Unless I missed it there's no mention of requiring a general election in the draft constitution itself. They say later there'll be an election in 2016, but there's no written commitment. The current SMPs could be in power in perpetuity. I think hard term limits should be laid down. There needs to be some check on them. Or does Section 34 cover this? And they say that they'll use the current PR system (I'm guessing Section 34 may also apply here). I'm really not happy with that. It's not that I dislike the system (which I do - I prefer Approval Voting) but that the document should say that the electoral system should be proposed by the Scottish Parliament and ratified by a popular vote.
I also find it interesting that they're not applying ius solis for those born after the referendum.
Then there's the nuclear issue. Okay, I'm in the minority WRT nuclear as a whole, but it's not necessary to put a ban on nuclear weapons in the constitution - Scotland might change its mind in 5 or 20 or 50 or 100 years. Let it be an Act.
You missed it.
I wasn't going to comment on the draft constitution until I've had a chance to read it all properly, but you should keep in mind
Quartz, several things:
1. This is a consultation. You can send your comments if you think there are omissions.
2. The Bill is a Draft.
3. The Constitution contained therein is interim.
4. Even the interim Constitution still needs to be passed by parliament.
5. There is provision in the draft Bill for an independent Convention to prepare the permanent Constitution.
Your concerns about general elections are answered in several places in the Bill, and copiously so.
7 Form of State and Government.
7:2 The form of government in Scotland is a parliamentary democracy.
And before that:
2 Sovereignty of the people
In Scotland, the people are sovereign.
3 The nature of the people’s sovereignty
(1) In Scotland, the people have the sovereign right to self-determination and to choose
freely the form in which their State is to be constituted and how they are to be governed.
(2) All State power and authority accordingly derives from, and is subject to, the sovereign
will of the people, and those exercising State power and authority are accountable for it
to the people.
12 State accountability to the people
(1) The Scottish Parliament and its members, as the elected representatives of the people,
are accountable to the people.
(2) The Scottish Government and its members are accountable to the Scottish Parliament
and, through the Parliament as their elected representatives, to the people.
27 References to the European Convention on Human Rights
(1) The references in section 26 to the rights and fundamental freedoms set out in the
European Convention on Human Rights are to the rights and fundamental freedoms set
out in—
(a) Articles 2 to 12 and 14 of the Convention,
(b) Articles 1 to 3 of the First Protocol to the Convention, agreed at Paris on 20
March 1952,
Article 3 of the First Protocol of the ECHR is the Right to Free Elections ("The High Contracting Parties undertake to hold free elections at reasonable intervals by secret ballot, under conditions which will ensure the free expression of the opinion of the people in the choice of the legislature").