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Why Labour are Scum

They are an appalling joke dangled in front of electors who sadly still support them.
Also John Mann is not on the list. Thought he may have had the spirit not to support the Tories.

They will be voting on banning food kitchens next!

Timms accuses the 'rebels' of undermining the party. FFS, its the weasels who sat idly by that undermined the Labour Party in the eyes of their traditional voters.
and in 2017 when they stand shoulder to shoulder with the vermin to browbeat and hector us all with dire warnings of becoming a third worl ghetto if we don't vote to stay in the greece-fucking european union...well. Well well well. If they lost scotland then they can lose everything
"Welfare" was always going to be the weakest of the weak spots of Labour given that they've lost two elections being painted as a party with spending out of control, accounts in a shambles while people on benefits live it up with flat screen tvs while the squeezed middle etc etc.

By giving it all the "undermining the party" instead of acknowledging that it's a difficult issue for the party they're playing into their opponents hands.

I liked what Corbyn said about needing to have a policy debate before a leadership debate, that makes a lot of sense.
Flip-flop: "Tonight I am firing the starting gun on Labour's opposition to this Bill. If I am elected leader in September, I am determined that Labour will fight this regressive Bill word by word, line by line."
Flip-flop: "Tonight I am firing the starting gun on Labour's opposition to this Bill. If I am elected leader in September, I am determined that Labour will fight this regressive Bill word by word, line by line."

Too late. The SNP have fired the gun and are leading the fight. Labour need to take their place in the queue behind Libdems, Greens (and DUP?)
I hate (most) Labour more than the Tories. The lower than vermin pondscum are just doing what comes naturally to subhuman sociopaths but it took the Labour Party to be the midwife for the culture shift that delivered a Tory majority government. Any party not totally dedicated to being the servants of the financial industry and administering austerity could have challenged the narrative that public spending caused the recession and would have had the nous not to join in with the jocks under the beds narrative during and after the Scottish Independence Referendum.
Can some helpful person provide a linky so i can see how my MP voted. I really cannot be arsed to trawl through the .gov stuff trying to find it. TIA :)
How much flak will Labours appeasing MPs be taking today?

Maybe less than you'd assume.

When you're on £80k plus expenses, feted by lobbyists, availing of dinners and free trips to the opera etc. there's little time for giving a shit what the untermensch think. Secretaries and interns can deal with the mail, answer machine and social media stuff.
The voters they're trying to impress are not listening to them anyway because the candidates don't look or sound like future PMs. And by pissing off most of the Labour Party two months before they ask for their vote demonstrates their lack of political nouse.

Whether you support Corbyn or not he's given an intelligent articulate explanation to his opposition to this bill making points that even Tory voters in London and Southeast will recognise in regards to housing.

But Harman got the reaction she wanted for this omnishables: "Look at us we can stand up to the head-in-the-clouds lefties who haven't got the balls to take on the scroungers and the deficit". But if you are serious about the alleged deficit problem you show leadership by telling everyone to take a haircut (as the IMF would make you): Pension freezes, VAT increases, corporation tax rises for eg. But the Tories have decided to attack the most vulnerable people who have no power and don't vote in great numbers. That's not tough leadership that's the work of cowards. So what does that make the Labour front bench who haven't got the guts to oppose?
I can see that, too. What I'm asking is: was there pairing? And even if there was, were there unpaired Tory no shows/abstentions? By definition not all government MPs can have pairs. And 12 is a very slim majority indeed. We are in a situation where Labour didn't even try. Didn't even try.

Government vote was 308, tends to indicate whipping, probably two line. Will have had to pair to miss it
The voters they're trying to impress are not listening to them anyway because the candidates don't look or sound like future PMs. And by pissing off most of the Labour Party two months before they ask for their vote demonstrates their lack of leadership.

This is something that puzzles me. At present the candidates are trying to win the Labour Party leadership, not the general election. They seem to have no idea of their electorate. The obvious strategy to play, if you are a New Labour drone, is to give some red meat to the membership now (oppose the government, agree with some totemic policy like renationalising the railways) and then stab them in the back and lurch rightwards once elected. There are five years to suck up to middle England and ignore the grassroots - why do it now?
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