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Will I die?

I eat a fair amount of tinned sardines RD2003 and have never had an issue blood result wise - I guess those who eat such foods generally have a good and healthy diet which may skew the results.
I eat a fair amount of tinned sardines RD2003 and have never had an issue blood result wise - I guess those who eat such foods generally have a good and healthy diet which may skew the results.
It was the low cholesterol reading which made the practice nurse mention oily fish. Generally, I eat a diet which could be described as semi-healthy at best-fresh salads and home-cooked veg and fish-based meals offset by too much pizza and Indian/ Chinese takeaways etc-and probably way too much beer and wine (no spirits thankfully.)
Some people obviously have unnecessarily grim diets unless they’re not mentioning the rest of what they eat
Will I die? #47373:
Fruit flies are loitering around my tomatoes. Not had fruit flies before in this kitchen. The toms are nice and ripe and I was going to put them in a salad for after my tea tonight. Should I bin them? Or is that only when bluebottles/house flies are lurking?
Surely be okay if dunked in a pan and brought to the boil for a few minutes? that's what I would do .tinned sardines and good white bread hard to beat oilier the better .

Nope. Botulism is caused by a toxin secreted by botulinum bacteria. Cooking will kill the germs but not the toxin.

E2a: or what farmerbarleymow said.
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Will I die? #47373:
Fruit flies are loitering around my tomatoes. Not had fruit flies before in this kitchen. The toms are nice and ripe and I was going to put them in a salad for after my tea tonight. Should I bin them? Or is that only when bluebottles/house flies are lurking?

They'll be absolutely fine, just give them a rinse.
On the issue of tins, any tin with corrosion or seal damage should be thrown - the risks are too high wrt. potential botulism, as others have mentioned, cooking doesn't get rid of the toxins (excreta from the bacteria).
So platinumsage, did you or didn't you? And if the former, how are you feeling...? :hmm:

I'm not going to eat it, yet. But I decided there's no point throwing it away already, when I can keep it for a period of further observation. I've cleaned up the lid in case it was simply something spilled on it, and now I will watch and wait to see if there are any further signs of nasties trying to work their way out.
I'm not going to eat it, yet. But I decided there's no point throwing it away already, when I can keep it for a period of further observation. I've cleaned up the lid in case it was simply something spilled on it, and now I will watch and wait to see if there are any further signs of nasties trying to work their way out.
you could use it to destroy your enemies
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It’s flesh, but can be sustainabley harvested while we transition away from non-sustainable protein sources


For me a 'pescatarian' is someone who doesn't eat meat, except for the meat of endangered species.

No 'transition' is required. We've got plenty of non-animal protein sources already. Maybe if you're a fisherman the matter is a bit more complicated but tbh, if you are a fisherman, you should care more than most about the imminent collapse of global fish stocks.
FYI botulism is often found in incorrectly stored tomato dishes, the spores can infect by any route including breathing them in
I was knackered last night so went to bed before 9pm, leaving a full glass of a rather delicious Portuguese red out. Will I die and/or will the flavour have deteriorated so much that it will be undrinkable?
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