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Will you be getting a private covid vaccination?


slight system overdrive
I'm thinking about this because I have long covid but that doesn't put you on the clinically vulnerable list because, y'know, it barely exists (only a few million people affected, after all). It's ages since the last NHS one for those not in the higher age brackets or vulnerabilities. I last had covid around Oct 23 (third time), and would quite like to get a modern booster designed for more recent variants. Probably the novavax as I've not had it before. At the moment it's Pfizer and Novavax available privately.

So will you pay for an extra jab? Have you already?
Are they no longer free on the nhs?

Tbh I lost track of the whole process after the third jab the general decline of Covid.
fucking hell Boots is £100

I'm not eligible for spring vaccination, strangely I got a letter from the NHS saying I may be eligible so I went but found out I wasn't after all because I'm not on steroid tablets (and has to be a certain strength). I might wait until autumn since it's not too prevalent at the moment (I think) and I don't really ever go out. I might well if I was meeting a lot of people and there was a lot of it round though.
Are they no longer free on the nhs?

Tbh I lost track of the whole process after the third jab the general decline of Covid.
Think it is free for over 65 (or might be 75). My mum has had one recently. I guess people with certain health conditions under that age as well but not sure. You can get them privately now but expensive. Not bothered myself. Its over 2 years since i had one now.
Think it is free for over 65 (or might be 75). My mum has had one recently. I guess people with certain health conditions under that age as well but not sure. You can get them privately now but expensive. Not bothered myself. Its over 2 years since i had one now.
Over 75 ...

I think if you want / need one it should be available to you.
but sod paying for it.
I got one last year and a flu vaccination due to my mental health. I was happy to get them if a bit dubious that I’m particularly vulnerable. I wouldn’t pay for one though.
I am vulnerable, I have had COVID and I get free boosters. My last one knocked me out for about 24 hours so not sure I will bother getting another one.
No I wouldn't pay for one I have had 5 so far but am not eligible for the spring one. I suspect I will get summoned for a winter one and will dutifully go.
I've had it twice and whilst unpleasant for a week it has done me no long term harm. I'm no more worried about Covid than I am about being run over by the proverbial bus.
I would if I was meeting a lot of people and couldn't risk getting covid
This thread has started weirdly. You're the first to mention that it might be a decision about your health rather than a decision about money. If you think your health might really be better as a result, £100 is a small price to pay. I believe Novavax is available for £55 in some places.

I'd also forgotten how old U75 is now and how many people would still be getting them free! This is a thread aimed at people who aren't getting them for free, in case that wasn't obvious (it was, people, it was).

The main outlets I know at the moment are Boots (pfizer only last time I checked) and the pharmadoctor network.

i did pay for flu jabs for a year or two before the covid came along - but think it was about ten quid or something, and at that time i was on crowded trains for getting on for 3 hours a day and working from home wasn't an option.

i would have done last winter if i'd been able to find one locally.

not sure about a covid jab - i'm not technically 'carer' for mum-tat but visit ever few weeks or so. she's recently had one (being 80+)

I'm not eligible for a free one, because of the policy of it's less expensive to let it run rampant rather than vaccinate people (am over 50 but under 65 and not "vulnerable") and no I won't be having a private one because I can't afford it.
It actually breaks me a bit (having elderly family who are vulnerable) that people who can afford to pay privately can get a vaccination but I basically at this point am getting 2nd tier healthcare because I can't pay.
Yeah, I definitely think the vaccine should continue to be available for free, at least for a wider range of people. Their risk-benefit analysis of it doesn't seem to include that many people get chronically ill after covid and that vaccination reduces this. Because although long covid is real enough to set up long covid clinics at the cost of millions of pounds, it isn't real enough to make clinical decisions on yet. A kind of Shrodingers illness that disappears when you look closely because it's easier not to believe in something that awkward.
I'm now wondering how much the government pays per vaccine when they're given free :eek:
I have some vague memory of figures being leaked at some point and it being £20-£30ish. Govts obviously have a lot of power as bulk buyers but also as entities who have the power to legislate big pharma into misery if they want to.
Ugh. I won't (and can't afford to) pay this spring but I hope the criteria is broader for autumn. I usually fall under the vulnerable criteria and I live with school frequenters.
I got a free one last september due to my BMI, I had something which may have been covid (felt like it anyway) around a month prior to the jab, acquired either while on holiday at a sporting event or in transit to this holiday.

I still got what I believe to be Covid in March following attending an indoor sporting event.

Perhaps I should not go to sporting events

My BMI is still the same :mad: but sounds like I may not be eligible this time.

I won’t be spending £100 on one. Am resigned to getting respiratory illnesses a few times a year tbh, unfortunately they also knock me out for a week or so. But then I get paid sick pay, if I didn’t, I would certainly consider it.
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