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whoa they've jsut blown up tel aviv

Very bad. :( :(

[full on devil advocate]Are there really any civilians in a militarised society like Israel where most young men (I might be wrong here) are reservists: it was reservists that fought in Jenin after all?[/puts on flame-proof suit]
Blue paul dont think anyone is cheering, whoaa ! the sound used to slow down a horse no ??

letsgetfree, disagree mate, Sharon's offers where refused by Arafat a long time ago, and Nemo a possible reason for this madness,

people feel sorry for the Palestinians, without understanding they bought this trouble on themselves, first they chose to have a second uprising and not come up with a counter-offer to Baraks (summer 2000), Now they believe that martyrdom (ie suicide bombers) can actually achieve anything for them.

People in Isreal are also afraid for their lifes and in despair. This is why Sharon has enormous support right now, the guys is crazy dont get me wrong but when Isrealis just like Palestinians feel they are fighting with there back to the wall , desperate measures , which would not help anything in the long run seem logical.
lets get free:

It has proved that his destroying and murdering of thousands of innocent arab civilians has done absolutley nothing let alone destroyed the non existent "militant" "terrorist" networks which he claims are there but no one else has ever seen!

how do you think the bombs and bomb making equipment knowledge that killed 19 last night was reached, fucking thin air ???

The terrorist network is there and seems sadly to be quite effective thankyou very much.
So, Hamas are denying responsibility for the bomb attack, even though someone (presumbly with suitable comic arabic-style accent) phoned a TV station to claim responsibility.

So is it Hamas or a Ham-Fisted attempt by er, someone to derail any possibility of peace talks.

Still, the link that i quote above CAN'T POSSIBLY be true since no sane, responsible prime minister would countenace killing his own people for timely propaganda purposes, would they?:rolleyes:
The Strategist said:

“You just have to question the logic of this action. They know that Israelis strongly support action against terrorists. They know what has recently happened. So, what was the logic? It makes no sense at all! The only thing it can be is that they are deliberately trying to provoke a military reaction.”

I think your own blinkers (in spite of the nick you chose) limit you from understanding what is actually happening. You think of ‘the Palestinians’ as one undifferentiated mass, so therefore think that they as a whole are making a particular decision.

Yes, Arafat and cronies probably are furious at the timing of this bombing, just when some chance of talking about talking about peace might be on the cards, the US are not completely accepting Sharon’s lies about the current PLO leadership etc etc.

However, Hammas, Islamic Jihaad and Sharon all benefit from the bombing – albeit in weird, sick and twisted ways. But weird sick and twisted is what happens when you are faced with genocide, as the Palestinians know they are as long as war criminal Sharon is in power and retains the support of the voters and the IDF. Sharon wants to prove that there is no chance of negotiating with ‘these people’, so it also benefits his position (ie the genocide option).

Try to put yourself in the situation of being Palestinian. You have two choices: maybe, just maybe, you might get a couple of crumbs off the US/Israel table. Maybe a humiliating, unjust peace is possible. Just. Doesn’t seem likely, but might just be on the cards. Powel couldn’t do it. Maybe W might do something. Bit of a long shot, really. Meanwhile another Jenin is just around the corner.

The alternative is that there seems to be nothing Israeli’s understand except death. You are faced with genocide anyway. You have no choice of a normal life. Maybe you are slightly religious and talk of martyrdom is preferable to living in this living nightmare.

A difficult choice, no?

Sharon bleats on about Arafat and how he wishes that the Palestinians would chose another leader. This is madness in the extreme (and he knows it).

You chose for him. If not Arafat, then how about someone from Hammas, or from Islamic Jihaad, or from PFLP? Without Arafat, you would have someone with some dignity and energy, who would fight to the very death for his/her people, who would never accept a humiliating peace, and/or who will urge full out war of the Arab people against ‘the Jews’ and who would have to prove their militancy.

Not a nice choice, really, is it?
The Palestinian people didn't bring this upon themselves (which I find an offensive suggestion): most of them are too busy trying to survive in appalling conditions they have to live in to fight in the same way as young women killed by suicide bombers didn't bring it upon themselves (although as people voted sharon in you could argue that they have greater culpability). If you're looking for a root cause of the present trouble and the suicide bombers (ask yourself why people feel that they have no other choice but to kill themselves and others) then over 30 years of occupation, oppression and humiliation of the Palestinian people might be one...

