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Why Labour are Scum

Copied from another thread. Absolutely disgusting.
I spoke to Hillary Benn a few weeks ago when he came to Sheffield Uni, this timid response is a result of the fact that he is as ideologically committed to these cuts as the Tories. When I spoke to him he was shilling for 'One Nation Labour', which from the way he was promoting it just seemed to be The Big Society Lite. He was arguing that libraries should be privatised, I asked him how far he was willing to go with his new Big Society and whether he approved of the private sector being forced on to private schools and the police, he claimed to know nothing about the private sector role in schools or the police. Nasty piece of work.
Why I, a Labour peer, am supporting a regulated market for NHS competition

Patients are best served by clinical commissioning groups replacing repeatedly underperforming NHS service providers

selective quote
It is a fantasy to believe that we can solve the NHS's problems without the help of many new providers with fresh ideas and better management techniques. Other countries facing the same problems are doing just this. To allow new entrants from the private, voluntary and social enterprise sectors to enter the NHS market a set of fair procurement rules are required and that is what the new regulations do.

must admit i find it hard to understand what is going on here exactly but i know its the not too thin end of a destructive wedge
Why I, a Labour peer, am supporting a regulated market for NHS competition

Patients are best served by clinical commissioning groups replacing repeatedly underperforming NHS service providers

selective quote

must admit i find it hard to understand what is going on here exactly but i know its the not too thin end of a destructive wedge

What's going on is he has interests as advisor to these firms: PA Consulting, Perot Systems, Apax Partners and Byotrol. PA Consulting does advice for lobbying etc, all the rest supply the health industry and would stand to go gain if they formed part of a commissioning group.
What's going on is he has interests as advisor to these firms: PA Consulting, Perot Systems, Apax Partners and Byotrol. PA Consulting does advice for lobbying etc, all the rest supply the health industry and would stand to go gain if they formed part of a commissioning group.

FFS, they don't even hide their connections anymore, very British corruption...
What's going on is he has interests as advisor to these firms: PA Consulting, Perot Systems, Apax Partners and Byotrol. PA Consulting does advice for lobbying etc, all the rest supply the health industry and would stand to go gain if they formed part of a commissioning group.

Perot Systems doesn't even exist any more - Dell bought and assimilated it four years ago - so that list is unlikely to be very current.
I find James Purnell the most terrifying of the New Labour Party.

PPE, Oxford University
Research Analyst, IPPR
"Strategy Consultant"
Head of Corporate Planning, BBC
Secretary for Culture,
Secretary for Work and Pensions
Director of Strategy and Digital, BBC

I wonder how one becomes such a renowned 'strategist' with a desk job in a piss factory.

When I look over his CV, though, it is interesting that there is rarely talk of privatising Auntie Beeb. Thought that would be a top priority to free market individualists. Unfiltered programming that working people demand. Ain't that right James?
Perot Systems doesn't even exist any more - Dell bought and assimilated it four years ago - so that list is unlikely to be very current.

You're right it's not current - but today's situation appears to be even worse.

His Lords Register of Interests has him as director of his own firm that gives lobbying and contract advice to private firms opening up the NHS simply represents a chance for greater business opportunities and personal enrichment:

1: Directorships
Executive Director, Sage Advice Ltd (own private company engaged in advisory work, including public affairs advice - see category 3)
3: Clients
Adviser to Transforming Systems Limited (software consultancy/supply)
Adviser to Synlab Limited (German pathology company)
4: Shareholdings (a)
50% of shares in Sage Advice Ltd (see category 1)
10: Non-financial interests (e)
Trustee, Council for European and Palestinian Relations
Member of Advisory Council of Reform (a think tank)

I have the list as a summary from a Times article linked to in this 'Any surprise Lord Warner is defending NHS privatisation?' post

Now paywalled - if anyone can post them it would help.
Obviously they won't kick him out - even though he is 100% opposing the leadership and Conference decisions.

His relationship with right-wing pro-privatisation of health and education and local government think tank Reform also looks quite dodgy: http://www.reform.co.uk/search?query=lord+warner must come into contact with all sorts of health private firms

And as for Labour councils implementing the Tory cuts, er what else can they do?

by cutting the numbers of political commissars with their noses in the trough by sticking to a proper 'frontline first' policy ... cutting frontline services while maintaining none jobs and middle management is nothing more than the typical smear campaigns of those who want to try and blame the Coalition for everything despite the gross mis-management that 'prudence' Brown oversaw while 'abolishing boom and bust ' ...

