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'Why The New Child Rape Case Filed Against Donald Trump Should Not Be Ignored'


Very interesting piece here.

Given all this, and based on the record thus far, Jane Doe’s claims appear credible. Mr. Epstein’s own sexual crimes and parties with underage girls are well documented, as is Mr. Trump’s relationship with him two decades ago in New York City. Mr. Trump told a reporter a few years ago: “I’ve known Jeff for 15 years. Terrific guy. He’s a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side. No doubt about it, Jeffrey enjoys his social life.”

Why The New Child Rape Case Filed Against Donald Trump Should Not Be Ignored
Cue Clinton and Epstein Rape conspiracy theories from casually res
Cue Clinton and Epstein Rape conspiracy theories from casually res
Epstein's diary did contain no less than eight different contact numbers for Bill C.

And Hillary's very first case as a lawyer involved disgraceful behaviour on her part towards the victim of the rapist she was defending.
Epstein's diary did contain no less than eight different contact numbers for Bill C.

And Hillary's very first case as a lawyer involved disgraceful behaviour on her part towards the victim of the rapist she was defending.

She was his lawyer.

The Epstein smear, like Whitewater, the death of a Clinton aide and any number of other lurid conspiracy theories have been wandering around for decades without substantion
Friends share lots of things.

As for your other point, nothing would surprise me anymore.

That's still guilt by association. Hundreds of people shared flights with Epstein that doesn't make them willing accomplices in his crimes.

As to your other "rebuttal", I think it's more suited for David Ickes forums...
That's still guilt by association. Hundreds of people shared flights with Epstein that doesn't make them willing accomplices in his crimes.

As to your other "rebuttal", I think it's more suited for David Ickes forums...
Kompendium of Krazy Konspiracy theories that way ---------------->

As to the Trump/Epstein story, because of the swirl of Clinton Epstein conspiracy theories I'm inclined to at the very least, wait and seen. There's plenty of provable horrendous things that Trump has done without making shit up.
pretty certain trump is a rapist. Thing is with people born to immense wealth and power is that not much is denied to them. For the dark minded among them this leads to a) consent is what I decide it is and/or 'you know what one horrific thing I've never done?' decadance

Not to mention running a beauty pagent for decades, and his incredibly inappropriate comments about his daughter (he's said she's extremely hot, and if she wasn't his daughter he'd date her)
This is going to be interesting on so many levels

After the recent NXIVM convictions the feds are wising up to how powerful predators recruit females and use them to recruit further females in a kind of horrific MLM sex trafficking operation.

This tweet is interesting re Epstein (the 2nd one down re Ghislaine Maxwell)

Just in case readers are unaware re the NXIVM convictions here's a link re the conviction, there is so much more to the case than this but it's a place to start

NXIVM 'Sex Cult' Leader Keith Raniere Convicted of Sex Trafficking
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He shared a plane. This is akin to be people suggesting Prince Charles is a paedophile because of his association with Saville.

Akin to people suggesting Prince Andrew is ...


Why the desire to defend Clinton? He's clearly s very sleazybag as the Monica story showed and he paid off Pauks Jones.smSeems reasonable to let the process take its course.
pretty certain trump is a rapist. Thing is with people born to immense wealth and power is that not much is denied to them. For the dark minded among them this leads to a) consent is what I decide it is and/or 'you know what one horrific thing I've never done?' decadance

No doubt in my mind.
hmm ...

An intriguing paragraph plucked from Vicky Ward’s 2003 profile of convicted pedophile Jeffrey Epstein in Vanity Fair:

Also on the list of admirers are former senator George Mitchell and a gaggle of distinguished scientists, most of whom Epstein has helped fund in recent years. They include Nobel Prize winners Gerald Edelman and Murray Gell-Mann, and mathematical biologist Martin Nowak. When these men describe Epstein, they talk about “energy” and “curiosity,” as well as a love for theoretical physics that they don’t ordinarily find in laymen. Gell-Mann rather sweetly mentions that “there are always pretty ladies around” when he goes to dinner chezEpstein, and he’s under the impression that Epstein’s clients include the Queen of England. Both Nowak and Dershowitz were thrilled to find themselves shaking the hand of a man named “Andrew” in Epstein’s house. “Andrew” turned out to be Prince Andrew, who subsequently arranged to sit in the back of Dershowitz’s law class.

Jeffrey Epstein’s Links To British Royal Family And Its Money, And George ‘Good Friday’ Mitchell
Re: Ghislaine Maxwell.

This is allegedly a photofit produced by a witness in connection with the Madaleine McCann case:


Across the internet, the conspiraloons are going buck mad over the resemblance between this person and G. Maxwell. Naturally, I abhor such shenanigans. And yet. . .

This guy got the deal of a lifetime back in 2008, he should have been charged with child rape and got 30 years to life, but instead he did a deal and pleaded guilty to "soliciting and procuring a person under age 18 for prostitution" and got 13 months with day release for upto 12 hours a day 6 days a week. He clearly has some powerful friends with a great deal of influence.

Will he use his knowledge of other people he procured young children for to get himself out of this mess or maybe this will never get to court, something that seem strange is that most news reports claim he is a "hedge fund manager". But some news reports are now claiming that he never held a license to be a fund manager and a couple of reporters who claim to have "looked into" where his wealth comes from say "it appears to come out of thin air".

One thing is for sure this story has legs and will run for a while, some very interesting stuff could come out of this.
This guy got the deal of a lifetime back in 2008, he should have been charged with child rape and got 30 years to life, but instead he did a deal and pleaded guilty to "soliciting and procuring a person under age 18 for prostitution" and got 13 months with day release for upto 12 hours a day 6 days a week. He clearly has some powerful friends with a great deal of influence.

Will he use his knowledge of other people he procured young children for to get himself out of this mess or maybe this will never get to court, something that seem strange is that most news reports claim he is a "hedge fund manager". But some news reports are now claiming that he never held a license to be a fund manager and a couple of reporters who claim to have "looked into" where his wealth comes from say "it appears to come out of thin air".

One thing is for sure this story has legs and will run for a while, some very interesting stuff could come out of this.
I wonder if he’s got a lot of compromising material on a lot of powerful people?
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