I don't want to get into an argument about who started it but blaming an entire people for the actions of the extremists is stupid and irresponsible: it makes all the Palestinians terrorists which is what Sharon wants the world to think: it will be less hard for him to carve out more lebaunsraum then wouldn't it.

:rolleyes: :mad:
I think they bring it upon themselves in terms of shooting themselves in the foot sometimes thats all, because the isrealis now never believe their claims, even when they are completely true. there is no need for Arab TV stations to make up massacres when the truth is bad enougth (referring to jenin here in particular), I personally think something went on, but reserve final judgement ofcourse until the investigation is complete.

meanoldman your protecting people that prepare suicide bombings are you ??
sorry to sound arsey but could you rephrase that cause I'm not quite sure what I'm being accused of. I find the suicide bombings abhorant but not surprising and I can see how people could feel that a glorious death is better than the life they have to live, if that's what you are saying.
tis OK I missed out a "not" between your and protecting, it was just a question, I didnt quite understand the first part of your 11.38 post either which probably created the "losing of the plot" slightly. no accusations.

I just think there is serious lack of face to face interactions beween both sides, this more than anything else fosters hatred and despair. its not all masterminded by Sharon and Isreal is not the only guilty party, no doubt some (not hundreds) of civilians where killed in Jenin and also Sharon's latest moves with the UN have increased the thoughts of *some* people that Isreal is the big evil war machine, people see the UN as neutral but there is an enormous Arab say inside the organisation. Isreal was recently betrayed by the UN "neutrality" when UN soldiers were filming, but not resucing , isreal soldiers kidnapped by Hizbulla. So there is reason for Sharons distrust of the UN. We shouldnt believe everything we are fed in this country, theres always to sides to a story.....
Originally posted by bluepaul
Why are you cheering?

You are a Twat, learn to spell and stop doing all that txt shit.


thank you for your construtive critasim firstly not txt shit secondley you fucking arse at the time this was posted there were not details thirdly and most importantly whoa is not a cheer it is an expresion of suprise. dick weed you may apoligise later.

thank you.


You assume that the suicide bombings are a reaction to the terrible conditions the Palestinians live in.

That is wrong!

The suicide bombings are a reaction to the peace process. Until the peace process began, there were no suicide bombings.

The first came just months after the Oslo Accords were signed.

At a crucial turning point in the peace process (the Peres-Netanyahu elections), the suicide bombers struck devastatingly and turned the vote from Peres 15% lead to 1% loss.

Whenever peace negotiations were getting somewhere a suicide bomber came along and prevented the conclusion of the talks.

So, why blame the Palestinians poor living conditions for the suicide bombers?

The fact is, the bombers are hardline ideologists who can be found in any society (see the animal rights activist who apparently killed the right-wing Dutch politician).

Give them a cause, and they will kill (and die) for it (the means). The poor living conditions of the Palestinians is just the justification (like this Dutch guy said that the right-winger wanted to ease some animal rights law). Their end is the destruction of Israel.

The fastest way to end the occupation is to stop the terror!
The suicide bombings are a reaction to the peace process. Until the peace process began, there were no suicide bombings.

Therefore, let's make no attempt at peace? :eek:

