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Will I die?

Sardines in tomato sauce are what you have in the cupboard for emergency dog food. Sardines in olive oil on toast are delicious
You have this backwards. Sardines in tomato sauce is what you carry around in your pocket when you are training your dog.

"They're so well behaved" coos a passer by, but you just smile smugly and tap your coat pocket to remind your furry friend exactly why they are being so very good.

Nowt wrong with a bit of bribery and corruption when it comes to dog training.

You have this backwards. Sardines in tomato sauce is what you carry around in your pocket when you are training your dog.

"They're so well behaved" coos a passer by, but you just smile smugly and tap your coat pocket to remind your furry friend exactly why they are being so very good.

Nowt wrong with a bit of bribery and corruption when it comes to dog training.

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You must have magical, soggy smelly fish repellent pockets, if you can carry a tin of sardines around in them to reward your dog(s). They do look very happy on it though.
You must have magical, soggy smelly fish repellent pockets, if you can carry a tin of sardines around in them to reward your dog(s). They do look very happy on it though.
Huh? Not an open tin!! 🙄🤣🙃👍🙂

Throw the empty away once you've treated the hound. Do it in a recycling bin if you are that way inclined.

Surely not being covered in smelly food is one of the reasons cans were invented? :confused:
Ok new one, I have a cardboard carton of Napolina tomato passata that had use by date August 2021.
It's seems completely sealed still.
Will I die if I cook with it and eat it?
Ok new one, I have a cardboard carton of Napolina tomato passata that had use by date August 2021.
It's seems completely sealed still.
Will I die if I cook with it and eat it?

If it was off the bacterial respiration would release gasses that would fill the tetrapak and give it a blown out appearance, same as with tins.

If that hasn't happened and if it smells fine and tastes fine, there shouldn't be any issue with eating it.
Ok new one, I have a cardboard carton of Napolina tomato passata that had use by date August 2021.
It's seems completely sealed still.
Will I die if I cook with it and eat it?
If it isn't blown, then it is likely to be OK. No guarantee on how it will taste though.
If it was off the bacterial respiration would release gasses that would fill the tetrapak and give it a blown out appearance, same as with tins.

If that hasn't happened and if it smells fine and tastes fine, there shouldn't be any issue with eating it.

You are likely not old enough to remember, but tins didn't have a 'Best By' date, and sat in the cupboard until needed. A tin of fruit salad was purchased in January, as emergency pudding if someone unexpected came to dinner. If not eaten it went into the trifle at Christmas.
You are likely not old enough to remember, but tins didn't have a 'Best By' date, and sat in the cupboard until needed. A tin of fruit salad was purchased in January, as emergency pudding if someone unexpected came to dinner. If not eaten it went into the trifle at Christmas.

Exactly, if there is a date on tins it is a guide as to when it was canned, not a use by date. If a tin isn't blown and isn't rusty/corroded/broken letting air in then it's fine. There are probably still tins around from WWII that are fine to eat the contents.

You can see if a tin is blown - once did a stupid and stuck a tin opener into a small tin of tomato puree that looked a bit puffy - the thing fucking exploded in a mess of jagged metal that thankfully didn't take my thumb off, and there was rancid tomato puree everywhere - on the ceiling halfway down the hall ffs. Not too difficult to tell whether it is off or not tbh :D
The freezer defrosted yesterday. I want to chuck anything you can’t refreeze out if we can’t eat it today. My dad thinks we can eat anything for another couple of days.
Who is wrong?
The freezer defrosted yesterday. I want to chuck anything you can’t refreeze out if we can’t eat it today. My dad thinks we can eat anything for another couple of days.
Who is wrong?
I would chuck stuff that thawed or even partially thawed and can't be cooked tonight.
However what you can do with raw frozen meat and fish is cook it, just make a big curry or something, and refreeze it.
Hopefully you might be able to salvage some of it that way.
Can’t cook anything else tonight as dinner is already a defrosted thing that we have to eat tonight, so everything else will have to go. :(
Can’t cook anything else tonight as dinner is already a defrosted thing that we have to eat tonight, so everything else will have to go. :(
See if neighbours would like some of it?
Explain what's happened of course so they don't just bung it straight in the freezer.
It always makes me laugh when I'm renewing my contents insurance and they make a big thing about covering freezer stuff.

Mine"s worth about a fiver -- some frozen veg and homemade veggie chilli etc -- so can't really get too excited about it.
We’ve got loads of refreezable veg and herbs and things like batch dhal, but quite a lot of leftovers with meat in, so no great loss if we have to chuck the leftovers out
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Expired tofu - will I die?
I've got 2 packs of really nice tofu but it expired on 28/07. I left it in the fridge and went on holidays. I always throw stuff out if in doubt but my heart bleeds for the money I spent on these. Would you eat it?
Expired tofu - will I die?
I've got 2 packs of really nice tofu but it expired on 28/07. I left it in the fridge and went on holidays. I always throw stuff out if in doubt but my heart bleeds for the money I spent on these. Would you eat it?
I ate some seitan last week that was use by early June and I'm still here :thumbs:
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