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    Lazy Llama

WTC attacks - the alternative thread

If there were any truth in any of these conspiracy claims that aren't being reported by the Western media then maybe you could expect them to be given more credence in the Arab media who are pretty pissed off with the US and Britain. Is there any evidence of this? None of my students have ever mentioned it and many of them come from the Arab world. Why aren't Al-Jazeera reporting it?
Dr. Christmas said:
What precise make were these airliners? 757s or 767s?

The south tower was a 767 which I have provided 3 pics of in a post above which clearly (in one) show the mistery bump under the wing.

This bump is NOT some top secret weapon, it is a normal feature of a 767.
Right, attached is a profile of a bog standard 767.

Which are the bumps wouldbe? If they can be identified then that clears this up once and for all (and also explains why a seemingly reputed Spanish professor's revelations are being met with massive indifference from news agencies across the gobe)

editor said:
So did all the 9/11 'remote control' planes carry this truly remarkable split-second missile launching device, or was it only one of them?

And if so, why?

And exactly how did all the original planes managed to disappear off the face of the earth without a single trace? Any idea?

You should know what I have been posting. In my last post, I remark that you can similarly see a flash before the North Tower impact. And it's very likely that if a plane hit the Pentagon it fired a missile or similar before entry, yes.

I am no longer sure that flights 11 and 77 (supposedly North Tower and Pentagon) ever took off, if they didn't, then they didn't disappear off the face of the earth!
editor said:
The world according to fela fan:

Journalist: "Editor! Hold the front page! I've got the incredible story of the Conspiracy of the Century featuring ne'er before seen missile-firing, remote control passenger planes, mass murders of passengers by the USG, amazing squadrons of CIA Mike Yarwood Impressionists, cover-ups, aircraft flying unseen over Long Island, lies from the highest levels of government and lots and lots of corruption and global conspiracies! This will be the biggest story the world has ever heard and will make our paper a world reknown leader. We'll shift billions of copies and make a fortune!"

Editor: "Let's run a story about the bloke in East Enders instead."

I think if the journo said that, he'd be booted out of a job by the editor.

Funny, i've never said ANY of that myself, so perhaps i could apply to be a journo... and write about Diana and Beckham et al. And today's pair of tits come from Miss X, just turned 16 yesterday...

And then turning the page we read about the latest paedophile...
DrJazzz said:
I am no longer sure that flights 11 and 77 (supposedly North Tower and Pentagon) ever took off, if they didn't, then they didn't disappear off the face of the earth!
R-i-g-h-t. So were the passengers, pilots, crew (and presumably ground staff) of the two planes invisibly marched off out of the airport to a secret location somewhere, shot in the head (or otherwise mass-murdered) and then their bodies sprinkled with 'disappear dust'?

Oh, with the CIA Crack Mike Yarwood Impressionist Squadron at the ready, of course.
Dr. Christmas said:
Right, attached is a profile of a bog standard 767.

Which are the bumps wouldbe? If they can be identified then that clears this up once and for all (and also explains why a seemingly reputed Spanish professor's revelations are being met with massive indifference from news agencies across the gobe)


The mistery hump is the red area under the wing.

Is this proof that the USG are going to attack the Seychelles? ;)
There we have it.

That's the missile launcher theory in tatters.

No wonder yer man in Spain wasn't taken seriously. After all, you'd think you'd check the basic structure of a 767 before going public with a 'unexplained cylindrical object' theory. It only take a milisecond to find the suitable profile on google- and the whole elaborate fantasy then falls apart.

No-one ever explained either what the point of launching a missile at the tower 0.33 seconds before a fuel laden airliner crashed into it at 500+ mph, either. If you still cling to this theory, what's the answer to that question?

Dr. Christmas said:
That's the missile launcher theory in tatters.
I thought the idea of a remote-controlled pretend passenger plane firing missiles in broad daylight 0.33 seconds before impact was about as bonkers as things could get, but I'm sure there'll be an even dafter, more arcane and even more ludicrously improbable 'interpretation' of the facts along soon!
Dr. Christmas said:
Right, attached is a profile of a bog standard 767.