What's the alternative strategy?
One thing that has consistently surprised me is the hypocrisy and double standards of the Pro-Israel lobby on these boards:
1. You have asked us, always, to understand the Israeli position, and to see an acceptable justification for the murderous activites of the IDF. NOT ONCE have I seen bluePaul, Tipesh, The Strategist even attempt to understand the situation from the Palestinians point of view.
2. You have been eloquent in talking about the Israelis' fear,and desire for security-what about that of the Palestinians? Theirs is the far greater suffering-over the past 50 years they have had their entire country stolen from them-and when you lose that you lose everything (ask any Irishman, or an East Timorese) - I am still to see one - just one - pro-Israeli's posting which accepts their plight, and offers suggestions about how this can be resolved, in a manner that is acceptable to the Palestinians.
3. NOT ONE Pro-Israel poster has admitted ONE INCH of Israeli culpability in this disaster (ie the whole issue)-do you sincerely believe that this is all 100% down to the Palestinians? That the Israeli Govt (led by a proven War Criminal) are lilywhite in all this? Because you seem to.
Finally-Yes, this suicide bombings are the work of sick, evil minds. But is itt not worth thinking how desperate someone must be, to do that. They are human beings just like you.
btw-far more civilians have been killed by the IDF than the terrorists-so what is the difference between Israeli state terror and Hamas etc terror? A life is a life is a life.
ok i'm now climbing into a flame proof suit as we speak but..........

what if it was not that a palsinitnain person let off the bomb but an isreali fundamentalist. My thinking goes along the line of it has happened beofre when the pro peace pro palastine leader of isreal was killed by one of his own.

the most promantent act to encourge the us to get back in to kline and support isreal would be to have apeace talk and then take out a large group of civilians to add weight to yur point "look this is while i am talking about they are still kill us even though I am talking peace with the US" ( a suggested paraphrase of sharron) ????????
wake the fuck up

it is so simple:


you grew up in occupied territories,
you heard stories baout ur grandparesnt being killed by the oppressors,
you now live in the occupied terrirtories,
you do the only thing u can,
you have no work, no roads,no hospitlas no nothing,
you make a bomb,
you go for the easiest target which u can find,
you dont know te difference between "good" and "bad" israelis, they are all jewish to you and they are all in militarised zone which has food, education, and everything which you odnt have,
you take out your anger.

THERE ARE NO TERRORIST NETOWRKS< has anyone here ever read the anarchist cookbook or any variatiosn on it? you dont need to be part of some sort of organisation to blow yourself up!

Hamas is not a terorist organisation - it buiseis itself making hospitals and schools for kids. it happens to have a militant wing which reacts like ANY NORMAL HUMAN WOULD UNDER OCCUPATION - U RESIST!

stop talking about peace processes - there will be no peace while the soil of palestine is stained with blood in the fields of our olive groves which are now covered in israeli settlements.

No peace with oppressors.
Originally posted by bruise

Therefore, let's make no attempt at peace? :eek:

What's the alternative strategy?

The Israeli left has been trying to make peace since 1992 when Rabin was elected. Peres and Barak also tried and failed.

Each time we tried Palestinian violence derailed us.

Many Israeli leftists are now convinced that there can be no peace. For example, 60% of the far leftist Meretz party support the offensive.

The only solution is a UN trusteeship over the territories, with independence to follow in 20 years time - presumably after the Palestinians have had the opportunity to develop a responsible leadership.
Originally posted by thestrategist

The only thing it can be is that they are deliberately trying to provoke a military reaction.

Provoke Military action LOL what the fuck do you think Isralie tanks have been doing for the last months? They are fighting for their lives.

So, who will be responsible for more Palestinian civilian deaths?


The suicide bombers are the enemies of peace and are !TOTALLY responsible for the current situation - and their actions are totally without sense.
Totally bollocks, Totally bigoted, totally talking shit.

Why now? Well Arafat is free, a peace conference is under consideration,(War criminal sharon finally bows to US pressure in the wake of oil embargos) the situation on the ground is relatively calm.(Go and live there then in a palastinian house)Was the situation getting too good, so that they had to destroy it?

If you think having Tanks blow up your house for weeks on end is good you must live in Hell.
Redjezza -

1. You have asked us, always, to understand the Israeli position, and to see an acceptable justification for the murderous activites of the IDF. NOT ONCE have I seen bluePaul, Tipesh, The Strategist even attempt to understand the situation from the Palestinians point of view.

