catching up, been working ...
no sane, responsible prime minister would countenance killing his own people for timely propaganda purposes, would they?
er, probably not (i'm a fellow of the fuck-up school of history - see the role of Italy in the Bethlehem siege) .. but .. given the current revelations in Israel about shady funding for Sharon's party and the history of course ...
if then how? given how mossad has been complaining that Sharon's military operation is pointless (and they have a point given this bomb wouldn't you think?) how else? maybe an indirect connection with the islamists themselves left over from 80s Israeli/American support?
whatever. it's all slightly surreal guesswork.
given that the CIA is reorganizing Palestinian security, Arafat just condemned terrorism in Arabic and (what was the other hoop he's supposed to jump through?) something else, what have the Israeli govt. still got against him? The dossier didn't hold much water and Sharon calling him a terrorist is pot-calling-the-kettle-black to us dispassionate observers :}
if Arafat does end up a figurehead and he's still supposed to be deported then we really are in a world title fight, heavyweight contenders, no holds barred, this-is-personal.
I think the real test of Hammas, Islamic Jihaad and al-aqsa would come if there was no Israeli killing of civilians (I know, I can hear the pigs wings flapping overhead). would they still continue the attacks on Israeli civilians? In a sense they're still stuck in Groundhog Day and the passive support in the population is huge. If the latter was cut away with some real hope of peace and a proper state how would they react?
It's also interesting to hear Bush and Blair harping on today about reform of the PA. Palestinian moderates first raised this but our dear leaders aren't crediting them. Big mistake. These people need to gain the ascendency in Palestinian politics for any new state to stand a hope of practically working.
Interesting also to hear about the first real splits in the Israeli cabinet. Sharon has been forced to accept some internationalization through the Ramallah and probable Bethlehem deals against his wishes and this idea is gaining currency on the Left and in Labor I understand.
Firstly, everywhere we look we see the Palestinian viewpoint being put across, and everywhere we look we see the Israeli viewpoint being ignored or belittled.
have you seen the CBS Evening News? they show it on BBC News 24? Have you read The Sun? Do I have to go on? A bit of intelligent investigative journalism on the Beeb and in The Independent does not a biased media make. And - recall - that study which counted up the 'biases' and it was running heavily in Israel's favor. Get a grip!
The people who are suffering here mostly are the Palestinians. My point is that their own militants are the one to blame for 1) attacking Israelis, 2) basing themselves in populated areas.
I refer the thread back to my long post earlier detailing how Israeli Palestinians are discriminated against in Israel both in law and in practise []. You cannot blame *that suffering on suicide bombers.
You may not remember, but in Barak times at least 20 times we had suicide bombings break off cease fire negotiations.
I understand that Israeli political realities intrude but all sorts of negotiations happen right in the middle of full blown tanks vs. tanks wars. if every time some fringe groups tried to derail negotiations they actually were derailed then they'd be no peace in countless countries. actually, removing yourself from negotiations *is 'caving in to terrorism'.
people see the UN as neutral but there is an enormous Arab say
scratched my head but can't think of anyone who sees it as 'neutral'. Mary robinson most eloquently described the UN the other day. It's a club for every nation. no one's left out. we're all there so it doesn't follow one agenda. It has some rules and policies (e.g. human rights) but these operate in this conflicted agenda. The point about Israel is the same as for Sudan and Cuba - the only human rights offenders last year according to the UN - it's politics which decides this internationally. But this doesn't mean that people like Mary Robinson or some of the UN humanitarian agencies or peace operations like the one in East Timor have no value. This is why the attack on the UN by the Israeli govt. was actually an attack on the rest of the world and isolationist. We want all the benefits but none of the responsibilities. And come on, it's no excuse to say '*they got away with it so why shouldn't *we'
It seems that the Palestinians only understand violence.
have a look at the polls of Palestinians. vast majority for peace.
The fastest way to end the occupation is to stop the terror!
sorry, but this really is the 'big lie'. Sharon has repeatedly said that he will *not stop the occupation. If Netzarim is just the same as Tel Aviv then Sharon wants endless war.
What else can we do? We are at a loss for what to do now?
Until Sharon is ditched for the left (who knows what amount of spilled blood Netanyahu would cause) and Israelis are persuaded by politicians (a decent position from labor would be a good start) to make real concessions (which didn't happen in Taba - I know you think Israel did give the family silver away, Tipesh, because you think "what the Palestinians see as theirs (some say entire Israel, some say 1967 lines) and what IS, practically, theirs (the A territories)" amounts to a state) then no end to the occupation. unless you have a different definition of 'the occupation'.
real concessions = real peace.
Someone from Ha'retz was making Tipesh's argument about rightists being the best people to make the peace last night, presumably because they would bring more of the people with them. this would work if there was any evidence that Sharon is capable of making peace (and I'm sure more than a few leftists have 'brought the country with them'). maybe you know something I don't but where's the evidence that Sharon could really make peace?
lastly, just to suprising perhaps rush to the defense of "bluePaul, Tipesh, The Strategist" (and sorry if this sounds patronising).The very fact that they are debating with us is cause for hope. Who are these Israelis who peace is to be made with. think. If we can change them and persuade them and draw their attention to other sources of information, and if more people do that with more Israelis, if *dialogue happens, then we are closer to peace. Don't be unnecessarily divisive. don't stop talking.
thank you for your contribution ali303, and ..
... OI! some of us here would rather not be screamed at, presented with the biggest paragraphs ever seen by man, abused or sworn at. too much to ask? I thought not. we don't want to go the way of the indie's boards now do we. calm the fuck down.