Which are the bumps wouldbe? If they can be identified then that clears this up once and for all (and also explains why a seemingly reputed Spanish professor's revelations are being met with massive indifference from news agencies across the gobe)


Let me see if I've got this right.

First you put up a profile of a 767 and ask WB to identify the "bumps".

That would indicate that you're unable to identify any "bumps" on the profile yourself, otherwise you would surely have pointed them out.

Lucky for us then that WB happened to have a red pen in his crayon box or else we'd all still be in the dark now.

So, anyway WB draws a red mark along the left wing housing which incidentally does not drop beneath the lower profile of the main fuselage at any point... unlike the cylindrical objects identified in the analysis, which clearly states that "[T]he detected objects have varying luminosity around them because they are in relief (this is the only possible explanation)." Which means that their is light reflecting around them because they are cylindrical in shape [not mere bulges] attached to the underside of the airfame and therefore would appear beneath the fuselage if seen in profile. Furthermore, WB's little red line does not correspond with the position of the two cylindrical objects revealed in the analytical process.

To believe as you two commedians seem to that a Spanish university professor is capable of such an colossal blunder marks you both out as a pair of complete charlatans.

Why the fuck do you bother?
bigfish said:
To believe as you two commedians seem to that a Spanish university professor is capable of such an incredible blunder marks you both out as a pair complete of charlatans.

Why the fuck do you bother?
Sorry to interrupt your insult-fest here, but have you any thoughts on why the entire world's press have completely ignored the professor's revelations?

After all, if he was right, he'd have the story of the century and provide political dynamite and paper-shifting profits for a host of interested parties, so why has no Western, middle Eastern, Eastern, Third World, African - heck, pick a point on the compass - media outlet picked up on his 'findings'?

Any ideas?
editor said:
Right. So the entire Western media are completely ignoring what would be the story of the century because they're not as 'well informed' as the, err, hard-hitting Spanish media.

Well no, thats patently absurd. As I have shown, a leading conservative Spanish newspaper has placed into the public domain material evidence clearly indicating that flight 175 was not the aircraft that crashed into the south tower. The last time I looked, Spain was a Western country, just like France and Germany are Western countries. Here too skepticism of the official "it was Al-Q wot done it guv, honest!" fairy story is well advanced.

But if by "the entire Western media" you really mean the very much narrower Anglo-American media, then you're absolutely bang on the money. But then America and Britain are the principle bandits involved in the whole caper of invading the Middle East under the phony pretext supplied by... the "new Pearl Harbor".

What utter tosh. It's clear that the story is being ignored because news editors and journalists aren't deeming it credible enough to be reported.

Spanish news editors aren't ignoring the story are they? Or aren't they as good as their intrepid British counterparts down at the good old BBC, or the Guardian, or the Independent, in your book... is that what you're saying? These media appear utterly lame by comparison with their Spanish equivalents, that is judging by the performance of La Vanguardia and the degree to which the Spanish people are consciously aware of the presence of the Beast. You would do well to remember that the stench of fascism still lingers strong in Spanish nostrils and unwise to ignore their warnings.

Those managing the news down at the BBC and elsewhere are doing precisely that, they're managing, or rather filleting and massaging the gathered material so that we don't actually ever get to hear or read about the essence of what really matters as the events unfold. Thus we get "embedded" journalists who tell us absolutely nothing of the real horrors of war.

Journo's write copy, but editors manipulate and reconstitute that copy according to the propaganda model de jour. Subservience and obedience to the model is implicitly built into the news gathering system. Just look what happened to Gilligan, Davies and Dyke when the rubicon was crossed with the Kelly scandal. Bang! Bang! Bang! Abracadabra, and they all disappeared in a puff of white smoke!

The mainstream media here and in the United States are centrally engaged in covering up the criminal activity of their respective elite's. It is these elite's and not the British and American people who have embarked on an ILLEGAL WAR OF PILLAGE WAGED AGAINST A DEFENSELESS AND UTTERLY BANKRUPTED NATION... against the will of the British and American people.

When all is said and done, what we call the media today has become concentrated into ever fewer hands. The consequent complementary development of this process renders an increasingly monolithic and monosyllabic outlook and narrative across a multitude of media outlets under more or less centrally coordinated control. The centrally coordinated control of the Anglo-American ruling elite.