Firstly, everywhere we look we see the Palestinian viewpoint being put across, and everywhere we look we see the Israeli viewpoint being ignored or belittled. But, I totally disagree with your claim that "not once" have you seen this. I always try to be as balanced as possible. The people who are suffering here mostly are the Palestinians. My point is that their own militants are the one to blame for 1) attacking Israelis, 2) basing themselves in populated areas. The Israeli left has tried since 1992 to make peace, but each time the terrorists derailed the peace process. What else can we do? We are at a loss for what to do now? It seems that the Palestinians only understand violence. We wanted to hand them a state on a silver platter, and what do we get in return? Nearly 500 dead in a year and a half. We tries to make peace to give justice to the Palestinian people, but each time their own militants derailed us. What would you do in this situation?

2. You have been eloquent in talking about the Israelis' fear,and desire for security-what about that of the Palestinians? Theirs is the far greater suffering-over the past 50 years they have had their entire country stolen from them-and when you lose that you lose everything (ask any Irishman, or an East Timorese) - I am still to see one - just one - pro-Israeli's posting which accepts their plight, and offers suggestions about how this can be resolved, in a manner that is acceptable to the Palestinians.

I, like most leftist Israelis have no real idea what to do now. Each time we tried to make peace, the terror just got worse.

3. NOT ONE Pro-Israel poster has admitted ONE INCH of Israeli culpability in this disaster (ie the whole issue)-do you sincerely believe that this is all 100% down to the Palestinians? That the Israeli Govt (led by a proven War Criminal) are lilywhite in all this? Because you seem to.

I don't think the Sharon govt. is lillywhite in all this. My point is that when the left was in power and was trying to make peace the terror each time got worse. So, if the left cannot succeed, then what? I do not support Sharon whatsoever, but what is the solution? I don't think there is a solution, which is bad for everyone. And I haven't seen any credible solutions on U75 either. All the solutions that have been put forward are either marxist/socialist oriented, or are blatantly pro-Palestinian.

Finally-Yes, this suicide bombings are the work of sick, evil minds. But is itt not worth thinking how desperate someone must be, to do that. They are human beings just like you.
btw-far more civilians have been killed by the IDF than the terrorists-so what is the difference between Israeli state terror and Hamas etc terror? A life is a life is a life.

Since you obviously didn't read my message to Meanoldman, here it is again:


You assume that the suicide bombings are a reaction to the terrible conditions the Palestinians live in.

That is wrong!

The suicide bombings are a reaction to the peace process. Until the peace process began, there were no suicide bombings.

The first came just months after the Oslo Accords were signed.

At a crucial turning point in the peace process (the Peres-Netanyahu elections), the suicide bombers struck devastatingly and turned the vote from Peres 15% lead to 1% loss.

Whenever peace negotiations were getting somewhere a suicide bomber came along and prevented the conclusion of the talks.

So, why blame the Palestinians poor living conditions for the suicide bombers?

The fact is, the bombers are hardline ideologists who can be found in any society (see the animal rights activist who apparently killed the right-wing Dutch politician).

Give them a cause, and they will kill (and die) for it (the means). The poor living conditions of the Palestinians is just the justification (like this Dutch guy said that the right-winger wanted to ease some animal rights law). Their end is the destruction of Israel.

The fastest way to end the occupation is to stop the terror!

---end of message to RedJezza---

---start of message to idiotface---

what if it was not that a palsinitnain person let off the bomb but an isreali fundamentalist. My thinking goes along the line of it has happened beofre when the pro peace pro palastine leader of isreal was killed by one of his own.

What do you base this theory on exactly? What proof do you have? Why are you wasting our time?

---end of message to idiotface---
Provoke Military action LOL what the fuck do you think Isralie tanks have been doing for the last months? They are fighting for their lives.
Israeli tanks always came as a response to a suicide bombings.
Israeli tanks withdrew from Palestinian controlled areas about a week ago.

I'll say it like this:
If we had one month, ONE MONTH, of absolute quiet from the Palestinian side, and no targeted killings from the Israeli side (I accept that IDF killing Reead Carmi a few months ago, during cease fire, was absolutely stupid and evil) - there would already be serious negotiations for a Palestinian state.
I promise you that.
It may be slower with Sharon, but he will agree too, eventually.
You may not remember, but in Barak times at least 20 times we had suicide bombings break off cease fire negotiations.

