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whoa they've jsut blown up tel aviv

Sky News is reporting 30 people injured in the town of Rishon Letzion, outside Tel Aviv. Cause is said to be an explosion. No more as yet.

UPDATE: 2 confirmed dead. Media speculation is that this may be attempt to derail current negotiations.
At least 40 injured in blast at Rishon Letzion banquetting hall

By Ha'aretz Service

At least 40 people were injured in an explosion in Rishon Letzion, either at a banquetting hall or a disco, on Sakharov Street in the town's new industrial zone.

Initial reports stated that the explosion occurred at around 11:00 P.M., and emergency service were at the scene minutes later. The injured were evacuated to the Sheba Medical Center at Tel Hashomer and the Ichilov Hospital in Tel Aviv.

Magen David Adom reported that there were dozens of injuries in the blast, which occurred on the first floor of the building, causing at least one upper floor, and possibly the entire building, to collapse. Reports state that several people are still trapped in the rubble of the collapsed building.

It was not initially clear whether the explosion was caused by a terrorist's bomb or some other source, although Army Radio said that it appeared to be the work of a suicide bomber.

An eyewitness who gave his first name as Oren told Israel Radio that he was near the scene at the time of the explosion. "I just ran away from there. I don't know if it's a terror attack," he said.

Prime Minister Ariel Sharon's advisers have been informed of the incident, and are deliberating whether to interrupt the meeting with U.S. President Bush to tell the two men about the explosion.

Rishon Lezion event hall collapses following blast
People are reportedly trapped in the ruins of the collapsed structure
By The Jerusalem Post Internet Staff

An explosion in a Rishon Lezion event hall at 11:03 p.m. has caused dozens of casualties and the collapse of at least part of the building.

The nature of the blast on the first floor of the building remains undetermined at this time but authorities are considering the explosion resulted from a terror attack.

Dozens of Magen David Adom emergency medical ambulances and medics are already on the scene and are reporting at least 30 casualties.

Additional people are reportedly trapped in the ruins of the collapsed structure.

Security forces are also now arriving on the scene and the IDF's Home Front Command disaster rescue unit is also on its way.

Reports indicate the entire building in the city's new industrial area has collapsed as a result of the blast.

An eyewitness reported seeing large sections of the building flying through the air.
All reports (ITN, Sky, BBC) are of a single explosion only. Nothing on CNN or ABC online services.

Thanks for the above, pc, fullest report I've seen yet.

15 dead now confirmed.
BBC: entire building collapsing, eyewitness claiming 'lots of dead' - also suggestions may be non-terrorist, possibly local mafia
Does anyone even remember what all this madness is about anymore? All the time more people die, and for what? :(:(

thank god for the beeb. sky is doing tyson and ITN the baby snatchers.

Beeb reported an israeli general's remarks earlier today: 'we're going back in hard if [something like this bomb] happens'.

next stop gaza and god knows how much more bloodshed?
Originally posted by Jock_MacGrim
I hate to think what the IDF response to this insanity is going to be. A lot more innocent people killed, probably.

And who the fuck do you think were killed tonight?
Guilty people?
Gremlin, has anyone here gloried in this outrage? Why on earth are you shouting at us? You know what Jock said is true, it's sad that more people must die as part of the same insanity.

the beebs always quick off the mark when it comes to israelli victims - not so bothered bout palestinian civilians being killed tho

objective reportin my arse

nemo - basically its about the establishment of the israeli state after the 2nd world war and the forcible displacement of the palestinians from their land - just waiting for the flames but check out that basically at the start

for a more detailed analysis look at this Noam Chomsky article - mainly bout the US role in the sordid affair if me memory serves me right

Vinchenzo, is it really that simple? It is all reaction now, it has become so reactionary that any merit in the original cases is drowned in a sea of blood. :(

well yes an no - my impression is that in many respects and on a simplistic generalised level the situation is very similar to the one in northern ireland - as you say very reactionary & lots of bad bad blood on both sides - but then the manner in which the US has backed israel and done its utmost to avoid peace while spreading all this disinfo bout the palestinians not wanting peace - obviously complicates the matter somewhat - but yeah if you wanna know more bout this read the chomsky article as its well revealin bout what's really gone on and bout what the western media won't tell us
I'll read the article tomorrow as I must go to bed now. My impression here is that the situation is far worse than N. Ireland ever was, it is certainly on a far larger scale and the British government, for all its considerable faults, has been more restrained than the Israelis. Oh well, night night.

oh yeah in that sense yer prob right - especially in relation to the world situation and Bush's war on terror - things could get especially dodgy with this one - but don't forget the history of the british in ireland is a long an bloody one - the potatoe famine, religious persecution, occupation an all that
Godammit, Gremlin, how can I make this any clearer! Do you really imagine that I am defending terrorism? I'm just not prepared to defend the Israeli government's terror campaign, either.

And they are armed with tanks, helicopter gunships, jet fighters, missiles and a standing army.

This is all a bit ironic, given that I have spent a great deal of time in the past defending Israel's right not only to exist, but to take defensive action when necessary. And have been denounced as a (you guessed it) fascist for my pains!

I hate to think what the IDF response to this insanity is going to be. A lot more innocent people killed, probably.

You just have to question the logic of this action.

They know that Israelis strongly support action against terrorists.

They know what has recently happened.

So, what was the logic? It makes no sense at all!

The only thing it can be is that they are deliberately trying to provoke a military reaction.

So, who will be responsible for more Palestinian civilian deaths?

This is the point that I have been making all along.

The suicide bombers are the enemies of peace and are totally responsible for the current situation - and their actions are totally without sense.

They are deliberately sacrificing their own and Palestinian civilian lives to destroy the peace process.

Why now? Well Arafat is free, a peace conference is under consideration, the situation on the ground is relatively calm. Was the situation getting too good, so that they had to destroy it?

And they are armed with tanks, helicopter gunships, jet fighters, missiles and a standing army

The ONLY reason <i>they</i> are in the territories at the moment is because of the suicide bombers. The ONLY way to stop the occupation is by stopping terror.

For madmen, the timing is always right!
what was the logic? It makes no sense at all! The only thing it can be is that they are deliberately trying to provoke a military reaction. So, who will be responsible for more Palestinian civilian deaths?

it makes perfect sense for hamas. having it explode just when sharon was entering the white house - there's your message.

of course they want to provoke. sharon and hamas are locked in a deadly dance. 'kill more civilians and we will win' - but it is the killing of civilians on both sides which is driving this.

a ha'aratz reporter last night was talking of tumour cells and cutting them out and having only done 70% of the job. never mind the body dying because of the 'cancer' treatment! this sort of talk is just like algeria and countless wars against underground operations. military solutions never win. unfortunately I think this hasn't sunk in with most israelis so it will be gaza next or soon and a gaza invasion will truly be a bloodbath.
are you all blind?

this is EXACTLY what sharon wants!

It has proved that his destroying and murdering of thousands of innocent arab civilians has done absolutley nothing let alone destroyed the non existent "militant" "terrorist" networks which he claims are there but no one else has ever seen!

now Sharon has the palestininas exaclty where he wants them, which is totally what his "war on terror" is about.

He has the israelis (and pesky liberals in the UK)calling for arab blood, while the arabs are turning against their own leader who is forced to accept stupid US backed peace plans which wont even lead to peace!

its total bullshit and whats worse is everyone falls for it!

Sharon wants more bombings so he can carry on murdering more people and destroy palestine!

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