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Windrush Square, Brixton - news and discussion

It doesn't look that suitable for the purpose, unless there are some convertable design bits I'm missing - power provision, access and sightline reservations all seem to apply. Equally I'd be hugely wary of introducing more competition to markets that already have more than a bit of spare capacity - it seems daft to start seeking new spaces when the existing ones are far from full. I think it should only host occasional events at best personally.
I thought the job was out to tender amongst the various markets or something?

Can't see it being used to host a veg market owing to the mess. There could be a small craft market with street food perhaps. I wouldn't want the entire space covered in stalls.

Having regular market stalls every weekend closes down the space available for event hosting. It also turns it into a commercial profit centre when it is supposed to be for public use.

Imo, they could invite local shops and services to take stalls from time to time. Speaking to people at the Lounge and Federation Coffee for instance, they are a bit miffed that the Ritzy benefits from the new square so much and wouldn't mind being able to pitch their wares from a small stall there. I could see Bookmongers there, the smaller eateries doing street food and drinks etc. A chance for Brixton small businesses to promote themselves perhaps? Rather than have outsiders come and compete in such a prime location. Just a thought.
It doesn't look that suitable for the purpose, unless there are some convertable design bits I'm missing - power provision, access and sightline reservations all seem to apply. Equally I'd be hugely wary of introducing more competition to markets that already have more than a bit of spare capacity - it seems daft to start seeking new spaces when the existing ones are far from full. I think it should only host occasional events at best personally.

Power supply in the floor near the curly turd sculpture.
Access from Rushcroft - electronic controls.

I liked those cheese and sausage stalls they had by KFC and doubt they cannibalised anything in the market. There was also talk about the Tunstall craft stalls moving over there but not sure if that is still being talked about.

I am still really enjoying the square. Agree that it all looks a bit mucky under some of the chairs which is a shame. Who moves on the domino players? I've seen them all times of day.

I'm afraid that, from a purely selfish POV, I just don't miss the big groups of drinkers. Most of them are fine and as innocuous as the next person but they so often attracted a really disruptive and aggressive few. There are still drinkers there from time to time but not nearly as much of the old rowdiness.

I really hate the fountain. Particularly since I actually went to the final public planning meeting, spoke up about not wanting to miss a trick and pointed to the fountains outside the RFH and Somerset House which people interact with. Consequently they added a specific condition to the planning approval about having to approve fountain details. Big difference that made - just looks like a big leak.
I could see the power supply, but they way they'd hooked it up helped to essentially split the square in two and looked clumsy. Stalls blocking off Rushcroft pretty much to the road-edge on one side, power cabling running behind. Add the shoky securing of the marquees/stalls and it wasn't too encouraging as a layout, particularly given the fact they had more set up time for that music event than most.

My gut feel is a bit like Minnie's really - I don't think it really works if there are too many stalls there, let alone a regular presence.

You would have thought that it would be packed this sunny afternoon, but that unyielding expanse of concrete seems to be doing the job....

Everyone was at home watching the Tennis.
the fountain is quite good i thought - like the one outside RFH

The one ouside RFH is reallly fun - it sort of creates rooms an people get stuck inside inside it until a wall of water disappears and they can get out. Ours just makes a mist and a big dribble (unless I have missed something). Looks its best lit at night and kids do like running in it so I am probably being a bit critical but generally I think it's disappointing.
the fountain is quite good i thought - like the one outside RFH

Really? I've not even been on to the new square, only seen it from a distance, but it looks nothing like the one outside the RFH. I was at that one last week and took some pictures. Not been up close to the one in Brixton so would appreciate a picture of that

Well, if that's the super-soaker of the fountain world, then Brixton's version is a pound shop water pistol equivalent in comparison

That said the fountain works well enough with kids. I just think it's a little uninspiring and underpowered - I've seen it catch a couple of people unawares so far too.
Well, if that's the super-soaker of the fountain world, then Brixton's version is a pound shop water pistol equivalent in comparison

That said the fountain works well enough with kids. I just think it's a little uninspiring and underpowered - I've seen it catch a couple of people unawares so far too.

i like that idea though
editor; said:
You would have thought that it would be packed this sunny afternoon, but that unyielding expanse of concrete seems to be doing the job....
It's not concrete, it's quite nice stone
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