. Or can you show us a similar aircraft crash- high, accelerating impact into building/mountain- which did not involve an immediate fireball?

Plus if, as you claim, the USG/black/psy ops were the source of the WTC disaster, why aim at destroying them? A big fire + extensive damage+ thousands of deaths would have had the same effect on public opinion- trapped people leaping to their deaths etc- as the total destruction did.

Where's the evdience for the USG/ CIA wanting to destroy the towers completely?
DrJazzz said:
Don't know if .33 is exactly right, but you are pretty much on the mark. The technology needed to do this has been around for donkey's years - you are the only one that still doubts that editor..
Excuse me? I've asked for real-world documented examples of a large commercial passenger aircraft aircraft being flown by a completely invisible remote control system which would not be spotted by ground staff, passengers, air crew or pilots. And I'm still waiting for a single example to be produced.

Unless of course, you're talking about your remote control, missile-spurting 'switched' fantasy planes, where the original passengers were presumably taken off and murdered some where while the crack CIA Mike Yarwood Squadron busied itself making incredibly perfect impressions of conversations with loved ones.
goldenecitrone said:
Why would a massive aeroplane full of fuel need to fire a missile into the building 1/3 of a second before it crashed into it? Seems like a pretty pointless thing to do. Not that the footage has been doctored or anything.

To paraphrase Groucho Marx: who are you going to believe those who promote the "official" version or YOUR OWN TWO EYES?
editor said:
You're babbling like an idiot again.

Yes, we know by now that i'm stupid and talk insulting trash, and that i babble.

But you never address the points. As soon as they get near the marrow, folk are then 'stupid'. And debate is sidestepped. I suspected as much, hence putting this thread to the forum. QED.

Oh well.
I was a bit puzzled by the delay in the missile being fired with the subsequent explosion. This explains it - it's a delayed bomb!

As demonstrated in the video, the presence of the flash coming from the tip of the pod appears to be similar to a detonating fuze (such as the M904 nose fuze detonator). As it’s being set, the fuse appears to send a blast and a light forward, towards the tower, less than a second before the plane collides. The explosion occurs inside the building, which is similar to an explosion caused by a bomb with a nose detonator using a delayed fuzing system.

A delayed fuzing system allows a GP Bomb, such as a MK-84, to penetrate a building before the actual explosion occurs, causing greater damage than if it would explode outside. This method is used by the military when bombing high profile targets, such as multiple-storied buildings. Rather than exploding instantaneously, a bomb with a delayed fuzing system is allowed to penetrate the target, in this case the WTC towers, taking advantage of the building’s confinement inside its walls and floors in order to increase its destructive effect. The inside of the building adds pressure to the explosion.
all well and good, but why bother when you've got hundreds of gallons of aviation fuel and as many metal sparks as one could hope for to ignite it?

DrJazzz said:
I was a bit puzzled by the delay in the missile being fired with the subsequent explosion. This explains it - it's a delayed bomb!

From the same site:

Supercomputers in Maryland, Israel and elsewhere with a speed of over 20 BILLION bits/sec can monitor millions of people simultaneously. In fact, the whole world population can be totally controlled by these secret brain-computer interactions, however unbelievable it sounds for the uninformed...

Mind Control With Silent Sounds And Super Computers...

America Is Now Ruled By The Occult, Let There Be No Doubt About It
Oh, and the author-without-a-spellchecker - who is apparently a computer 3D avatar - describes himself thus:
Jack Blood is Currently writing a book to chronicle his adventures as a young man controlled by the globalists and detailing how he broke the pattern of that control
Here's his dramatic call to action:
Call yout local radio station, Tv station, or Print Vehicle NOW... Jack will represent you, and freedom lovers EVERYWHERE
Where do you get these bonkers people from, DrJ?
Dr. Christmas said:
what does that show other than a slow mo of an aeroplane crashing?

Here you go DC.