In this country, Big Daddy Bliar's real constituency is precisely this elite. When he says he's acting in the best interests of the country and the British people, what he really means is that he's acting in the best interests a handful of fabulously wealthy individuals who happen through a quirk of birth to own a stake in more than half the fucking planet.

And what happened to the other three planes which - according to your beliefs - were miraculously substituted by three drones without a single soul on this planet noticing a thing?

As I repeatedly keep pointing out to you, I'm not in possession of any material evidence at the moment capable of supporting an explanation of the whereabouts of the three switched aircraft, however this is not critical to the veracity of Professor Carrasco's analysis which still stands in the absence of any explanation for their whereabouts. Surely you can see that can't you?

If you really want to know the answer to your question then ask yourself this:

If you needed to get rid of three large passenger jets in a hurry who would you ask to take care of it for you?

A. Your uncle Bob

B. The bloke down the street with a van

C. The CIA

Professor Carrasco has demonstrated quite clearly that the plane that hit the south tower was NOT the one that departed Logan airport on the morning of September 11. The reason we can confidently state this, is because flight 175 DID NOT have any cylindrical pods fitted to the underside of its fuselage as standard—unlike the craft captured in the video.

So, there you go, we now have some hard evidence, generated by a conservative Spanish newspaper, calling into question the official version of events. So why don't you take a look at the analysis and give us the benefit of an educated opinion as to its authenticity and veracity? After all, you do lay claim to some expertise in the field of computer imaging and graphics by all accounts, so why not apply these skills to the question asked instead of all the impossible demands, constant evasions and endless flimflam?
bigfish said:
But if by "the entire Western media" you really mean the very much narrower Anglo-American media,
Actually I rather clearly said, the entire world's press.

In fact, I wrote that in bold text, just to be sure you registered the fact, so don't try twisting it to suit your ends, there's a good chap.

You'd think some Arab media outlets would have a few words to say about America trying to falsely blame Arabs with this cunning cover up.

Any idea why ne'er a peep has been heard from them?

And do you really think that the entire UK media is somehow being held back from reporting this 'story' which, if true, would truly be the Scoop of the Century.

According to you, the, err, not exactly renown Professor Carrasco has proven beyond doubt that it was all an evil murderous con, so why isn't anyone reporting the story?

bigfish said:
Professor Carrasco has demonstrated quite clearly that the plane that hit the south tower was NOT the one that departed Logan airport on the morning of September 11.
Your faith in this one Spanish professor is quite touching, but doesn't it bother you that ne'er a peep has been heard from any of the far better qualified experts on the subject scattered around the globe?

Seeing as you're holding such store in the peer-shunned opinions of the lone Professor, perhaps you could list his exceptional experience and expertise in this particular field which makes you so sure he's right when everyone else is completely wrong (and presumably stupid to be fooled so easily_?

Oh, and if it wasn't the aircraft, what happened to the pilots, the passengers and the original planes? And who faked the calls? Any remotely credible scenarios to supplement your amazing missile-spouting robo-plane?
editor said:
Actually I rather clearly said, the entire world's press.

In fact, I wrote that in bold text, just to be sure you registered the fact, so don't try twisting it to suit your ends, there's a good chap.

editor yesterday at 8.33 said:
Right. So the entire Western media [my bolding bf] are completely ignoring what would be the story of the century because they're not as 'well informed' as the, err, hard-hitting Spanish media.

So are you now saying that this wasn't you who made this statement?

I'd appreciate it if you would retract your entirely false accusation that I have twisted your words, that is if it's not to humiliating for you.

editor said:
Actually I rather clearly said, the entire world's press.

In fact, I wrote that in bold text, just to be sure you registered the fact, so don't try twisting it to suit your ends, there's a good chap.

You'd think some Arab media outlets would have a few words to say about America trying to falsely blame Arabs with this cunning cover up.

Any idea why ne'er a peep has been heard from them?

So, you're in London right? And you're busy running urban.

Now tell me, how many languages can you read, and how much bloody time do you have??

Just how, pray tell, do you know that there aren't any arab media outlets covering aspects of the dodgy version of the USG?

