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Wings Over Scotland

Scab? Grass?

There was a purdah during the referendum, government workers were forbidden from associating their views on independence with the department they worked for.

There were no picket-lines or strikes involved in the campaign. And we'll differ on who the scabs are.

The MSM weren't reporting connections between supposedly 'working-class people' and political parties..the independence sites were and are. They were publishing information that was unavailable otherwise.

And as to your pic about striking doctors...that's you're problem mate...we don't have that. Get it, killer b ? We take care of them better up here. It's not perfect but it's better than yours.

Why the fuck would anyone want what you have? You're not sticking up for the NHS, you're not helping doctors or nurses, you'll be lucky to have any health service at all in a decade.

But you keep on with whatever it is you do....going 'Yeah...but....(something angry)' and we'll do what we do. I'm sure things will get better real soon. Right around the corner...any second.

Any second.
Don't need them, currently involved in real life.

btw that nurse you and danny are going on about...the people she represented stop Scotland from having control of its own abortion laws.

Now say something inane so danny can like it.
Well, those of us who have outlined our disagreements with him have been quite clear, I think.

I disagree with the transphobic tirade of his that I linked to. I disagree with the way he homes in on individuals on leaflets (as explained in my OP): who cares if the woman in question is a nurse and an actor? Why shouldn't nurses publicly support political parties, even ones we disagree with? (And that question stands whoever the person in question was - when he questioned the political involvement of nurses [see his tweet in OP] he damaged working class self-expression, so I'm very much against that).

They can publicly support political parties but not in uniform. "Nurse who is a friend of Labour Party bloke who works for Labour MSP" is a bit different from "completely random nurse who just wants to share her views and is happy to be on "Better Together" leaflets and Labour Party leaflets. I'm not sure that "working class self expression" is being damaged.

I also strongly disagree with his Hillsborough article, not least because I think he has fundamentally misunderstood some basic social physchology there, but also because of the way he expressed his views in that article: it was crass, insensitive and unnecessarily confrontational. So I have quite major disagreements with his attitudes, his tone and style, and his tactics.

The Hillsborough article was crass. I recall thinking so at the time.

And to be fair to him, he'd say I was entitled to disagree with him (though he'd disagree that his semantic tirade on gender pronouns was transphobic. But then so would Germaine Greer). But he is one person, writing one blog; he is not a movement. Blind loyalty to him (or to anyone else for that matter) is not required.

Is the transphobic thing something about saying that Bradley Manning couldn't be Chelsea Manning? That was wrong and daft.
Furthermore, and this is not particularly aimed at Stuart Campbell but at the wider "45", I strongly dislike the tendency to close down any questioning of the SNP, whether that is to question failings of individuals (even individuals suspended by the party), or policies. It's a disturbing trend.

Stuart Campbell isn't SNP, though, is he? Sort of a used-to-be-LibDem, or something. Any tendency to close down questioning of any group has to be disliked, but I expect the "Record" and the "Scotsman" and the "Herald" are probably able to do a bit of questioning.
Don't need them, currently involved in real life.
But you do need them. Real life needs analogy and comparison to make sense of it. And if you pretend to ignore or 'misunderstand' that analogies are being used in a discussion and treat them as if they're meant literally it just exposes your own dishonesty.

Who's this for Dexter? Do you think anyone's taken in?
Don't need them, currently involved in real life.

btw that nurse you and danny are going on about...the people she represented stop Scotland from having control of its own abortion laws.

Now say something inane so danny can like it.
Nobody is defending the Labour Party here. Nobody. You're either trying to change the conversation because you don't like the one you've joined and can't answer the points, or you really don't understand the points anyone's making. I can't decide which it is.
Has the prick made any comment after todays verdict.

EDIT: The wanker came out with this "Unlawful killing" as opposed to what? All the lawful killing that goes on?"
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And remember that was 23 years after the taylor report that found pretty much as the jury did today. I see no reason for this person to change their mind now. If they discounted all evidence and findings at that stage then nothing has changed for them today.
Just a reminder of the contrast between Campbell's view and the jury's view:

"Hillsborough inquest jury says behaviour of fans did not contribute to the disaster"

not that I'm a fan of false apologies but it doesn't say much for his political nous that he can't put aside his ego for long enough to even make a false apology that he doesn't mean. Egocentric twatty liability I'd say.
not that I'm a fan of false apologies but it doesn't say much for his political nous that he can't put aside his ego for long enough to even make a false apology that he doesn't mean. Egocentric twatty liability I'd say.
"Have your views chanded since 2012?"

It's worth pointing out that the link to Campbell's full article is further up the thread. (To provide a fuller picture than the Tweets). He has always answered accusations of "victim blaming" by saying he doesn't hold the 96 responsible, but other fans. (He says as much in the article itself). The inquest jury disagrees with that assessment.

However, you can't get much clearer than:

"Have your views changed since 2012?"
He's an utterly loathsome piece of shite. Still, can be filed alongside Ingham, MacKenzie and other far-right knuckle-draggers who sought to "control the narrative" by blaming fans in the immediate aftermath of the disaster.

why anyone with any pretension to progressive views would pay heed to anything he says defeats me.
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