You must accept that suicide bombings are NOT resistence, they are only causing DAMAGE to both sides. They are the ONLY reason Palestinians don't have a state yet (I am talking about the last few years here, as far as I'm concerned we should have aldready withdrawn in 1967).
everywhere we look we see the Palestinian viewpoint being put across, and everywhere we look we see the Israeli viewpoint being ignored or belittled.

have u ever watched the mainstream news? then you will see the israeli viewpoint, it has only been aired for the last 10 years non stop......

and you bullshit about militants basing themselves in populated areas - THATS WHERE THEY LIVE U FUCK, where else can they base themselves? their homes, they arent a fucking army like IDF they are resistance fighters, they do it anyway they can..
Israeli tanks withdrew from Palestinian controlled areas about a week ago.

no utterly wrong, thats straight off Sky News, the IDF just move tanks around, they just roll from village to village, the wont have withdrawan until they had been dismantled and the parts painted pink...

and the tanks were the first provocation when they rolled into palestine 1948 / 1967....

all suicide bombings are from people sinking in the sea and grabbin onto the last pice of driftwood in the hope of surviving
all suicide bombings are from people sinking in the sea and grabbin onto the last pice of driftwood in the hope of surviving

ridiculous, you make it sound as if the Isrealis are aggressing until all Palestinians are exterminated. The Palestinians suicide bombers are waging a war there too. Lets get free, how can you prove the movements of the isreali Army you claim to know about ??
Sharon doesn't know how to spell peace let alone negotiate for it.

during 30 years in politics Ariel Sharon has objected to every single peace initiative not only with the palestinians, but with every arab nation. he opposed the madrid talks in 91(?) and he called the oslo peace accord 'the great betrayal'. he publicly accepted the mitchell plan because he had no choice, but then failed to implement a single element of it.

he has publicly conceded the need for a palestinian state, but it would be naive to think this is anything but a negotiating position. Sharon has always believed that Jordan is the true palestine, and that 'transfer' of the Palestinians to the east bank would unseat the hashemites and create a Palestinian state outside greater israel. Sharon deliberately dragged Israel into lebanon to pursue this objective - a war that not even the israeli cabinet wanted, let alone the israeli people. there is no evidence that he has changed his views in the twenty years since.

so the idea of sharon seriously negotitating peace stretches way beyond the bounds of credibility. he's not stupid enough to dismiss the prospect out of hand, but he is currently working overtime to ensure they are rendered irrelevent. over the last few weeks he has managed to exclude arafat from the talks, undermine the credibility of other participants (europe and saudi arabia are apparently complicit in suicide bombings), won assurances from the US that the talks will not be "substantive" and pressed successfully for the talks to focus on "reform" of the Palestinian authority before any issues of peace are negotiated.

for good measure he has dismissed out of hand any concession on jerusalem, and declared that to abandon netzarim (possibly the least secure settlement in gaza) would be to abandon tel aviv.

so i think its fair to conclude that far from being interested in peace, sharon is far more taken with classic israeli diplomatic stonewalling that yitshak shamir would have been proud of. meanwhile settlements will expand, buffer zones will be established, and incursions will continue.

in short, there will be no significant peace agreement, interim or otherwise, unless the US imposes one. and they won't.
Originally posted by Tipesh

the ONLY reason Palestinians don't have a state

... is because it has been stolen from them.

sorry to quote you out of context but as you seem to be fond of distorting reality
have u ever watched the mainstream news? then you will see the israeli viewpoint, it has only been aired for the last 10 years non stop......

That sounds very much like the constant "ZOG controlled media" rants of the far right.

Originally posted by Tipesh
... Israeli tanks withdrew from Palestinian controlled areas about a week ago.

I'll say it like this:
If we had one month, ONE MONTH, of absolute quiet from the Palestinian side, and no targeted killings from the Israeli side ...
Tipesh, I have a couple of questions for you on this bit of your post ...

1. How do you define the "Palestinian controlled areas"? Are you talking about the bits of Palestinian land that the IDF allow the Palestinians to live on, or are you talking about the bits of land as defined by the pre-1967 borders? Last time I heard, there were a lot of Israeli tanks on bits of land that the Palestinians would see as thiers.