And you know how the Thai press are covering world news at the minute?

And in Pakistan? And in the Lebanon? And in Egypt?

Jeez, you read quickly and have a lot of languages under your belt. You should be working at the UN, it's very well paid i believe.
fela fan said:
Now tell me, how many languages can you read, and how much bloody time do you have??

Just how, pray tell, do you know that there aren't any arab media outlets covering aspects of the dodgy version of the USG?
Actually, like a lot of journalists and other interested parties, I regularly check out a news site that carries headline stories in all languages from all around the world (Gawd bless babelfish).

But seeing as you seem to suggest that the world's media is in fact rammed full of stories about the improbable, ne'er before seen, missile hurling, pretend remote control planes, perhaps you could furnish me with some links?
You could start with a batch of stories from the Thai press.

Looking forward to it!
bigfish said:
So are you now saying that this wasn't you who made this statement?.
I did say that. But I also said "the entire world's press" adding, "Western, middle Eastern, Eastern, Third World, African..." too, so don't try and play smart arse games with me.

By selective quoting one comment and ignoring my clearly defined, overall statement written in bold, you are demonstrably guilty of dishonest editing. Shame on you.

Now that we've sorted that out (please don't do it again), perhaps you might move on to answering my questions?
Those headlines from the world's press should start rolling in soon. I feel so stupid and insular sat here on this little island during this news blackout that's been imposed on us while the rest of the world gasps and whistles through their teeth at this massive con that's been perpetrated by the US (and Israel was probably mixed up in it too, didn't 5,000 Jews leave the WTC ten minutes before the crash to go and buy some bagels from Yitzak's Bagel Emporium?)
Who's going to post the first headline then? :)
editor said:
Actually, like a lot of journalists and other interested parties, I regularly check out a news site that carries headline stories in all languages from all around the world (Gawd bless babelfish).

But seeing as you seem to suggest that the world's media is in fact rammed full of stories about the improbable, ne'er before seen, missile hurling, pretend remote control planes, perhaps you could furnish me with some links?
You could start with a batch of stories from the Thai press.

Looking forward to it!

Thanks for the tip, i'll have a butchers at that site.

But man, i said what i said, you, as ever read some extra meaning into things. I didn't suggest anything of the sort, i simply said what i said.

I can't read thai anywhere near fast enough, it would take me years to read one paper. But what i do know is that many thai people i speak to are very suspicious of the USG's involvement in the attacks, just like most nationalities of people i meet in the town where i live, where travellers come and go.

Whereas most British and American people think i'm somewhat mad when we talk about the subject.

I can only conclude that the rest of the world has a more healthy suspicion of USGs in general, this one in particular and over the attacks, and will put that down to the influence of their media.
fela fan said:
But man, i said what i said, you, as ever read some extra meaning into things. I didn't suggest anything of the sort, i simply said what i said.
So you can't actually source a single, solitary story from any credible media anywhere in the entire world reporting the improbable, ne'er before seen, missile hurling, remote control pretend passenger planes blowing up the WTC?

So what the fuck was your earlier rant on about?

Now, perhaps you'd like to offer an opinion as to why the Professor's sensational, world-changing, epoch-altering, blockbuster of a conspiracy story involving mass deception, mass murder, lies, cheating and the Greatest Cover Up of All Time hasn't been reported anywhere else?

Go on. Hazard a guess.
goldenecitrone said:
Those headlines from the world's press should start rolling in soon. I feel so stupid and insular sat here on this little island during this news blackout that's been imposed on us while the rest of the world gasps and whistles through their teeth at this massive con that's been perpetrated by the US (and Israel was probably mixed up in it too, didn't 5,000 Jews leave the WTC ten minutes before the crash to go and buy some bagels from Yitzak's Bagel Emporium?)
Who's going to post the first headline then? :)

You should feel somewhat short-changed. That is if you're after unbiased news that hasn't been subjected to all manner of methods of censorship.

But if you're after celebrity gossip, bingo, tits, feature writers whose currency is dishing out their morals and in humiliating people, and other inanities, then you should be okay.

Do yourself a favour one day when you have time. Go buy every single paper on one day, and do an analysis of their contents. You might find it thought provoking. You'd most likely conclude that 'news' is a misnomer.

