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Why Labour are Scum

Blomfield's apologia for his vote, funny how he doesn't mention not voting against the entire bill:

Opposing the Welfare Reform and Work Bill
23 people have written to me about the Government’s Welfare Reform and Work Bill. I wanted to share my response more widely:

I’m pleased to have the opportunity to explain the position I took on the Government's Welfare Reform and Work Bill at its initial Parliamentary consideration at Second Reading, when I voted for the Labour amendment against the Bill. I believe passionately in a system of social security where people are properly supported when in need, and contribute as they can afford it through progressive taxation. I am appalled by the Tory demonisation of those on benefits – whether in or out of work – and am particularly opposed to those Tory proposals to reverse the progress made by Labour Governments in tackling child poverty.

You’ll recall that the issue at the heart of the debate on the Welfare Reform and Work Bill was Harriet Harman’s suggestion, made on the Sunday Politics programme on 13 July, that Labour might accept the Tory proposal to cut child tax credit from third and subsequent children. Immediately that day, and on the following day, I made my view clear that I would not support such a proposal. It is completely unacceptable that families who find themselves out of work or on low pay, and therefore entitled to child tax credits, should be penalised for having more than two children – and that the children themselves should be punished – by the withdrawal of tax credits.

My view was shared by a huge number of other Labour MPs, including three out of the four candidates for our leadership. As a result of the discussion within the Parliamentary Party, Labour submitted a ‘reasoned amendment’ rejecting the Bill on the grounds of its impact on child poverty and, leading the debate for Labour, Stephen Timms made it clear that we did not support this proposal. I voted for this amendment, which clearly stated our opposition to the Bill. Sadly, the vote was lost because of the Conservative majority in the House of Commons.

I would stress that this debate was only the initial stage in the long Parliamentary consideration of the Bill, which will now go to detailed consideration in Committee and then return for Report Stage and Third Reading, before going to the House of Lords, and then returning to the Commons. I intend to make the case against the removal of tax credits, and other pernicious aspects of the Bill, at every opportunity.

I’m also thinking about running a public campaign on the issues and wondered whether you would be willing to join me – going out to meet local people and making the case against these proposals. If so, drop me a note and I’ll stay in touch.

lots more have rang him

I’m also thinking about running a public campaign on the issues and wondered whether you would be willing to join me – going out to meet local people and making the case against these proposals. If so, drop me a note and I’ll stay in touch.

I hope he does, he got a massive vote, though he is winged,
the rebellion vs Harmans Tory schilling was " because she's a woman "


Jesus fucking Christ. There really is no awareness of the fact that people might, for some strange, outlandish, unimaginable reason object to Labour wibbling over a Tory plan to fuck over thousands of people is there? It's like a conspiracy forum. Fucking worthless people.
Blomfield's apologia for his vote, funny how he doesn't mention not voting against the entire bill:

I’m also thinking about running a public campaign on the issues and wondered whether you would be willing to join me – going out to meet local people and making the case against these proposals. If so, drop me a note and I’ll stay in touch.

''Thinking about'' running a campaign? What's there to think about?
Don't believe him, Belboid, he'll expect you to campaign while he abstains...
Graun/CiF mass deleting loads of critical comments beneath that feeble piece - messy times for Nu Lab / Graun's wilting centrists
What sort of stuff are they deleting exactly?

"Every time you feign outrage at a woman getting called out for genuinely shit behaviour on the grounds that she's only being attacked because she's a woman, a real feminist dies."

Not really, I just made that one up. And it's not particularly coherent or funny, but you get the idea.
What sort of stuff are they deleting exactly?
Weird, mine was a short, non sweary " as bad as it gets " comment , that went, as did a quick "why" ? To follow - but if you look back there's shed loads deleted at one point, and comments keep going up mentioning this before getting removed .
Jesus fucking Christ. There really is no awareness of the fact that people might, for some strange, outlandish, unimaginable reason object to Labour wibbling over a Tory plan to fuck over thousands of people is there? It's like a conspiracy forum. Fucking worthless people.
Yes, why be concerned with people being pushed further into poverty, homelessness, and stressful situations - and the reports that show that welfare cuts impact more women, and aggravate all kinds of existing inequalities for women - to be really feminist you have to support spineless vermin like Harman, obviously.
Some small, meaningless comfort, been looking from LP MP Twitter feeds and they're all getting shit.

Of course, in most cases it won't be the MP dealing with the shit. They are too busy being important elsewhere to bother what the proles think. Let the interns handle it.
the rebellion vs Harmans Tory schilling was " because she's a woman "


This Simon Jenkins article is nearly as bad
Harriet Harman took the only sensible decision on the welfare bill
Jenkins can be an interesting read with some independent views but he appears to have just become another Guardian troll.

The swivel eyed loons love to bang on about 'lefty Guardian readers' but does anyone actually know many left leaning people who even read the Guardian beyond the odd selected article?
I haven't even seen it in Ken Barlow's house for a good many years.
Another bollock speak his brains:

"Firstly, let’s debunk a media myth: last night, the Parliamentary Labour Party, as a bloc, in its entirety, united,voted AGAINST the Welfare Reform and Work Bill."


The best bit are the oh so grateful comments...oh so grateful that they can carry on just as they were, now that all the nastiness has been explained away!

Cheers - Louis MacNeice
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