The richest stay that way by keeping it all.
First, because they're not cheap pricks.
Second, because they've been close to the lip of the abyss themselves, and they know what it's like.
Is there any evidence that poor people give more than rich people?
Not saying that it isnt or could not be true, just asking if there is any evidence.
- Bill Gates has to be one of the worlds richest people and he is now engaged full time with his wife in giving his billions away. Warren Buffett also mega rich is doing the same iirc.
- One of the highest earning people I know gives 10% of his income immediately to charity every month.
Hmm.. someone make a poll: How much do you give each month
Mines £100/month at moment. How poor are these people giving more??
I have never recieved a penny of charity from any ethiopians or elephants
so that fucks your theory up a bit
Perhaps in proportion to what they earn compared to you, they are.
It is just anecdote but I have found poorer people to be more generous to me as a stranger in need than richer people.
Of course those are generalisations and don't apply to everybody
That suggests some kind of mutual aid is going on Johnny. Over and above the greed motive the present rulers try to sell us.
Prolly not, mines come down cos I am paying off debts.
No, I'm suggesting that people of limited means have more empathy.
Sorry, you've lost me. Your what has come down?
Generalisations on Urban??? No fucking way???
Apparently those who have least materially are more likely to give of what little they have than those with more materially. Your thoughts on this, if you want to share them?
Because they know what it's like to have very little or nothing?
And they share the little they have without thinking about it?
Maybe their positions provide them with more humanity? Or perhaps they're just trying to give a good example in the hope that the better off follow suit?
How caring of them!