Take a look at this analysis of the footage conducted by a conservative Spanish newspaper. from it you will see that it's not so easy to dismiss the white flash on the larger image. The analysis demonstrates that some kind of elongated cylindrical structure was fitted to the underside of the aircraft. PATRONAT MUNICIPAL DE L’ESCOLA UNIVERSITARIA POLITÉCNICA DE MATARÓ

What all this means is that the second plane to hit the south tower was not the one that departed logan airport. Therefore, it must have been switched with the one we can see in the photographic images somewhere in the vicinity of its outbound route.
Dr. Christmas said:
what does that show other than a slow mo of an aeroplane crashing?

That the sun reflecting off the plane is considered by some to be a missile being launched from the look of it.
Jay Emm said:
That the sun reflecting off the plane is considered by some to be a missile being launched from the look of it.

Clearly then you have not read or have dismissed out of hand the scientific analysis carried out by UNIVERSITARIA POLITÉCNICA DE MATARÓ.

This analysis demonstrates that what we see are in fact physical objects and NOT reflected sunlight as you imply above.

Who are we going to believe our own eyes or Jay Emm?
bigfish said:
What all this means is that the second plane to hit the south tower was not the one that departed logan airport. Therefore, it must have been switched with the one we can see in the photographic images somewhere in the vicinity of its outbound route.
Care to offer an opinion as to what happened to this other plane and how it managed to completely disappear off this planet without any emergency signals or warnings from the pilots being broadcast, no air traffic controllers noticing this curious even or a single eye witness seeing anything?
bigfish said:
This analysis demonstrates that what we see are in fact physical objects and NOT reflected sunlight as you imply above.

Analyses are fallible.

This is one scientist, out of gazillions working on the 9/11 evidence, who's noticed this.

I'm not saying he's incorrect. I wouldn't presume to criticise his analysis from a technical viewpoint (a la Jazzz pianist offering huffy postscripts on advanced aeronautics/ missile ballistics) as I don't know anything about it tho- it read plausibly enough though.

I would say it's odd that if someone had pointed this out and it was plausible, surely such info would be much more widely available than on one net site entitled 'mysteries of 9/11' and run in one Spanish newspaper.

I have to say it's an interesting piece though.
DrJazzz said:
It hasn't been doctored goldencitrone. You can get the originals from here and presumably other sources.
Sorry DrJazz, but up until a few weeks ago I would have said the same. Until I found strong professional evidence to suggest that the only existing footage of the 1st impact was doctored before it was shown on tv despite the very short time frame involved. The details of the doctoring aren't clear but what is is that at least 2 frames have been removed. Kudos to Ed for clueing me up on the finer point of 'artefacts' caused by video compression and, despite what 8/10 cat owners might see on the tape, because of the tampering, it can no longer be considered as viable evidence.

editor said:
So, the aircraft wasn't in fact the original passenger aircraft - it was a remote control plane (using technology ne'er seen before or since) loaded with a precision missile set to fire 0.33 of a second before impact with the WTC. Is that right?

So what happened to the original flight? Where did the passengers go? and exactly where did this missile laden passenger plane look-a-like come from?

And how did they fake those pesky calls?
Ed, I have absolutely no beef with this post at all but I think it highlights exactly the issues this type of thread has. That being that there are a number of theories bouncing around which all differ. In that one post I think you managed to pick at least one unique detail from each of them. The silver lining in this cloud is that I don't see a board strictly as a place where you voice your opinions; I see it as a place where you have the freedom to throw ideas around in more random and exploratory ways than possible elsewhere... strangley it's just dawned on me that much of the subject matter of this thread may well be discussed after a few down the local and a coupla spliff's, all with perfect humour and a completely open forum and yet on here the disconnection from real the face to face social setting gives us the remit to be more aggressive in our counter arguments. What a strange paradox.
Jangla said:
... strangley it's just dawned on me that much of the subject matter of this thread may well be discussed after a few down the local and a coupla spliff's, all with perfect humour and a completely open forum and yet on here the disconnection from real the face to face social setting gives us the remit to be more aggressive in our counter arguments. What a strange paradox.

Note also jangla the lack of face to face communication when folk are behind the wheels of their cars, and the subsequent behaviour of drivers... ;)

It's an interesting one, one worthy of research.
editor said:
Care to offer an opinion as to what happened to this other plane and how it managed to completely disappear off this planet without any emergency signals or warnings from the pilots being broadcast, no air traffic controllers noticing this curious event or a single eye witness seeing anything?