Just like the NHS under Blair and Brown where 'record investment' lead to none jobs and political commissars and a whole raft of managers who exist solely to manage the reporting of crowd pleasing but operationally meaningless statistics to hit these targets
James Purnell is not in this photograph.
In a surprise move, shadow work and pensions secretary Liam Byrne indicated his party now backed the introduction of the new universal credit system, designed to ensure it always pays for people on benefits to go back to work or accept extra hours.
Labour voted against the scheme when it was debated by Parliament last year. But yesterday Mr Byrne said the universal credit system was a ‘fine idea’, albeit one with some details still to be ironed out.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2316612/Universal-Credit-shake-make-sure-work-pays-gets-underway-Labour-finally-admits-sensible-idea.html#ixzz2S2gaOdOj

Labour back Universal Credit
bit surprised that this is tony benn's son,i suppose i shouldn't be really but i always thought tony benn was genuine if a bit naive.
Surprised? With two Miliband Jnrs around?

Hilary has always been a New Labour cock.

THE shadow benefits minister has said Labour cannot promise now to repeal the Government’s controversial bedroom tax.

On a visit to Newcastle Liam Byrne said he could see the need for urgency but could not rush into making uncosted policy announcements for any future Labour Government.

Labour has repeatedly hit out at the Government’s decision to reduce housing benefits for those with a spare room but so far refused to make scrapping the so-called bedroom tax a party policy.

Aside from just how shite this is, (and what a huge twunt Byrne is), how on earth can he refer to a reversal of bedroom tax as 'uncosted'?

Surely, just look at what the Aristotwats are stealing from the poor, and that would pretty much be the cost of reversal? Then, if they had any bollocks at all, identify exactly which tax-evading scum mafiosa corporation's owed tax would 'pay' for the reversal.

Spineless scum.:mad:
Just a little reminder of 'the people's party's' finest hour...


The UK's support for the CIA's global rendition programme after the September 11 terrorist attacks on the US was far more substantial than has previously been recognised, according to a new research project that draws on a vast number of publicly available data and documentation.
Evidence gathered by The Rendition Project – an interactive website that maps thousands of rendition flights – highlight 1,622 flights in and out of the UK by aircraft now known to have been involved in the agency's secret kidnap and detention programme.

The project's own website here.

Just for info:-

Today's the last straw for me. The only way I'll vote Labour is if it gets close in the Blackpool South constituency to keep the Tories out. Even then, maybe I won't do that either.

I can live with being on the left of a centrist party which still has some social democratic principles. I can eat SOME shit. I can't take anymore James Purnells, Liam Byrnes or Shadow Chancellors pumping out pure Tory policy though.

"What took you so long?" I know, I know. I just hoped that we'd see some shift away from neo-liberalism under Miliband. It's not happening and Labour is lost to the right forever now.

So, can't vote for Labour, can't vote for SWP rape-cult. Maybe the Greens? I don't know.
Today's the last straw for me. The only way I'll vote Labour is if it gets close in the Blackpool South constituency to keep the Tories out. Even then, maybe I won't do that either.

I can live with being on the left of a centrist party which still has some social democratic principles. I can eat SOME shit. I can't take anymore James Purnells, Liam Byrnes or Shadow Chancellors pumping out pure Tory policy though.

"What took you so long?" I know, I know. I just hoped that we'd see some shift away from neo-liberalism under Miliband. It's not happening and Labour is lost to the right forever now.

So, can't vote for Labour, can't vote for SWP rape-cult. Maybe the Greens? I don't know.

Better check out the bullshitting Green's actual performance when in "office" in Brighton - hacking away at local services to "responsibly" balance the ever diminishing budget just like the other neoliberal parties.Yep, the Green's are fake purely rhetorical "lefties" - really rather attracted to the whole idea of "austerity"".

Have a look at the Left Unity project's website , Favelado. Too early to say if it will just be a stillborn "nice idea", but it's intention is to build a mass radical Left (not revolutionery "Leninist") democratic party to directly challenge Labour by breaking out beyond the existing Far Left sects , and to seriously fight the austerity offensive and its structural and political basis, and is, IMO, the correct way to go. Anyway, have a decko and see what you think. Left Unity Branches already (but some VERY small) across the UK, but mainly England. Party founding conference planned for Autumn this year. It may fail, but, hey, nothing else believable on the cards at present is there - unless you want to waste your time falling for Owen Jones and co's invitation to "help push Labour Left"... AGAIN ! ?
I'm on Left Unity's mailing list already. It seems a bit nebulous at the moment but I'll sign up for any decent left of Labour alternative. Nice to hear some home truthes about the Greens too.
Rising star of the Labour Party Luciana Berger is driving me out of politics, says councillor

Jake Morrison, the youngest candidate ever elected to Liverpool City Council, accuses MP of making his life 'unbearable'


Here we have in Luciana, a privately educated MP from London, who has come to Liverpool and made my life unbearable.”

class war ,trouble In the party, parachuted MP Luciana Berger(very posh) accused of bullying local lad.
It looks as though the coalition agreement is coming on nicely...

On Thursday, party leader Ed Miliband is due to say he supports capping the amount the next government will spend on welfare benefits.
Earlier this week the party announced it would cut winter fuel payments for wealthier pensioners.

Whatever next? Maybe a pledge to hold a referendum on AV?

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