2. Sharon tried the "no talks until a week of no violence" line, and you have now pushed the deadline out to a whole month. Since neither side managed a week without attacking the other, do you hold out much hope for a month of absolute quiet?

Peace, love and kisses,
thank you for calling me idiot face the stratgest nice to see that the arab isreali insuts still hold true even over the internet! firstly was there ever a pro palistineiae leader in power who made conseesions to the palasines and was then shot by an over zealious rabbi or was i asleep some 4 or 5 years ago an dreamed that there was once a peace f process that had real chance of succeeding unitl it was succppered by one person. netenyaho (wrong spelling i know0 it has been k now for the peace process to be suppered on both sides and for it to always be claimed that the suicide bombers are all the result of a terrist campine is the terriost/freedom fighter argument. Has it occured to you that if isreal were not in an occupied territory that they have repaetedlt been told by the world( all be it not very sturnley) that they shouldn't be in, and maybe if the houses which were there were not being pulled down the people ghettoised, and new houses more like intrunment fortresses being bulit for isreali settlers that the bombings may stop..for some one with a leftist view you coming from pretty much central right view points if you think that it is an act of terrioism to demand by any means the rights to your own land back. I suppose that between you and dubya you'd have the tibetans as terroists to, or the kashmereis or the nepalese, east temorians etc all asking for there land back and meeting the level of violence they are met with. i am in no way condoneing the fact that they are killing people look at my previous threads all killing is wotrng and achives nothing. it mearly stops the stus quo but does not prevent or alter anything long term exccept those peoples lives who die. in the current situation it has to be accpeted that if the reactive agressive tatics of shot first ask questions later is causing further killing perhaps this is not working I feel for every single human in that area especailly the isrealis who have made each occpied terriorty there home. they were lied to by there own goverment told that they couldd live there and that it would be ok the escalting violence that has happened against them is a direct result not of suicid ebombers but the eitire policcitacl basis of the settlements in the occupied terriorties. how unfortunate that you should be given a new place to live and raise your family only to tthe face beign wiped of the face of the palnet for moving house. this is what has ahppened to the settles in those places and it is worng that they are baring the brunt of the attacks which are an act of desperation about the policy of an idiot mitlarist goverment. not isreali ciezents however if neither side is blame less then we must look at the root causes of this and that is if the occpation of the terriroies continues then so will the murder, on both sides.

if you keep burning your hand in fire would you continue to put your hand into the fire? noe ofcourse you would't .

Palastinians and arabs are just fed up with isreal being used as the prime broker for oil in the middle east and therefore this gate way being supported by the US, UK and UN.

Isreal has had palastine over a barrel for the last 50 years and the fact that now common consenus has turned away form the "poor isreal being attacked by those evil a-rabs" to "fuck me they are ethnically cleansing every single palastinian from the planet" is just that the west is waking up form the holocauste guilt it quite rightly felt after ww2.

The fact the west openly allowed the jews to be murdered, and tried to apease it's own anit sematic views prior to ww2 by providing a home land to a group of jews that had previously lived else where (largley europe, and post war brooklyn) and had no heridarty links to the region at all. the palsintinans can trace ther root back in the area several thousand years.

the fact that this support has now turn awya form this is because dispite the holocaust or perhaps because of it no isreali or for that matter any body should ever be allowed to forget that it was ahorrilbe and morally bankrupt thing to allow. No contry what ever it's ethinicty or relgion has the right to wipe another even if you do not like them or feel it is your given right to be in that land equally no contry has the right to occupie land when it did not belong to them in the first place displacing the orginal inhabitans and then killing them for complaining.

I would have expected a race whom has been pursicuted for thousands and thousands of years to under stand this an be little more fucking compassionate than to bulldoze homes with tanks and summarlly exicute people for daring to complain that they are being treated badly by the very people tha thad previousy been opressed.

Or is it that the bllied becomes the bully?

On a slighlty diferent note i think its bollocks that you don't see the arab/palastinian view as other wise you wouldn't debate in her ewith me and everyone else you not bother and just think we were allarogeant and misinformed snubbing us all so i would liketo say that this is slurr on your collective chartures and would like not to add my voic eto those calls.

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