I'd sooner hear what you have to say in a professional capacity about the photographic analysis carried out by the UNIVERSITARIA POLITÉCNICA DE MATARÓ for the conservative La Vanguardia newspaper in Spain Mike. You have some skills in this field I believe.

The thing is, the type of analysis carried out by the Spanish can be easily duplicated and tested in this country by any similar institution suitably equipped. All they would need would be a commission from any major news gathering organization to do the forensics.

As for how the switch was actually made and what happened to the passengers, I can only speculate at this stage as I'm not in possession of any material evidence capable of supporting a theory. However, I'm pretty confident in my own mind that flights 11, 175 and 77 were all switched for missile firing drones.

The only video footage taken of "flight 11" crashing into the north tower appears to show a missile being fired just a fraction of a second before the plane impacts the building, just like the footage taken of the attack on the south tower in fact. This would tend to suggest that these two planes at the very least were rigged in an identical manner.


Comparisons between these two aircraft and the one used in the Pentagon attack are difficult to draw from the footage I've seen, but all is far from well here too. For anyone to suggest that the incredible maneuvers carried out by this aircraft were performed by anyone other than the Red Baron, Biggles, Douglas Bader, Tom Cruise or a computerized version of all of them rolled into one, stretches ones credulity to breaking point I'm afraid.

Dr. Christmas said:
Analyses are fallible.

This is one scientist, out of gazillions working on the 9/11 evidence, who's noticed this.

I'm not saying he's incorrect. I wouldn't presume to criticise his analysis from a technical viewpoint ... it read plausibly enough though.

I would say it's odd that if someone had pointed this out and it was plausible, surely such info would be much more widely available than on one net site entitled 'mysteries of 9/11' and run in one Spanish newspaper.

I have to say it's an interesting piece though.

The analysis is valid until it is proven to be false DC. A comparative study is needed of course, but, on its face, it's difficult not to be satisfied with the rigor of the report. I wouldn't think Professor Carrasco would lose a seconds sleep if he were to learn that his analytical method and results were to be subject to review by any number of his peers.

I'm not so sure that the number of forensic scientists working on the 9/11 crime amounts to quite as many as you imagine DC, but that aside what we can say is that the one scientist we know of who conducted a thorough forensic examination of certain photographic evidence, did so under instruction from a pretty conservative Spanish daily newspaper. Their approach to the material would have been a cautious one in my opinion. Our own newspapers could just as easily do the same if they had a mind to, but for some reason or other they don't have a mind anymore, not of their own anyway.

With regard to your comments about the Spanish analysis not being more widely available, then I suspect plenty of references to it can be found in all kinds of Spanish and Latino media both on and of line, if a proper search in Spanish was conducted. La Vangaurdia is an old Spanish establishment newspaper when all is said and done and will be extensively referenced in the Spanish speaking world. At any rate, at critical moments the Spanish people have demonstrated their overwhelmingly opposition to 9/11 spawned wars and part of the reason for that may well be because they found themselves to be much better informed about such important matters than the Anglo Saxon nations.
bigfish said:
At any rate, at critical moments the Spanish people have demonstrated their overwhelmingly opposition to 9/11 spawned wars and part of the reason for that may well be because they found themselves to be much better informed about such important matters than the Anglo Saxon nations.

That's a very good point. I don't think just the Spanish either. Because i meet varying nationalities where i live, both those who work here and those who are passing through on their travels, quite a melting pot here! The point is that virtually all of them, bar english and americans, believe in the complicitness of the US in the 9/11 attacks.

The english and americans (mostly) don't seem to find it within their experiences to believe the USG would/could murder so many of their citizens.

On another point bigfish, if those planes were switched for drones or whatever, where did the original planes end up? This vexes me a lot.
bigfish said:
At any rate, at critical moments the Spanish people have demonstrated their overwhelmingly opposition to 9/11 spawned wars and part of the reason for that may well be because they found themselves to be much better informed about such important matters than the Anglo Saxon nations.
Right. So the entire Western media are completely ignoring what would be the story of the century because they're not as 'well informed' as the, err, hard-hitting Spanish media.

