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Will I die?

It looks like corrosion of the aluminium causing the paint to bubble - presumably some sort of acid finding pinpricks in the paint ?

Does look like that, which would mean the seal is compromised and you might not die but you will probably be very, very ill.

You might not but it's probably not worth it for a £1 tin of sardines.
it's nothing to be concerned about as long as you're surrounded by medics and the facilities of a major modern hospital for 48 hours after consuming the contents.

  • food-borne botulism – when someone eats food containing the toxins because it hasn't been properly canned, preserved or cooked

Botulism is so fucking hardcore there are only 1 or 2 commercial microbiology labs in the country that will carry out tests for it. And they cost lots and lots of money.

You could home test but it may result in admission to hospital and possible death. :D
And the rest of that section:

Treatment for botulism​

Botulism needs to be treated in hospital.

The way it's treated depends on the type of botulism, but usually involves:

  • neutralising the toxins with injections of special antitoxins or antibodies
  • supporting the functions of the body, such as breathing, until you recover
Treatment won't reverse any paralysis that's already been caused by the toxin, but will stop it getting any worse.

In most people, paralysis that occurred before treatment will gradually improve over the following weeks or months.
Bin the already disgusting food and save the NHS 000's
And the rest of that section:

Bin the already disgusting food and save the NHS 000's
yeh. i thought it was clear from my 'you've nothing to fear if you're surrounded by medics and the facilities of a major hospital' that i didn't think it a good idea to eat the fish.
Is this tin seething with wanton lurgies, or is it just something spilled from outside that accumulated around the join?

View attachment 335242
a) sardines (herring) aren't an aggressive fish. They eat plankton and krill. There are no credible cases of herring attacking and injuring humans.
b) those herring are dead so pose an even lower risk than a school of them hanging around mid-atlantic.
Sardines in tomato sauce are what you have in the cupboard for emergency dog food. Sardines in olive oil on toast are delicious
They were an integral part of French field rations in the 80s, so hardly 'back of the cupboard' fare.
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