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Will I die? (Rice edition #2341)

With rice, it's the storage part that's important and you did that right - cool it quickly and get it in the fridge.
I make rice in advance for egg fried rice regularly, and extra portions if I am making a rice dish in the evening to go in the fridge for OH to microwave in the morning after work.
Also rice salads are lovely.
If I forgot to put it in the fridge, I'd bin it but as long as it's in there you're good.
I'm fairly sure your diet won't kill you. I don't know if it will give smelly farts that will result in Mrs LR clubbing you to death but in which case you're on your own bro.
Yesterday I made a “cajan traybake” - chopped vegetables, chickpeas, butternut squash, Cajun spices, cumin, smoked paprika and rice. A Cajun biryani, if you will. I refrigerated the leftovers quickly.

Will I bring about certain death by eating some cold with Mayo stirred through (like a fucked up coronation chicken-less monstrosity)? Or am I going to be fine?

I have band practice tonight and would like to give the boys plenty warning.
You’re fine as you refrigerated it quickly. The danger is from letting it cool, rather than reheating it.
This should be in the FAQs IMO :D
So, the “recipe” is this:

3 onions, quartered
4 cloves garlic, whole, peeled
2 red peppers, big chunks
4 tomatoes, halved
Butternut squash, cubed

Put the lot in a roasting tray with Cajun spices (I dunno, a lid), cumin (tsp), smoked paprika (lid), dried oregano (a scatter), ground pepper, salt. Toss in olive oil and a splash of sherry vinegar.

Put in oven for 40 mins at 220.

Then stir in a mug of basmati rice and two mugs of veg stock, and a drained can of chick peas. Then say “fuck it” and add some Hendoes and some Tom purée. Find the garlic and squash them. Try to get all the rice under water. Cover tight with tin foil and put back in at 180 for 40 mins.

Eat, and refrigerate leftovers quickly.

At lunch time, serve a portion and mix with a tbsp of vegan mayo, a dash of ketchup and splashes of Tabasco. Eat cold.

Health update: no adverse effects to report. Very few hallucinations.
Eat cold in a sarnie
I do a jeweled rice as part of Xmas tea. When cooked it's cooked rapidly in a colander under a cold running tap and stuck in the fridge. I end up eating it for the next 2-3 days. You'll be fine. :)

Although having said that there have been cases in the past where we've had a family meal and I'm the only one not to get an upset stomach. :hmm:
I don't think noodles carry the same risks for future recipe tweaking.

Yes they and pasta are just as hazardous!
Cool quickly and refrigerate.

The only difference is that rice has a larger surface area to volume ratio so potentially starts out with more bacteria on the surface(s)
It’s not a biryani if the meat is not on the bone.

That said, lack of meat reduces the food poisoning risk a lot.

Plus, you can’t live in some bubble, what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger.
It’s not a biryani if the meat is not on the bone.

That said, lack of meat reduces the food poisoning risk a lot.

Plus, you can’t live in some bubble, what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger.
Yeah, the chick peas weren’t on the bone. So I added the caveat, “if you will” when describing it as a biryani. It turns out you, for one, won’t. As is your right.
It’s not a biryani if the meat is not on the bone.

That said, lack of meat reduces the food poisoning risk a lot.

Plus, you can’t live in some bubble, what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger.

Having had e.coli (not from rice or anything that I stored or cooked btw!), I can guarantee from personal experience that the last part of that is not true.
Took me months to recover and definitely wasn't stronger afterwards, actually lucky I didn't suffer lasting organ damage.

Also food poisoning due to bacteria isn't limited to meat sources.
Having had e.coli (not from rice or anything that I stored or cooked btw!), I can guarantee from personal experience that the last part of that is not true.
Took me months to recover and definitely wasn't stronger afterwards, actually lucky I didn't suffer lasting organ damage.

Also food poisoning due to bacteria isn't limited to meat sources.
I got that off some dodgy, luke warm pork stuffing. I tasted fine, and I rather liked it when it was going down. Not so much when it was coming back.
Having had e.coli (not from rice or anything that I stored or cooked btw!), I can guarantee from personal experience that the last part of that is not true.
Took me months to recover and definitely wasn't stronger afterwards, actually lucky I didn't suffer lasting organ damage.

Also food poisoning due to bacteria isn't limited to meat sources.
I know, I was being facetious.

One day I will try eating scallops again, but not for a while.
Like being hit on the temple by a falling tin of beans, as I once was. That was unexpected, and could easily have been fatal. I mean it wasn’t, but I did see stars, which I’d previously thought an urban legend.
Can we have an update please? You could well still be in the incubation period and I'm still hopeful for a Mahogany Parlour Guitar from your collection.

A scoring from the table below if you're stuck on the throne and short of time or cleanliness.

Can we have an update please? You could well still be in the incubation period and I'm still hopeful for a Mahogany Parlour Guitar from your collection.

A scoring from the table below if you're stuck on the throne and short of time or cleanliness.

View attachment 359323
I’m good, thanks. But it’s always jobbies with you people, isn’t it? Well, I’m not playing.
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