What utter tosh. It's clear that the story is being ignored because news editors and journalists aren't deeming it credible enough to be reported. Why else would they ignore what would be an incredible, circulation-zooming, career-boosting, epoch-changing Scoop of the Year? Or are all journalists in on the conspiracy too?

And what happened to the other three planes which - according to your beliefs - were miraculously substituted by three drones without a single soul on this planet noticing a thing?
Were the passengers taken off and slaughtered somewhere else? And how do you explain those darn conspiracy-theory-troubling phone calls?
editor said:
Right. So the entire Western media are completely ignoring what would be the story of the century because they're not as 'well informed' as the, err, hard-hitting Spanish media.

What utter tosh. It's clear that the story is being ignored because news editors and journalists aren't deeming it credible enough to be reported. Why else would they ignore what would be an incredible, circulation-zooming, career-boosting, epoch-changing Scoop of the Year? Or are all journalists in on the conspiracy too?

What's more pertinent is that non-US and non-UK media aren't completely ignoring this story. There's a lot more of them than these two counties.

It's not necessarily about being well-informed (or not), maybe more to do with proprietors and editors deciding what will be published or not. Not surprising that both the US and UK have been the two countries to do the illegal invading of Iraq by way of consequence.

They get all the circulation they need off celebrity gossip and humiliation and the royal family's latest exploits.

Papers in Britain and US by and large don't report news, they shape and influence it.
Come off it. So Murdoch and co. have been able to completely seal off the UK media from 'the truth' have they? And they do this knowing that continental sources know what they know and what they don't want the uk public to know? Don't you think they might see a flaw in that strategy?

There is a difference between powerful and omnipotent.
bigfish said:
To paraphrase Groucho Marx: who are you going to believe those who promote the "official" version or YOUR OWN TWO EYES?

You might want to have a look at this then
Plane 1
Plane 2
Plane 3

In the last photo the bulge is just visible at the rear of the wing. All these aircraft are still flying. More worryingly all appear to be fitted with the top secret flame thrower / missile launcher system :rolleyes:
fela fan said:
It's not necessarily about being well-informed (or not), maybe more to do with proprietors and editors deciding what will be published or not.
The world according to fela fan:

Journalist: "Editor! Hold the front page! I've got the incredible story of the Conspiracy of the Century featuring ne'er before seen missile-firing, remote control passenger planes, mass murders of passengers by the USG, amazing squadrons of CIA Mike Yarwood Impressionists, cover-ups, aircraft flying unseen over Long Island, lies from the highest levels of government and lots and lots of corruption and global conspiracies! This will be the biggest story the world has ever heard and will make our paper a world reknown leader. We'll shift billions of copies and make a fortune!"

Editor: "Let's run a story about the bloke in East Enders instead."
Jangla said:
Sorry DrJazz, but up until a few weeks ago I would have said the same. Until I found strong professional evidence to suggest that the only existing footage of the 1st impact was doctored before it was shown on tv despite the very short time frame involved. The details of the doctoring aren't clear but what is is that at least 2 frames have been removed. Kudos to Ed for clueing me up on the finer point of 'artefacts' caused by video compression and, despite what 8/10 cat owners might see on the tape, because of the tampering, it can no longer be considered as viable evidence.
Perhpas I should have said I don't believe it to have been doctored.

This wasn't the first impact, it was the second - which was broadcast live, from many angles. The original footage is certainly in possession of CNN, etc., not the conspiracy theorists, it's presumably readily available from them, and I don't see why they would wish to doctor it unless to hide something that should not be there. Perhaps this is what occurred with the first impact. I can something being fired in three pieces of footage of the South Tower impact, and the footage of the North Tower.
DrJazzz said:
I can something being fired in three pieces of footage of the South Tower impact, and the footage of the North Tower.
So did all the 9/11 'remote control' planes carry this truly remarkable split-second missile launching device, or was it only one of them?

And if so, why?

And exactly how did all the original planes managed to disappear off the face of the earth without a single trace? Any idea?
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