In my opinion, most of the british press is a fucking disgrace, and responsible for the stealing of our democracy. They have completely subverted their role as the fourth estate.

The latest is the Express coming out and saying they now support the Tories. Having a paper openly supporting one party or the other is mind-boggling to me, and is not conducive to leaving the readers make up their own minds.

They shape, influence, and distort the actualities of news events so thoroughly you went and got all ironical about without realising the british press are a shadow of what they used to be.
editor said:
So you can't actually source a single, solitary story from any credible media anywhere in the entire world reporting the improbable, ne'er before seen, missile hurling, remote control pretend passenger planes blowing up the WTC?

So what the fuck was your earlier rant on about?

Now, perhaps you'd like to offer an opinion as to why the Professor's sensational, world-changing, epoch-altering, blockbuster of a conspiracy story involving mass deception, mass murder, lies, cheating and the Greatest Cover Up of All Time hasn't been reported anywhere else?

Go on. Hazard a guess.

You still don't appear to have got it. I'm not going to even look for a source, my post was about wondering how many languages you spoke and how much time you had to read the entire world's press, since you had stated you knew what it was saying. It wasn't about what i knew or had read anywhere, i wanted to know how you knew what the entire world's press were saying.

Even with babelwotsitsface, you'd still need way more than 24 hours in one day to know what the entire world's press were saying.

How many newspapers in the world at the last count?
fela fan said:
You still don't appear to have got it. I'm not going to even look for a source, my post was about wondering how many languages you spoke and how much time you had to read the entire world's press, since you had stated you knew what it was saying.
No, you don't get it.

We're not talking about some local interest story here.

We're talking about one of the biggest events the world has ever seen, witnessed live on TV by billions of people throughout the world. Public interest is immense all over the globe.

This Professor Carrasco character (any idea of his background and qualifications by the way?) has made some startling claims, yet - as far as I can tell - the world's media has completely ignored his incredible revelation, despite them being up on the internet for over a year.

Any idea why that is?
fela fan said:
In my opinion, most of the british press is a fucking disgrace, and responsible for the stealing of our democracy. They have completely subverted their role as the fourth estate..
Hold on. You've already told me that you don't read the British press, so what the fuck do you know about it?
editor said:
Hold on. You've already told me that you don't read the British press, so what the fuck do you know about it?

I read it for about 15 years. Then gave up, primarily coz i left the country.

That's how i know it's mostly revolting muck, mostly about humiliating famous people, and columnists writing their hideous verbiage.

I do sometimes check out the guardian and independent online, the only papers worth even looking at.

And on my trips home i see the headlines of the tabloids when occasionally buying one of the two aforementioned papers. I shake my head in wonder.
fela fan said:
And on my trips home i see the headlines of the tabloids when occasionally buying one of the two aforementioned papers. I shake my head in wonder.
So you think that your very occasional flick through a handful of tabloids and the odd surf online qualifies you to declare the entire British press as a "fucking disgrace"?

Perhaps you might like to share with us your superior news sources?
bigfish: I'm having trouble finding any information on this 'UNIVERSITY SCHOOL' in Mataró (Barcelona, Spain) or on the elusive professor.

Seeing as you hold such immense store in his one-page analysis, could you provide some background information on the university and offer some details about the Professor's qualifications and relevant experience in this field please?
editor said:
No, you don't get it.

We're not talking about some local interest story here.

We're talking about one of the biggest events the world has ever seen, witnessed live on TV by billions of people throughout the world. Public interest is immense all over the globe.

This Professor Carrasco character (any idea of his background and qualifications by the way?) has made some startling claims, yet - as far as I can tell - the world's media has completely ignored his incredible revelation, despite them being up on the internet for over a year.

Any idea why that is?

I don't even know who this Carrasco character is.

Now as you say, this event has 'immense' public interest all over the world. Care to explain then why the entire world's press is not writing about it? Not asking good and proper journalistic questions, just like loads of us do here on urban?

And i'd still like to know how you manage to read the entire world's press each day, coz that's the only way you can make the claim that none of them, not a single one, are investigating the causes of 911.
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